ppt cannot be opened:University professor Chen Hongyou was fired from the stage? The reason is that he shouted "study is for money" in the lecture-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

University professor Chen Hongyou was fired from the stage? The reason is that he shouted "study is for money" in the lecture

I see. According to the information you provided, Chen Hongyou, a professor at a university, chanted the statement "study is for money" in a lecture, which led to his resignation. This incident happened on the afternoon of February 18 at a lecture given b

On the afternoon of February 18th, Chen Hongyou, associate professor of the School of Education, Hefei Teachers College During the lecture at Lujiang Middle School, when the ppt could not be opened, Chen Hongyou first gave some content. The contents include "the real purpose of learning is money", "foreigners have better genes than Chinese, students should integrate with foreign good genes" and so on.

After making these remarks, a male student felt aggrieved by Chen Hongyou's remarks, so he rushed to the podium to grab the microphone and shouted "read for the rise of China".

After the incident fermented, Chen Hongyou immediately deleted all the videos on his account. Now all the videos on his account have been cleared. Before that, there were 208 videos on Chen Hongyou’s social accounts, many of which were xenophobic. The values ​​of the output content. According to the survey, Chen Hongyou has given more than 1,000 speeches in middle schools across the country. This is really frightening to think about. How many teenagers have been influenced by his stinky values.

Currently, Chen Hongyou has been attending a class, and the investigation team has settled in Lujiang Middle School to conduct field visits and investigations.

The Chen Hongyou incident reflects three problems:

1. Education has formed an atmosphere of success. Chinese teenagers are being poisoned by the vulgar value of "the book has its own golden house". Under the background of the popularization of higher education, our country cultivates more than ten million high-level talents every year, and this scale is still gradually increasing. However, in the process of increasing the number, the comprehensive quality of high-level talents cultivated every year in our country is gradually decreasing. Whether it is a junior college or an undergraduate school, most colleges and universities no longer focus on teaching and educating people, ignoring the improvement of students' comprehensive quality and academic quality. According to the survey, the knowledge taught to students in most majors in most ordinary colleges and universities in my country is "outdated" knowledge, and the textbooks and class materials used are all used several years ago or even ten years ago.

Second, the issue of teacher ethics. Education is a national plan, and the policy of rejuvenating the country through science and education is a policy that our country has been working hard to implement. What kind of teachers are there, what kind of education is there, and what kind of education is there, what kind of students are there. The morality of teachers and teachers affects not only one person, but also a group of people, and even a generation. Chen Hongyou is just a microcosm of the vast majority of college professors in our country. In recent years, there have been many news about the morality and ethics of college professors in China. The most typical one is the "sexual assault" time of college professors. Many male professors take advantage of their positions to sexually harass, assault, or even assault female college students for a long time. What's more, many female masters and doctors have been sexually assaulted by their supervisors for several years.

Third, the rise of young people's awareness of independent thinking. With the rapid development of the Internet, students in our country have got rid of their dependence on schools, teachers and books. Students can get in touch with various rich information through various channels. During the process of paying attention to and protecting, the students have formed the true values ​​of freedom, democracy, patriotism and integrity. For this, Xiao Bei was very pleased.

Finally, Xiaobei would like to say that my country's higher education is in urgent need of rectification, and the issue of teachers' ethics needs to be paid attention to by all colleges and universities and strict measures should be taken against it. Second, we should attach importance to the education and training of the next generation. The boys in Lujiang Middle School are the epitome of tens of thousands of teenagers in our country. The patriotism and correct values ​​of the students are the hope for the prosperity of our country and nation. For the sake of children's education, the Education Bureau and schools should pay attention to the educational environment of the students and strictly check the thinking and quality of the teachers.

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