:Typography|Single-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公


Fonts are also one of the very important factors in the campaign, which can affect the brand image and the information conveyed. Therefore, typography is a very important part of visual design. When designing fonts, the following aspects need to be consid

Fonts are used for almost every task in visual design work. Font is the most basic design element and an essential expression tool in design. Using the right typeface in the right environment can make the design more vivid and rigorous. In business activities, posters, books, packaging and many other media, the text part is an important tool for information transmission. In addition to the basic function of accurately conveying information, it also needs to be endowed with beautiful forms to make its visual communication stronger and richer. It can attract the user's attention more. The font design is different from the fonts in the font library. It is a font that has been artistically processed and sublimated. Compared with the stereotyped fonts in the font library, the charm of the font design is more unique and attractive.

Neil Tian

Typeface Design Works DesignDirector< /span>



1990~Completed the commercial design group of the Department of Industrial and Commercial Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Commercial Design Group, Industrial and Commercial Design Institute, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. NationalTaiwanUniversityofScienceandTechnologyDepartmentofCommercialDesign


Specialize in graphic design, editing and typesetting, printing application, text design and corporate/event identification overall planning integration graphicdesign, layout, print, type and CIS


2012 New Generation Design Award, Gold Award, Graphic Category, German Red Dot Design Award-Visual Communication Category, was selected as 2012yodexgraphicdesign-goldreddotcommunicationdesignaward-winner2013 Macao Biennale Silver Award

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