Shang Yang reform ppt:"Two Jins and Southern and Northern Biography" Three Anti-Three Traits in One Corner! Dark Energy in the Law of Historical Cycle-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"Two Jins and Southern and Northern Biography" Three Anti-Three Traits in One Corner! Dark Energy in the Law of Historical Cycle

It was a cold and silent winter day. The cold wind was howling, and the snow was flying, covering the entire capital Luoyang in a silvery white. Yu Wentai sat in front of the study window, looking at the snowy scenery outside the window. He held a thick h

The Advent of the Goddess Chapter 1 of Jishi's serial novel "The Story of the Two Jins and the South and the North": Three evils in one corner! Dark energy in the law of historical cycles

In 534 A.D., Yu Wentai took over as chairman of Wuchuan Group Company and began his own administration career. In the first days, he has been thinking about a bunch of issues of governance:
1. Regardless of the political system, government or political party, he must first figure out what path to take, what doctrine and system to use?
2. Why were the previous dynasties, regimes, and rulers so short-lived?
3. Our group of Wuchuan faction, with so many people, how can we continue to survive?

Yu Wentai analyzed Er Zhurong, Six Towns, Northern Wei Dynasty, After analyzing the former Qin Dynasty, it has been analyzed to the Jin Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern Han Dynasty and so on. He called his secretary, and he seemed to have an idea, so he hurriedly made a form.

The first cycle:
1. The Western Zhou Dynasty (276 years, The four seas surrender)
2. Two kings stand side by side (21 years calendar, ritual and music collapse)
3. Spring and Autumn Period (367 years calendar, melee merger)
4. Warring States period (255 years calendar, strong and powerful Hegemony)
5. Unification of the Qin Dynasty (14 years, the establishment of the system).

And now it should be the second cycle:
1. Western Han and Eastern Han ( 405 years of history, the four seas surrendered)
2. The Western Jin Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms (111 years of history, the collapse of rites and music)
3. The Eastern Jin Dynasty (104 years of history, melee mergers)
4. Years, the strong fight for hegemony)
5,? ? Unification (calendar?? Years, the system was established)

Yu Wentai seems to have discovered a big secret hidden in the universe, his eyes are shining up. Yes, history has rules. He wants to understand the meaning of "?? Unification (calendar?? Years, system established)". Could that "??" be himself? Is it possible that as long as a new system can be found, this period of chaos that lasted for more than 400 years from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the present can be ended, and the land of China will once again usher in a unified dynasty?

Yu Wentai is still analyzing:
1. Chinese prehistoric empire, Zhou Dynasty Why is the empire so powerful and so long-lived? That's because the princes enfeoffment system and the Zhou ceremony system were established. Some of them are still very useful today.
2. The first empire of China, the Qin and Han empires, why can those who can offend me be punished even if they are far away? That is because of the establishment of counties, centralization, and Confucianism. Among them, the concept of emperor is still in use today.

Yu Wentai picked up "Historical Records" and discussed with the ministers the number one in Qin and Han Dynasties The Rise of an Empire. Everyone agrees that whether Qin is a hero or a man is all because of Shang Yang's reform. So a group of people started an academic symposium on "Researching "Historical Records: Biography of Shang Jun".

In 361 B.C., during the Warring States Period, King Wei Hui [yīng] came to see him The last side of Uncle Cuo [read jie or not read cuó], the prime minister of the country.

The old man added a bit of knowledge before the Qin Dynasty: People in the past had surnames and Shi, famous, has characters. The surname is to confirm the blood relationship, and the clan is to confirm the tribal relationship. Such as Wei Wei: Ji's surname, Wei's family name, and Qin Shihuang's Yingzheng: Ying's surname, Zhao's family name, and Zhengzheng. In addition, in biographical history books, who is generally the first generation (that is, the protagonist); then his sons (generally scholar-bureaucrats) are not called surnames, but sons; and his grandchildren are not called surnames, but Called Gongsun. Therefore, his uncles are not called surnames, but uncles.

King Wei Hui: You can’t leave me too early, our country will What should we do?
Gongshucuo: I recommend a person named Gongsun Yang. Although he is young, he is really a genius.
King Wei Hui: Old Prime Minister, the promotion of our cadres has always been based on their background. Besides, you also recommend it from the current leadership team, why can't I just use your little follower directly, and I'm still a brat who has never known a humble status?
Gongshucuo: Your Majesty, believe me, I have seen countless people.
King Wei Hui: What do you think of me?
Grand uncle Cuo: ..., .... Your Majesty, it’s fine if you don’t listen, but the old minister will ask for instructions, please kill Gongsun Yang immediately, and never let him leave Wei Guo.
King Wei Hui: Old Prime Minister, you tell me to use him for a while, and kill me for a while, my head is so dizzy.
Grand uncle Cuo: ..., ....
(King Wei Hui leaves)
Gong Shucuo: Go, go and call Gongsun Yang.
Gongsun Yang: Mr. Xiangguo, I am here.
Gongshucuo: Xiao Yang, I recommended you in front of the king just now, but the king hesitated. Later I persuaded him to kill you. There is no way, I am Xiangguo, and the country must be number one. I put public affairs first and then private affairs, so I advise you to run away now.
Gongsun Yang: Hehe, Your Majesty won't listen to you and use me, so why would he listen to you and kill me?
Grand Uncle Cuo: (I think this young man is still honest...)

"Historical Records·Shang Jun Biography": meeting seat disease, Wei Hui The king went to ask about the illness, and said: "Uncle Gong's illness is as serious as it is irresistible, so what will be done to the society?" hey. Let the king go, and the Cuoping people said: "If the king doesn't listen to the martingale, he will kill him and leave the country without order." The king promised to leave. Gongshu Zuo called martingale to thank him and said: "Now the king asks that he can be a prime minister. If I say so, the king's face will not allow me. We are the first emperor and then the ministers, because we say that the king does not use martingale. I should kill him. The king allows me. You can Go away, and see the birds." Yang said: "The king can't use the king's words to serve as his ministers, and how can he use the king's words to kill his ministers?"

The old man thinks that Gongsun Yang is a young man after all, with no experience , How could he be confident that King Wei Hui didn't listen to him? Besides, if the monarch wanted to kill him, how could he wait for him to have time to speculate on the monarch? In addition, Gong Shucuo was old enough, knowing that King Wei Hui didn't like Gongsun Yang at all, so he persuaded Gongsun Yang to run away. After all, once this young man escapes, King Wei Hui will naturally pay attention to him and chase him down.

In the end, the naive Gongsun Yang was so lucky that he didn't escape at all, and King Wei Hui Also ignored him at all. A year later, Gongsun Yang "successfully" lived as a beggar in the state of Wei, unable to eat. Then, he became a refugee and justifiably came to Qin.

At this time, Qin State, the monarch is Qin Xiaogong Ying Quliang, and he is also happy "Political beggars". Because:
1. Back then, our ancestor Qin Mugong was one of the Five Hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period. What is the state of Qin now?
2. The group of lords in the east think that our Qin State is a barbarian, and the international summit will not take us to play.
3. The neighboring state of Wei has become stronger through reforms, and immediately robbed our land of Hexi.
4. There is no danger to defend our eastern front. It is not a question of whether other people look down on us, but a question of our home being rushed in casually.

Gongsun Yang met Qin Xiaogong at a very opportune time and submitted an unprecedented reform plan.

Gongsun Yang is well aware of the power and consequences of reform. So in order to do enough homework, Gongsun Yang also drew a big cake for Qin Xiaogong:
1. Ordinary people only look at the immediate things and the immediate interests. If the opportunity for reform comes, this group of people must be indifferent.
2. Some people will gossip and ridicule, but the reform has achieved results, and this group of people will be the first to rush to pick the fruit.
3. Experts tend to be narrow-minded and only work in the field, which is very rigid, so don't be with them on major policies.
4. As long as it is beneficial to the country, don't worry about whether it is traditional or not.
5. Ordinary people can only participate in reform, wise people only need to support, wise people only need to persist, and the rest of the gang can do whatever they want.
6. So you (Qin Xiaogong) are wise, and I (Gongsun Yang) are wise.

After reading this, Yu Wentai also agrees that the above summaries are worth every A leader to learn and implement.

Gongsun Yang’s reform has many contents, but there are two core aspects:< /span>

1. Land reform

1. All territories will no longer be enfeoffed, and will belong to the country, the entire Qin State Divided by county system.

The enfeoffment system of the Zhou Dynasty was really good, but the biggest drawback was "I My little brother's little brother is not my little brother." So after a long time, Zhou Tianzi couldn't control the following group of princes who had evolved through several generations, because they only listened to their boss, their overlord, and their king.

After the enfeoffment system is changed to the county system, everyone must listen to the central government , all my younger brothers. Local officials receive wages from the state, manage the people, and collect taxes as required. The service object is no longer your superior leader, but the central government.

For a while, the group of armed lords on the land, All of a sudden, they all became renters who collected money for the central government.

To this day, the systems of our provinces, cities, counties, villages, and streets are still This set of ideas of Shang Yang's reform has gone through more than two thousand years. This system is really mature, really stable, and really advanced.

2. Land sales are allowed, but you have to pay taxes to the country or perform military service.

The greatness of this reform is not the land, but the solution to the tax cost . In the past, the land was all in the hands of the literati. This group of bastards, it’s fine to sing against the monarch. When it comes to wars and infrastructure construction, it’s hard to ask anyone for money. The most hateful thing is that they don’t know how much money they have. How to collect taxes.

So, with this plan, in the past, ordinary people could only plant other people’s land, Now you can grow your own land, not to mention the enthusiasm, firstly, you can encourage land reclamation, secondly, farmers can farm the land with peace of mind without causing trouble, thirdly, the common people can be at ease when they have real estate, fourthly, how much land does the country have, how much grain is planted, and how much farmers have How much and so on can all be figured out.

3. Citizens implement household registration.

Gongsun Yang not only conducted a census of the population of Qin, but also For registration, it is stipulated that after becoming an adult, a separate household must be registered. Qin people are not allowed to wander around casually, and private hotels are not allowed.

Where you were born, you will be honest and honest all your life.

Of course, Gongsun Yang is also aware of the problems of population concentration and urbanization, so I also added a regulation on land reclamation and immigration: the land in the east is not enough for planting, and the land in the west is all left uncultivated. Let me emigrate. Whoever runs fast will have the land to plant, and whoever plants the land will get the land. Then, a large number of proletarians embarked on the road of "developing the West". Not only that, the Qin State also felt that the population was not enough, so it publicized the "land as soon as you come" household registration immigration policy, which caused a large number of citizens from the six eastern countries to smuggle in.

4. Unified measurement and standardization.

I won’t go into details here. In short, the unified measurement is for easier taxation , It is more conducive to the currency system to manage the national economy.

Standardization, which benefits the country too much. Just like the Qin crossbow arrows we excavated from the terracotta warriors and horses, each arrow has three sharp edges, and the error is less than a millimeter. From this detail, it can be understood why Qin was able to reduce the dimension and attack the six countries.

Second, military and political reform

1. Design a 20-level military rank system and clarify the reward and punishment standards.

The previous titles are all inherited. . The gentry could do whatever they wanted, and the Han tribe didn't have anything they wanted. Can't play like this anymore. From now on, there is only one way for all titles: kill the enemy and take the enemy's head back to claim it. That's how the word "leadership" came about.

Gongsun Yang stipulates: No matter what noble or royal family you used to be, so much has been passed down The title of my generation, until your generation, I will go to the battlefield to kill people. Therefore, this system has greatly eliminated the gap between the untouchables and the nobles, and every citizen can change his destiny by cutting people.

Actually, Gongsun Yang was born in the Wei State, which also went through the "Wu Qi Reform" before. Successfully created an advanced army called "Wei Wuzu", the superiority of the system turned into a victory, and it was invincible all over the world at that time. But at the time of Gongsun Yang, this group of highly paid veteran cadres and their descendants brought a huge burden to the country. Therefore, Gongsun Yang added a special one: If you die naturally, the title will be gone. That's right, the title cannot be inherited.

But the common people are still desperate for titles because:
1. If you commit a crime Yes, titles can be offset.
2. If you want a high income, good clothes, a big house, and more concubines, you must meet the rank requirements of the title.

Gongsun Yang is well aware of human nature, so he did not forget to add a line: Although titles cannot be inherited , but if you died in battle, your son can inherit it.

Too bloody. Under this kind of regulation, when the Qin people go to the battlefield, there is no enemy in their eyes, they are all big gold ingots.

2. Implement the military service system.

In the past, the army was the business of scholar-bureaucrats, but now it is no longer possible. Gongsun Yang stipulated: Qin When a Chinese man reaches the age of 20, the country will give you the land and let you plant it for 3 years. After 3 years, bring at least 1 year’s worth of food saved up, and bring yourself to the service office to register for duty. You will start serving for two years. In the first year, you will go to the front to fight, and in the second year, you will serve as a local or palace guard. After the expiration of the service period, he returned to the village and was issued the status of a good citizen, waiting for the state to recruit him at any time until he was 56 years old and retired with honor.

Don’t forget that Gongsun Yang conducted a census. He knows that people in Qin generally don’t live past 55 age.

Under this regulation, plus the addition of the household registration system, the monarch naturally understands: How many people are there in our country, how many people can be used, how many people are in reserve, how many new births are born in our country every year, how many new "employment" jobs are created, and how big the military advantage is in wars, all of which are much clearer.

3. The strict laws of the Qin State, "tyranny of the Qin Dynasty" is not a lie.

There are many Qin laws, the old man did not study law. The main ones are:

The first and fifth teams form a team and sit together. Whoever wants to rebel or oppose the government, the informer will reward a leader, and the five hidden traitors will sit together.

Second, anyone who wants to fight will be tortured and served. It's not our current "who wants to fight, the winner will be sent to the detention center, and the loser will be sent to the hospital". Qin Lv's fate is very miserable, the worst is called five horses to divide the corpse, and the people in almost every village have been shocked by this criminal law. Gongsun Yang experienced it himself in the end.

Gongsun Yang’s idea is: you farm the land honestly and fight Call me abroad. Anyone with too much hormones and too much energy will either go to the battlefield to release it or release it on the bed, either killing the enemy or giving birth to a baby, but whoever dares to fight will do it.

As a result, the social atmosphere of Qin people is super good, and the law and order are also super good. Everyone who sees a native will hug sincerely from the heart.

Of course, there are many other "Shang Yang reforms" by Gongsun Yang. business and so on.

Finally, it is the textbook that each of us learned in elementary school. Gongsun Yang uses The plan of letting people carry logs to give bounties explains the credibility of the government.

Look at the results, but let's talk about the military.
1. In the 4th year of Qin Xiaogong, he defeated the Han army in Xishan (north of Shangnan County, Shanxi).
2. In the 8th year of Qin Xiaogong, Shaoliang of Wei State (southwest of Hancheng, Shaanxi Province) was captured; Anling and Shanshi of South Korea were captured.
3. In the 10th year of Qin Xiaogong, he surrounded and occupied Anyi, the old capital of Wei Dynasty.
4. In the 11th year of Qin Xiaogong, he occupied Guyang (Mizhi, Shaanxi Province), the most important strategic stronghold in the northwest of Wei State, and opened up Wuguan, the necessary throat between Qin and Chu.
5. In the 19th year of Qin Xiaogong, King Zhou Xian, the emperor of Zhou, granted Qin Xiaogong the title of "Leader of the Western Feudal Covenant", establishing the image of an international hegemon.

Gongsun Yang led troops to fight by himself, such as Anyi and Guyang commander in chief. In the 22nd year of Qin Xiaogong, Gongsun Yang defeated him in one fell swoop. He was once a colleague of the old country minister and also the son of the prince of Wei Guo[áng]. After Wei Huigong got the news, he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and finally he cut off the land seven hundred miles west of Hexi before asking for peace. Since then, the natural barrier of the Yellow River has become the border between Qin and Wei. Gongsun Yang was named Shang Yang because of his military exploits.

What is certain is that Wei Huigong must be at this moment: Who knew this guy was so big The destructive power, regretting that he didn't listen to the words of the old country's uncle Zuo.

But, who told you not to do this?

After the symposium, Yu Wentai was not only very excited, but also showed his love for A sense of hunger and thirst for people with great destructive power.

One ​​day, Yu Wentai and his subordinates went to Kunming Lake for a sightseeing walk, and walked to the Han Dynasty in the west of the city When visiting the old place of Cangchi, he suddenly asked the people around him, who knew the allusion of this scenic spot? As a result, no one knows. At this time someone said: "Su Chuo is well-informed". So Yu Wentai summoned Su Chuo. Su Chuo was very eloquent, and his responses were fluent. Yu Wentai was taken aback, so he kept Su Chuo for a discussion. Later, Yu Wentai found that discussing governance concepts with this person became more and more exciting, and sometimes he did not feel tired of talking until dawn. Later, Yu Wentai publicly said: "Su Chuo is really a genius. I want to appoint him to handle political affairs now. Immediately grant Su Chuo the position of Daxingtai Zuocheng to participate in the management of confidential affairs."

"Book of Zhou · Su Chuo Biography": belongs to Taizu and Gongqing Go to Kunming Lake to watch the fish, and go to the old warehouse of the Han Dynasty in the west of the city. There are advisers around, and no one knows. Or say: "Su Chuo has a lot of knowledge, please ask." The Taizu is Zhao Chuo. With the right. Taizu Dayue, because he asked the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, and the traces of the rise and fall of the past dynasties. Chuo has oral arguments and responds fluently. Taizu Yixi. Nai and Chuo rode slowly to the pond, but returned without setting up a net.

Then, Yu Wentai and Su Chuo continued to study in depth, and this self In the 400-year chaotic times of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, where did the social system go wrong?

Therefore, Yuwentai held another "Internal Meeting on Eastern Han Dynasty Issues".

Su Chuo said that this country is essentially similar to starting a company, except for taxation. In the past, when the dynasties perished, the emperor had no taxes and went bankrupt. This issue was especially obvious in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty pursued Confucianism, and did not follow the Qin law, and gradually developed Xiaolian is a system that selects talents as officials from the bottom up. After N rounds of involution, this system has become a protectionist behavior of the local bureaucracy: children born in the central gentry will become central officials in the future; Home, just do hard work for the rest of your life. Yes, class is monopolized.

During the Western Han Dynasty, local wealthy families often concealed their land and population to increase their power. The gentry in the late Eastern Han Dynasty were better at controlling local official careers, local salt and iron, clan land and other means to become big and powerful for generations.

In 36 A.D., after Wang Mang's havoc in the Heavenly Palace, the land of China, where to go Liu Xiu, who has the support of the wealthy family and the support of the masses wherever he goes, unified the whole country. The "perfect emperor" Liu Xiu also "released his military power with a glass of wine" and gave absolute material rewards to the veterans of Yuntai generals, fulfilling their original shares in the revolution. This group of people returned to their respective positions and sites, took control of their careers and the economy, and gradually became the largest group of "separatists".

Liu Xiu is lucky in this era, his hometown is Nanyang, and the current Nanyang prefect Du Shi actually invented the "water drainage", which made iron tools reach the level of popularization, and social productivity was greatly improved. However, the country's tax revenue and economy have not improved. The reason is probably: the Western Han Dynasty was in chaos for decades, and many household registration and land books were destroyed, and the wealthy forces controlled the society for more than 100 years, and the original household registration and land had changed. Although Liu Xiu became the emperor, his family itself is a wealthy family in Nanyang. Of course he knows how his family keeps people and land in it.

Since he is the emperor now, Liu Xiu must carry out Land and household registration check work. However, Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, who has rich experience at the lower level and is confident in the top-level design, discovered that this work was extremely difficult. Either the policy could not be pushed forward, or the data falsification was too realistic. Why, because the land data reported by the counties and counties is less than the statistics of the Qin Dynasty. This is simply a satire on whether the ancestor Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty expanded his territory.

Until one time, a letter written by Chen Liu, a small official, was stolen by Liu Xiu saw that it was recorded: In the matter of land investigation, you can only investigate in Yingchuan, Hongnong and other places, and do not investigate in places like Henan and Nanyang. Liu Xiu was annoyed immediately, Henan and Nanyang are the capital and hometown of my emperor. So Liu Xiu investigated for a long time, but no one told the truth. Until the age of 12, Liu Yang said: the capital is the emperor's close ministers, and Nanyang is the emperor's close relatives. Only then did Liu Xiu discover that the land inspection had caused a lot of problems.

This period of history is actually called "Guangwu Dutian". There is no need to talk about the following stories, but the result is that the land inspection work has become a tacit cooperation between the central and local governments. Mainly manifested in:

1. The power of local snakes.

Whenever officials go to the countryside to collect taxes in the village, the local village chief will say: There are only a dozen or so households in my village. I can't figure out the population, and I can't find out the land. If you enter the village, I'm not sure that these hillbilly people won't be able to kill you in it.

The official said: Don't bother, each household charges 50 shi, no further discount up. I respect you as a village head, if you don't cooperate, I will go back to the village where people slaughtered you and clean up all of you.

In this way, both sides made concessions, and this kind of compromise has been compromised for hundreds of years. So there is no big problem in terms of taxation, but is the government clear about population and land?

2. The means of the local rich.

The most terrifying thing is actually the large number of local rich people hiding their population. These wealthy families directly occupy the rent on this land, and then I pay taxes according to the requirements of the superiors, and perform corvee and military service according to the requirements of the superiors. For the rest, I have no relationship with the superiors.

What can the rest of the rich family do? It must be a private weapon. Therefore, once natural disasters and man-made disasters occur, the majority of ordinary people can no longer survive, so they can only choose to join the local wealthy families and join the "state-owned enterprises" extensively, and the population and land books are also thrown into it.

When the central government wants to check the land and population again, the rich families below have teams Pull out the drying rack. Unless there is an army with strong fists in the central government, it is better to compromise and engage in tacit understanding.

In short, a vicious circle step by step. With the population and land gone, the tax revenue will also be gone. How can the government of this dynasty survive? It can only be replaced by rich donors or those who can raise money, and the dynasty has changed.

Yu Wentai is determined, we must reform. Very good, leadership attitude is the premise of reform. After all, if leaders want to change, they must come from the heart and not just for three days.

However, human beings are always a group of interests. For things like reform, there are only three core elements:
1. How can we find the right path?
2. How to heal the labor pain quickly?
3. How can everyone's interests make the transition willingly?

Thousands of years of Chinese history, countless reforms, but few successful reforms And less. This thing is like making blue and white porcelain, not to mention scientific solutions, standardized processes, and data. Whether it is good or bad depends on the elusive fire and Schrödinger's luck. What is the English name for porcelain? Is it lowercase china?

A group of officials such as Su Chuo said: Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, including Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty That's just a different pattern. In fact, these problems have continued, including when the Northern Wei Dynasty was founded, the local government still did it like this. However, there was a woman who actually solved the problem of hundreds of years. The only pity is that the Six Towns Rebellion broke out not long after.

Yu Wentai was shocked, it turns out that there is such a woman in the world who can take out even The solution that so many great emperors in the Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Western Jin Dynasty, the Former Qin Dynasty, and the Northern Wei Dynasty could not come up with for hundreds of years?

Su Chuo handed out the PPT that he had written for a long time at the right time.

In 541 AD, Yuwentai’s Minister of Finance and Logistics (Daxingtaiduzhi Shangshu and Si Nongqing) Su Chuo submitted three reforms:

1. A lot of officials were abolished, so that the central government can insert a pole to the end.
2. The grassroots implemented the "two-head system" of the township and the village chief, and fully copied the experience of the woman's "three-head system" in governing the country.
3. The army realized the garrison of the fields, and fully copied Cao Cao's good skills.

Prime Minister Wei wants to change the current political situation in order to strengthen the country and enrich the people. Daxingtai Duzhi Shangshu and Secretary of Agriculture Su Chuo used his wisdom to agree with the matter, reducing officials, setting up two chiefs, and setting up farmland to support the military.

Then, Su Chuo copied that woman's ruling platform again , changed to the famous "Western Wei Six Edicts", a king exploded out, including:

1. Treat the heart first. Carry out a series of combined punches of pure heart and clean government education.

"Six Articles of Edict": The so-called pure-hearted people are not greedy The so-called wealth is to make the heart and mind calm and the will calm. When the heart and mind are quiet, there is no reason to worry about evil and out-of-the-way. If you don't do evil and secluded things, then everything you think about will get the most righteous reason. If the principle of the most public is applied to the people, the people below will not follow it. Therefore, it is said that the foundation of governing the people is to govern the mind first.

2. Dunjiaohua. Give full play to the guidance and publicity role of local governments.

"Six Articles of Edict": Husbands, noble fans Chunfeng, soaked in the ether, is moralized by it, and shown by simplicity. To make the common people become obsessed with goodness, evil and hypocrisy, and the nature of lust are digested latently, without knowing why. This is called transformation. Then teach them filial piety to make the people love; teach them benevolence and obedience to make the people harmonious; teach them propriety and righteousness to make the people respectful. Compassion is not to spare one's relatives, harmony is to have no complaints against others, and respect is to give way to things.

3. Make the most of the location. Repeated meetings were held to study the spirit of the meeting to publicize and implement food safety as the first issue, and crack down on lazy people and refugees across the country.

"Six Articles of Edict": Maiqiu is in the wild, silkworms stay indoors, if At this time, it is advisable for all young and old to work hard, men and women to work together, if rescue drowning, fire fighting, bandits and robbers are coming. Then the farmers will not lose their jobs, and the silkworm women will get their merits. Those who are idle and lazy, return early and leave late, love leisure and hate work, and are not diligent in their careers, will be given the name of the county by the chief minister, and they will be punished according to the order. This is the teaching of Ming Zai.

4. Promote Xianliang. All officials who hinder large-scale production will be dismissed, and the work content of grassroots institutions will be fully consolidated.

"Six Articles of Edict": Rumor has it that in Xiazhou County, there are still False, disturb the fine people. Very unreasonable. Such a generation should be dismissed, and it is not customary. Officials in non-Zhizhou prefectures should be good people. From the position of head of the party and clan, all should be judged and selected, and each will be selected by a township to supervise the rule. The husband is the elder, the foundation of governing the people. Those who do not lean on the foundation will be safe in the sky.

5. Prison litigation. The sentencing is lenient and the death penalty is reduced, but the focus is on combating and warning those who are cunning, depraved, disobedient, unfaithful and unfilial.

"Six Articles of Edict": If there is a deep treacherous and cunning Corruption, disobedience to human relations, disloyalty and filial piety, so you are an apostate, kill one and benefit a hundred, turn into a Qing king, and you can be severely punished. Knowing these two ways, the punishment and administration will be exhausted.

6. All taxes. Regardless of whether you are powerful or poor, everything is equal to one bowl of water, one standard, less excuses and crooked ways.

"Six Articles of Edict": Therefore, since three or five years ago, there have been levies tax laws. Although the severity is different, the same is used for economical use. Today, the rebellion is not yet over, and the military resources are extensive. Although there is no reduction in savings, in order to care for the people, the order is even and the subordinates have no shortage. A person who is average does not give up the mighty and the strong but conquers the poor and the weak, and does not indulge the treacherous and skillful to be impoverished and foolish. This is called equality.

Yu Wentai attaches great importance to Su Chuo's reform, not only The spirit of the conference was publicized many times, and it was also stipulated that those who could not recite the six imperial edicts and the household registration system could not be officials and were detained for inspection.

The twenty-three volumes of "Book of Zhou" biography: Taizu is very important , often placed on the right of the seats. He also asked Bai Si to recite it. The head of the shepherd's guard is not allowed to be an official unless he understands the six articles and accounts.

By the way, there is also the red head file system, which is also the reform It was invented by Su Chuo, and after thousands of years, the old man still uses this thing to run errands from time to time.

After this reform, the GDP of the Western Wei Dynasty has risen significantly, and the combat effectiveness of the army Also went up a few steps. Soon, Gao Huan realized it deeply.

Yu Wentai is very satisfied with Su Chuo, and Su Chuo also admitted to Yu Wentai: When we reformed, governments at all levels and rich families in various places were already very familiar with this system. The reason why it works so well is because the woman in front has smoothed it out, so everyone and the masses can get started quickly and without obstacles.

Therefore, another symposium must be held to make the whole country publicize this woman the spirit of.

This woman is simply a god, and her name is Empress Dowager Civilization.




The old man should end this story, but he really can’t help but say another sentence :

In fact, Yu Wentai did not understand the laws of historical cycles. Now look at it from the perspective of God and reveal the true appearance of this law:

The first cycle:
1. Spring and Autumn (294 years calendar, melee Annexation)
2. Warring States (255 years, strong and strong contend for hegemony)
3. Qin Dynasty (14 years, two dynasties subjugated)
4. Han Dynasty (422 years, extremely brilliant)
>5. Three Kingdoms (60 years of history, the world is in chaos)

Second cycle:
1. Two Jins (156 years of history, melee Merger)
2. The Southern and Northern Dynasties (169 years, the strong contend for hegemony)
3. The Sui Dynasty (38 years, the two generations perished)
4. The Tang Dynasty (289 years, extremely brilliant)
>5. Five Dynasties (60 years of history, the world is in chaos)


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