:Treasure Software | Massive PPT template plug-in tutorial resource delivery-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Treasure Software | Massive PPT template plug-in tutorial resource delivery

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Hello everyone

Graduation season is coming. Some people are full of confidence and have already waited for graduation, but some people are frowning. They can't run the thesis, the defense...it sounds really...

In the last issue, we shared tools related to writing papers. In this issue, we will share tools related to PPT defense.

I believe that after entering university for so long, I don’t need to talk about the importance of PPT anymore. Course defense, job report, year-end summary, and even job hopping and promotion, everyone will never escape the clutches of PPT.

But so what? The almighty Du Niang will help us solve it~There are indeed some free PPT templates on Baidu, the way to get them is as follows?

STEP1: Find the PPT template website, register and log in. The website generally provides a variety of registration methods, QQ, WeChat, Sina, email, etc... In short, you don’t have to worry about the problem of not being able to register

STEP2: Open the webpage and search for templates with keywords. After a few pages or so, you will find free and nice templates.

STEP3: Open the template and click to download. It turns out that members are required to download free templates from this website.

STEP4: Swallow your breath, and open the member payment page in order not to let the templates you have worked so hard to find go away. Membership is 99 per day, 199 per month, and 599 per year. If you pay an annual fee, you can save a lot of money... After thinking about it, the mouth is fragrant, and it is turned off at once up the page.

Below, start this super complete PPT related resource integration>
Part1_Conscience PPT Template Website
First of all, I will give you a convenient way to set up templates, after all, it will take a while to learn how to make PPT, and it is impossible to become a master in seconds from a rookie Xiaobai. This method can be used for everyone's emergency.
PPT website class
First of all strongly recommend this: PPT material navigation— hippterL
This website is an aggregation website, which aggregates a lot of good websites for finding PPT templates, and also has PPT material packages, works of great gods, and Weibo of PPT experts; it also brings together many high-quality picture websites and color matching tools at home and abroad.
The following websites can be roughly divided into 3 categories :
The first category: free and high quality. Many unscrupulous Taobao sellers will download templates from these websites, package them and sell them, and claim to be original works.
1. Microsoft OfficePLUS (PPT+Word+Excel website)
OfficePlus is the official Microsoft Office The online template website provides various high-quality PPT templates, PPT practical modules, Word job resumes, Excel charts, picture materials and other material resources. And free to use and free to download, it is a rare good website. In addition: there are some PPT templates with special logos, as long as you link your Microsoft account, you can enjoy unlimited free downloads of exclusive templates.
2. The first PPT
http:/ /www.1ppt.com/
The UI interface of this website is relatively low, but the PPT template inside is very good, and the resources are also very rich. Looking forward to optimizing and upgrading the appearance of the first PPT.
3, 51PPT template
http:// www.51pptmoban.com/
are all free PPT material resources, with ready-made templates, pictures, icons and other materials.
4.PPT Treasure
http:// www.pptbz.com/
PPT Treasure is a free PPT resource website. It contains PPT templates, PPT materials, PPT tutorials, etc. The key point is that there are a lot of PPT tutorials here, and they are also very detailed. If you want to learn how to do PPT, you can also take a look.
5.592 Professional Circle
https://www .job592.com/ppt/
There are not many materials in this website, and the interface is also very ugly, but the PPT inside is very classic, More suitable for defense and work use.
6. Big PPT
http:/ /www.tretars.com/ppt-templates
There are very few templates in this website, it is troublesome to search, but the quality of the templates inside is still good Yes, there are various ways to download. At the same time, there are also PPT tutorials, PPT materials, PPT software and so on.
7. Youpin PPT
http:/ /www.ypppt.com/
Youpin PPT template network is a website dedicated to sharing high-quality free PPT template downloads.
Next, let’s talk about the second category: free, charged and free The quality is high, and these sites allow free templates to be downloaded without any hassle.
8. Performance Network
There are also many good works in the free performances of Yanjie.com, but it takes a little effort went looking for it.
9. Rice husk
https:/ /www.docer.com/
The interface is good, and the search is also very convenient. This website is the rice husk under Jinshan, a big company All aspects of the website are still very good.
10. Webmaster Material
http:/ /sc.chinaz.com/ppt/
The distinction between free templates and paid templates is very clear, do not allow free and paid templates to some websites The paid templates are put together, allowing you to find them slowly, which is very practical.
https://www .pptstore.net/
The free templates in this website are good, and the styles are also diverse. There is a special free area, click to open That's it.
12. slidemodel
https://slidemodel .com/
An English PPT template and material website that provides overall templates, icons, maps and other design elements. 150 free PPT templates are provided every week, which can be downloaded after registration.
Although there are not many free templates, the quality is still very high.
Finally, the third category, PPT templates are of high quality but charged. Even if you don't buy these websites, you can still watch the master's works for learning and use.
13. Chameleon
https ://www.ppt20.com/
The quality of the templates inside is very high, and it is very convenient to browse, you just need to point to the You can browse all the pages in this PPT without even clicking to open it.
http://www .pptfans.cn/
There is a very interesting template collection in this website, the domestic university PPT template, you can also read it while studying See if there is a template for your own university.
15. Wotu.com
https:/ /www.ooopic.com/pptmuban/
Although it cannot be downloaded for free, the templates inside are of high quality and everyone can learn, and this website There is a good function, find similarities, you can see what similar PPT templates look like, synthesize them, and make your own templates.
https://www .presentationload.com/
The materials in this website seem to have no disadvantages except that they are expensive. The materials in it can be browsed. And it is very convenient to browse, you can view the large picture of a certain page of PPT.
17.500 CV
< span>https://www.500d.me/ppt/
Although there is a resume in the name of this website, there are also many high-level Quality PPT template. If you find some good PPT templates on this website, you can also click on the designer of this template and look at the homepage of this designer, there may be surprises~
Network Disk
< /section>
In addition to using these websites to find PPT, the editor also collected 25,000+ sets of PPT templates and plug-ins, which can be said to be the most complete in the entire network, none of them. Then let's take a look at the PPT resources on Taobao ~ one is looking at massive resources, this wave is not bad
Resources are placed in the background Yes, the way to get it is at the end of the tweet~
Part2_PPT teaching direction
< section>
There are a lot of PPT tutorials in the editor's network disk, each The tutorials are very good. They will take you from a beginner to a master. In fact, you only need to read one kind of tutorial, and your PPT level will be greatly improved.
Know almost
1. How to make an excellent graduation thesis defense PPT ?
2. How to make a tall PPT?
3. Over ten thousand topics about PPT
PPT: https://www.zhihu.com/topic/19553567/top-answers
PPT design: https://www.zhihu.com/topic/19691341/top-answers
PPT usage skills: https://www.zhihu.com /topic/19693220/hot
PPT template: https://www.zhihu.com/topic/19634040/hot
< span>PPT production: https://www.zhihu.com/topic/19757591/hot
< /section>
1. PPT basic training camp:
2. Xu Cen PPT production video HD tutorial 48 lessons:
https://www.bilibili.com/ video/av22241799
3. Litchi PPT design thinking advanced:
https:/ /www.bilibili.com/video/av35320103
4. PPT tutorial PPT zero foundation PPT introduction Xiaobai off white series:
5.oeasy teaches you to play Turn to ppt tutorial:
< span>6. PPT animation effect production tutorial:
7.PowerPoint2016 introductory quality course:
8. Ppt design video tutorial picture layout skills and ppt master design video tutorial:
https://www .bilibili.com/video/av9904812
9. PPT production tutorial 40 full version:
Part3_PPT plugin
1.iSlide< /strong>
This is the first PPT plug-in I installed, and it is also a plug-in that everyone is familiar with. It has a powerful high-quality online resource library (smart charts, icon libraries, picture libraries, illustration libraries, theme libraries, color libraries, icon libraries), but most of the high-quality resources in the resource library must be paid for membership to use , this plug-in supports Microsoft Office and WPS.
2. OneKeyTools
< span>OneKeyTools, referred to as OK plug-in, is a free and open source Microsoft Office PowerPoint third-party graphic design auxiliary plug-in. The OK plug-in is independently developed by "Just for Design". OneKeyTools functions cover shape, color, 3D, image processing, tables, charts, audio, document batch processing, etc. This plug-in is definitely an indispensable helper for making PPT .
< The span>LvyhTools plug-in, referred to as the LV plug-in, is a relatively small plug-in, which can help us solve some inherent defects in PPT in processing text and fonts.
PS. Backstage reply for all resources in this issue"PPT Production"You can get it~❤️
Little agent first gave a thumbs up to the dedicated big teacher who worked hard for 6 hours! !


This issue of Big & Eleven

Editor of this issue: Eleven & Jufeng_

(Welcome to contribute: foodissotasty@163.com)

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