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Transfer CAD graphics to commonly used software

d: 1. Open the graphics file you want to convert in the CAD software. 2. Select the graphic part you want to convert, you can use the selection tool or command to select it. 3. To copy the selected graphic, you can generally right-click the selected graph

Today's knowledge point is to teach you how to transfer CAD graphics into commonly used software, such as Word, Photoshop and other commonly used software. Let's do these two examples today.

1. Transfer CAD graphics to Word software

After we have finished making the product drawing in the CAD software, enter such a command: exp. After entering the command and then pressing the space bar, a dialog box will pop up. This dialog box allows you to choose the input path. You can choose to export to the desktop first. As shown in the picture:

We can observe the type of the saved file, it is in wmf format, at least what format it is, we don’t need to worry about it, as long as it is imported into this format. After saving, we can see such a file on the desktop. As shown in the picture:

Here we have completed the preparatory work. Next, we need to open the Word software. I use WPS. The interface may be different in different versions, but the functions are the same. After we open the software, find the function of inserting pictures, click and select the file we just generated on the desktop, as shown in the figure:

Looking at the picture above, the picture is too small to see clearly. Use the cropping function in the software to cut off the redundant white edges, as shown in the figure:

After cutting to such a small size as shown in the picture, drag and enlarge it until it can be seen clearly, as shown in the picture:

At this time, we can see that the color of the lines in the picture is still the color in the CAD software. If you want all the colors to be black, you must change the color to black in the CAD software in advance, otherwise import it to the Word software It cannot be changed after that.

This means the import is successful. Next we introduce the conversion into PS software. Here we need to import the file prepared on the desktop into the CDR software first, and then export it into PS format, that is, PSD format, through the CDR software. Then use PS software to open it directly and edit it. The actual operation below.

Second,Transfer CAD graphics to PS software

The first step is to open the CDR software, as shown in the figure:

Open the file we prepared on the desktop, as shown in the figure:

At this time, you can see that the picture is also very small, but it doesn’t matter, you can drag it to zoom in, the graphics are vector graphics, no matter how large you zoom in, they will not be blurry, what needs to be noted here is that we must put the graphics in this rectangular frame , because the software will only export the content inside the rectangular box when exporting later, and the content outside the box will not be exported.

After adjusting the size, it can be exported. Press and hold the ctrl+e key combination on the keyboard, and a dialog box will pop up for you to choose the export location. Here we still choose the desktop. Here we must choose the psd format when we choose the export format. Yes, because it will be opened with PSD software later, if it is in other formats, it cannot be opened or edited, as shown in the figure:

After selecting the export location and export format, we click the export button, and a size dialog box will appear after clicking, which means what size you want to export, here you can fill it in according to your needs, as shown in the figure:

After filling in, you can click OK, and a new file will be generated on the desktop, as shown in the figure:

This is the file we open with PS software, as shown in the figure:

In this way, we have successfully transferred to the PS software. One thing to pay attention to here is the exported size. Don’t export the size too small. I’m afraid that it will become blurred when you enlarge the size, because the PS software The picture in is a pixel map, and the more zoomed in, the blurrier it will be, so it is safer to set it to the size you want or slightly larger when exporting.

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