:To be honest, what is the charm of Markdown, so many people are fascinated!-Appreciation of masterpieces免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

To be honest, what is the charm of Markdown, so many people are fascinated!

Introductory introduction to down. Markdown is a lightweight markup language designed to allow people to quickly write and format documents using a simple syntax. The charm of Markdown is mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. Easy to learn: Compar

Production: The Way of Python Data

Author: Peter

Editor: Lemon

One article Getting started with Markdown

Hi everyone? My name is Peter, and today I bring you an article about Markdown. When I was writing this article, I was actually using Markdown, so this is a wonderful feeling: using Markdown to write about Markdown< /code> article?.

Next, I will give a detailed introduction to Markdown from the following 6 aspects, not only to help you quickly understand Markdown , and it can also help you get started quickly with Markdown, not just getting started.

My story with Markdown

After graduating with a master's degree in 2018, he entered the society and joined the work. Because of my first job, I entered the big environment of the Internet and the big industry of data by chance. I started to learn Python, Linux, pandas, numpy by myself, data analysis and visualization, and data analysis. Mining algorithms, and introductory knowledge of machine learning.

After more than two years of continuous study and work, I have grown and gained a lot, and I also fell in love with the promising industry of data. In the process of learning, I have been looking for methods and tools suitable for me to record the process and results of learning.

In the beginning, I recorded in tools such as Youdao Note, Evernote, and then I switched to Zhihu, CSDN, Nuggets< /code> and other platforms. When I was writing, I used a plain text format similar to Word editing for document writing.

But that is really too ugly, too low?. There are no features at all, it is better to edit directly in the office. Because of these platforms and tools, simple writing is no match for Word. After all, Word was born for writing.

Later, in February 2019, I learned about the Markdown language on the Internet, slowly learned about it, and used it frequently. Since then, I have fallen in love with Markdown .

I have been using Markdown almost every day for more than a year and a half since I came into contact with it. It can be said that I have mastered it to the point of proficiency. . Up to now, if it is not for the special needs of work, I always write Markdown, technical documents, blogs, notes, etc. I use Markdown, the more I use it, the more familiar I am. The more you use it, the more you love it ❤️

This is my story with Markdown

What is Markdown

< p >Markdown is a plain text, lightweight text markup language

It is not a software! It is not a piece of software! It's not a piece of software!

Through Markdown's simple markup syntax, we can write documents in plain text, and almost all text editors can edit them again.

Advantages of Markdown

and Compared with other common text editors, such as word, notepad, notepad++ in office, and some editing tools of developer IDEs, markdown has its own powerful advantages:

  1. Markup language

Markdown is a language that simply relies on specific symbols to mark, such as -, +, *, =

Through these marked symbols, we can achieve specific functions, which allow us to focus on writing without spending too much time and energy on typesetting.

  1. Lightweight

The lightweight of Markdown is reflected in two aspects:

First, its syntax is very easy to remember, its structure is easy to use, and a user can quickly get started with Markdown;

Second, the memory size occupied by documents written through Markdown is very low. You can see this article by comparing the effects of saving in the four formats of md, PDF, Word, and HTML Just how light is Markdown:

There is another article I wrote, comparing the size of Markdown and other format files:

Unusually light! ! !

  1. Smooth writing

In the process of using Markdown to write, we only need to fix the sight at the cursor, and use different characters when inputting, that is, two characters: text characters and mark characters, we will Can complete text and format editing at the same time.

This is the magic of Markdown

This is the magic of **Markdown** # The above writing method

Through the above example, can we complete Markdown input and formatting at the same time?

  1. The format is fixed

The same Word article may have different effects when opened in 2003, 2007 or WPS, and even garbled characters may appear. I believe many people have encountered this situation. But md's article is different:

As long as you can open the editor of the Markdown article, the effect will be the same.

  1. Export is convenient

Markdown format export is very convenient. In addition to the common PDF, HTML and other formats, it can also be directly copied to WeChat official account, Zhihu, Nuggets and other platforms, such as the author's Typora (the author The formats exported in the most powerful tool for writing Markdown) are so diverse:

Markdown usage scenarios

The many advantages of Markdown are introduced above, so when should we use it?

Writing in the network environment

First of all, we need to understand: Markdown is developed based on HTML, and its purpose is to create a language that is easier to read and write for writing on the Internet. Writing is Typesetting

Therefore, no language is more suitable for writing in the network environment than Markdown

Many platforms now support Markdown writing:

  • Know almost
  • WeChat public number
  • Nuggets
  • Brief Book
  • CSDN

Some foreign websites, such as: Ghost, Typecho and other platforms only support Markdown format .md file

So, Markdown allows us to focus on writing, not typesetting

Document Collaboration

A well-written Markdown document can be opened in any text editing software of any system, and it can ensure switching between different systems. The benefits of this are:

  1. The members of the project team can freely choose their favorite Markdown tools to write on their own systems without Restricted by the systems and editors of other team members
  2. The display of Markdown articles is not only in our Markdown editor, but also can be converted into HTML webpage content, allowing Readers can directly open it in the browser to watch

Applications in special fields< span >/span>

Due to the popularity of Markdown, it has been embedded in many tools, such as jupyter notebook, which I also use every day. A powerful tool for machine learning and data analysis.

You can use Markdown directly in jupyter notebook. This allows us to directly write our analysis conclusions in the notebook while performing data analysis.

The perfect combination of Markdown editor and jupyter notebook greatly facilitates the author's work, but at this time, traditional text editing work such as Word cannot be done arrived.

Markdown tool

Now there are many platforms and All tools can write Markdown, and Markdown documents can be edited between them. The common ones are:

  • Tools include: Typora, Typed, Ulysses, Falcon, MacDown, Mou , the author is using Typora, which is currently free, and there are a variety of themes to choose from
  • Platforms are: WeChat public account , Zhihu, CSDN, Nuggets, Tencent Cloud Community, etc., the author has tried on each platform. At present, there are many Nuggets and Tencent Cloud communities
  • Mobile phone APP: MWeb, Mark documents, etc. This author almost Do not use

Strongly recommend using Typora?, this article is done in Typora.

Markdown syntax

Finally came to introduce the syntax Part, through the explanation of the grammar part below, it is guaranteed to be able to master 95% of Markdown grammar.


When writing in Markdown, the title also has levels, currently the most is level 6, which is realized by the number of #:

# Level 1 title
## Level 2 title
### Level 3 Title
#### Level 4 Title
##### Level 5 Title< br>###### Sixth-level title

The actual effect is:


If we want to quote a paragraph in the text, or we want to use a paragraph as a quoted text, we can do it in the following way: add a in front of the text The > symbol should be separated from the following text at the same time;

> -tool='mdnice editor' >The actual effect is:

There is a long way to go, I will search up and down

Of course, it is also graded. We use the number of > to achieve multi-layer references, that is, nested references:

> This article explains Markdown, which is divided into the following aspects:
>> 1 .My story with Markdown
>> 2.What is Markdown
>> 3.Markdown advantages

This article explains Markdown, which is divided into the following aspects:

1. My story with Markdown

2. What is Markdown

3. Advantages of Markdown

Separation line

The function of the dividing line is to separate the upper and lower content, using 3 or more -, +, * (one of 3 symbols)

For example, the gorgeous dividing line has been used above

font color

In the actual writing process, we may want to add different colors to the font for marking. At this time, color marking is the best function. Let me illustrate with an example:

Summer is< g stroke='currentColor' fill='currentColor' stroke-width='0' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)'> redcolor, autumn is < g data-mml-node='math'>yellowcolor

The actual source code is:

Summer is $color{red}{red}$, autumn is $color{yellow}{yellow}$

The implementation method is: $color{specified color}{text content}$

Font highlight

With the font color setting, let's look at the highlight of the font. Its function is also to highlight some text. The following content realizes the highlight of the text:

Summer is ==red==, autumn is ==yellow==

The specific implementation method is: wrap the text with a pair of ==

Summer is ==red==, autumn is ==yellow==

Bold font

Sometimes we will bold some fonts, and the following fonts will be bold:

I am Chinese, I am in China

The specific implementation method is: wrap the text with a pair of **

I am **Chinese**, I love **China**
< h3 data-tool='mdnice editor'>font italics

Sometimes we want to italicize the font, and also want to emphasize some text content:

Italic also plays a role of emphasis

The italic words above are to achieve the effect of italics. The specific implementation method is: wrap the text with a pair of *

*Italics* also play a role of emphasis

Unordered list

For example, the author is writing this Articles, divided into several subsections, we use an unordered list:

  • My story with Markdown
  • What is Markdown
  • MarkdownAdvantage
< p data-tool='mdnice editor' >The specific method of implementation: add -, +, * (one of the three) in front of the text, between the symbol and the text There must be a space (to achieve bold)

- My story with Markdown
+ What is Markdown
* Advantages of Markdown
< /pre>

ordered list

Is the ordered list represented by numbers, or the example above?, we use the ordered list to see the effect:

  1. My story with Markdown
  2. What is Markdown< /section>
  3. Advantages of Markdown

The specific way to realize it is: add in front of the text Just put number and dot, and must have spaces

1. My story with Markdown
2. What is Markdown
3. Advantages of Markdown

Note: the dot after the number must match The following text has a space


Sometimes in the process of writing, we want to delete certain words, such as often heard slogans:

Example: don't want 199, just 19

In the above example, 199 is the use of strikethrough, the specific implementation method: through a pair of ~~ (two wavy lines) will need to be deleted The content is wrapped, and the source code is:

Don't ~~199~~, just 99


Underline is also a frequently used font modification method, let's explain it through an example:

Example: Li Bai was a poet in the Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty in the above example uses an underscore, and the specific implementation method is: through a team of <u></u> The tag wraps the content, and the source code of the implementation is:

Li Bai is a poet of the <u>Tang Dynasty</u>

Code in the paragraph

If our code has only one line, we use the code in the segment. For example, the first line of code I learned is: print('hello world')

Specific implementation method: wrap the code with a pair of backticks. Not a single quote, not a single quote, not a single quote, the source code of the specific implementation is:

`print('hello world')`
< h3 data-tool='mdnice editor' >outside code

The code outside the segment is actually a relatively large amount of code, we need to use the form of code block, for example:

def add(x,y)< /span>: # Define a sum function
return x+y

The specific source code used is:


If we want to insert a picture in Markdown, first we need to use a picture bed tool to get the corresponding Markdown link before we can put it in Markdown.

For example: I use the ipic picture bed tool in my own macOS, after uploading the picture to ipic, I got the link:

# This is the reference format of the picture: ![](link)
![Ginkgo tree - Picture annotation](https://tva1.sinaimg.cn/large/0081Kckwgy1gkceimnuonj30u01401iv.jpg)
Ginkgo tree


In Markdown, we often use links, that is, when we click on a text, it will automatically jump to the link specified by the text, for example: I learned python official website last year

Click a few words on the python official website here and it will automatically jump to the python official website. The way to achieve it is:

[python official website](https://www.python.org/) # Just one less exclamation point than the picture! 

Form< /h3>

Tables are often used in Markdown, such as a simple student grade table:

addresslanguage MathematicsEnglish
Xiao MingNanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province
Xiangyang Garden 25 Building
XiaohongHunan Province Yanghu Wetland Park, Yuelu District, Changsha City909495
XiaofangPinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province939190

The source code of the specific implementation is:


Use a pair of <> to enclose your mailbox: 123456@qq.com, the specific source code is:



Explain today I have written a lot of content about Markdown^1, I hope it will be helpful to everyone, and at the same time, I will give you a strong Amway to Typora^2, a Markdown writing artifact, you will definitely fall in love with Markdown

Footnotes will be displayed at the end of the article

The square brackets used [^], let us see the source code of the implementation (see how to implement it in the form of pictures)


Explained in this article I have learned a lot about Markdown, from its characteristics, usage scenarios to common grammar. Only by mastering the basic grammar and using them frequently for document writing can you reach the bottom of proficiency. I believe you will fall in love with Markdown❤️.

About the author

Peter, a monk who graduated with a master's degree, learned Python from an electronics major to get started in the data industry, and is good at data analysis and visualization. I like data, insist on running, love reading, and live optimistically. Personal motto: Don't float in the world, don't fail to yourself

Personal site: www.renpeter.cn, welcome to visit the hut often

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