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Title paper format requirements and font size? Model essay

Different academic institutions or journals have different regulations on the format requirements and font size of professional title papers. Generally speaking, the following are some common requirements: 1. Page setup: The common page setup is A4 paper

Professional title thesis has always been one of the two cornerstones of professional title declaration, and its importance is self-evident. Let me just say this, as long as your thesis fails to meet the requirements, it is a If the vote is rejected, even if the declaration of the year is in vain, the previous efforts will also be ruined. Comrades who will apply for professional titles next year, are your papers ready?

Look at Beijing's application for intermediate professional titles for papers Requirements for:

1. No author quantity requirement, no ranking requirement

2. Graduation thesis does not count and cannot be used as one of the conditions

3. E-journals are only for displaying results and cannot be used as a condition A

Among them, there are many similarities with Nanjing requirements, But there are also differences. For example, in terms of the number and ranking of authors, there are clear regulations on the declaration of professional titles in Nanjing. You can take a look at the relevant qualifications for Nanjing Mechanical Engineering.

In fact, the paper requirements for declaring professional titles in Nanjing are far more than In addition, there are more requirements for duplicate checking, word count requirements, etc. Today, many comrades failed the review because the number of words in their papers did not meet the standard. You don’t want to do this, so you have to meet all the relevant requirements.

1. Duplication check rate requirements

Regarding plagiarism checking, Mr. Zhang recommends plagiarism checking for papers< /span>Control within 10%, although many areas check The re-requirement is lower than 40% or 30%, but in case the review fails that year, you can continue to use this paper in the second year. Think about it for yourself, is this paper still useful?

2. Word count requirements< /strong>

Currently declare titles, whether intermediate or senior titles , the number of words in the paper, Mr. Zhang suggested that be higher than3000 words Of course, if there are special requirements, this is only the choice of the vast majority of people.

Especially in Suzhou, Wuxi and other places, technical reports have replaced professional title papers. In case of special requirements, please refer to the specific notice.

So after understanding the above requirements, you know that the professional title paper should how to write? Don't worry, Teacher Zhang will give you a sample essay. The format of the paper is as follows:

Thesis title

Author Name

The unit




text (the text is divided into several points for detailed explanation)



The sample text is as follows:< /span>

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