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Tips | The writing method of English fonts, one-time offer

OK, I can provide you with the writing method in English font. The following are some basic skills: 1. Practice the basic structure of letters The writing of English fonts is based on some basic letter structures and strokes. You can improve your English

The following article comes from Aunt Hou, author Aunt Hou

My aunt

In addition to the pocketbook, there are more beautiful and interesting life inspirations

In the four months since the opening“One Week Pocket Book” column, Aunt Hou has received the most questions about English writing in the Pocket Book.

So this time, my aunt worked tirelessly and spent a whole week sorting out the most commonly used English fonts in her handbook, as well as the selection of pens, applicable content and skills of these fonts. Here Share it with everyone~


Before introducing the fonts, let me show you the pens used in English writing. Let’s use my aunt’s ID "PostPeriod" as an example to make a comparison with daily fonts:

Let’s get down to business~ In my aunt’s handbook, the most commonly used English fonts are as follows:

▶Handwritten print

▶Italian italics


▶Round body/floral body

▶Typewriter font

▶Brush font


In order to eliminate the influence of using a pen, all pencils are used here, and an example is written for each font

The bold part is to be scribbled repeatedly, and it can be done at one time with a pen that can control the thickness.


Let’s introduce the characteristics, writing methods and usage of these fonts respectively.

Handwritten print< /span>

Handwritten print is the most basic and concise handwritten English font. Except for the basic strokes of the letters, there is no extra decoration. Many children who are enlightened in English learn from it. They used to take the English test. I can use this font to write essays, it looks clean and tidy and easy to recognize.


Ordinary non-directional hard pens can do it, such as pencils, water-based pens, needle pens

-handwriting speed-



Because there are no decorative strokes, the force should be uniform, and the angle of writing can be slightly perpendicular to the paper surface than usual


Handwritten print looks a little silly, so I will use it to write a small note or two next to the illustrations drawn

Italian italics

Searching for English copybooks on TB, italic italics appears the most, which is also the standard for writing continuous English in junior high schools. Just like Xingkai in Chinese, although there are decorative consecutive strokes, it can still ensure that the font is clear and looks formal and generous. Italian italics basically determines the shape of my English writing, and I use this font for daily notes and excerpts.

-with a pen-

Ordinary hard pen, especially suitable for ordinary fountain pen

-handwriting speed-



The font maintains a 60-degree inclination, and the pen is tilted


Italian italic is the best choice when it is too late to write complex and gorgeous fonts, as long as it is neat and tidy, it can be beautiful


is the same as the Chinese black body, horizontal and vertical, and the circle and arc are full and close to a perfect circle. The biggest feature is that the thickness of the strokes is consistent, so the black body is more like a drawing, very modern.

-with a pen-

Ordinary hard pens are fine, it is not recommended to use pens, it is a perfect match with thick colored pens!

-handwriting speed-




Use a ruler when necessary!


Because it is simple and eye-catching, it is best to write capital letters as titles, and all caps letters are better

Round/Floral< /span>

The most gorgeous and complex cursives are also the ones that take the most time to write. The biggest feature of the round body is that there are obvious distinctions between the thickness of the strokes. The descending strokes are thicker and the hairspring is thinner; the thickness of the strokes is controlled by making the nibs with elasticity diverge through the weight of the pen.

-with a pen-

Dipping pen

-handwriting speed-



Writing on the paper at an angle, many strokes look coherent, but actually need to be written in multiple strokes.


Romantic verses, moving lines, and classic quotes are perfect in round characters~ It takes a lot of effort to write round characters, so find some tutorials and practice slowly~ My aunt is working hard too


One of my favorite fonts, with a strong retro atmosphere of the industrial age, is used in many letter seals. The main point is that the arc is close to a perfect circle, and most of the strokes start and end with decorative short lines. Like bold, because it is a printed font, writing is more like drawing, so it is not coherent.


Ordinary hard pen dip pen

-handwriting speed-



Best for misplaced writing! There is no need to deliberately keep it on a horizontal line. The letters float up and down or even tilt, which can create a retro feeling of an old-fashioned typewriter~


Like using a seal, with retro stickers such as stamps and labels, it is full of sense of age~


As the name suggests, it is a font written with a soft pen! It is very popular recently, and many ins font artists like to use it for text design. It can even break through the traditional letter shape and make very flexible changes. It is lively, free and particularly rhythmic. The most obvious signs are its strong stroke thickness contrast and large arc hairspring. Write with a water brush dipped in paint, and the color is as you like~

-with a pen-

Water brush beauty pen fountain pen

-handwriting speed-



Try to change the capitalization of the same word at will, it will appear more casual


It’s the most suitable for highlighting, food, movies, festival names, I feel happy and comfortable as soon as I write them

Gothic< /span>

Exaggerated and gorgeous fonts with a little bit of weirdness like Gothic architecture and clothing! There are also many variants. The strokes are sharper and the contrast between thickness and thickness is very strong. They are usually written with special parallel pens.

-with a pen-

Parallel pen

-handwriting speed-



Compared with dip pens, parallel pens are easier to use and control, but individual strokes must be smooth.


Aunt Hou’s handbook doesn’t use much gothic style, so let’s use your imagination


The above fonts only represent a large category, and all fonts can be freely used to make various changes, such as adding Shadow, variable radian;

Various font combinations

Or write Daily Pay next to the illustration.

andimportant tips! ! !

There are so many colors used to write English in the pocketbook, how many bottles of colored ink and how much money do you need to stockpile to be worth it?

The answer is,Not even a bottle!

Buy onedip pen, a setwatercolor paint< /strong>; Use watercolors to adjust the color you like, control the amount of water, use a brush to brush the paint on the tip of the pen, and just start writing, and you can change the color at any time to make a gradient effect, isn’t it a huge profit? What~ Praise me for my wit!

But this is just a small trick used on the pocketbook. If you want to practice handwriting or complete large-scale calligraphy works, it is more convenient to use special ink.


I have written diaries for ten years, letters for six years, and handbooks for three years. For me, writing is the moment that is closest to me, and the way to calm down the most. Therefore, finding an easy-to-use pen, a suitable piece of paper, learning a new stroke, and mastering a new technique are all very happy things.

So, I wish everyone who loves writing journals to live a comfortable life and write happily.


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