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Three simple ps font effect production

Here are three simple ways to make PS font effects: 1. Shadow effect: - Open PS and create a new document. - Pick the Type Tool (T) and enter a title. - Select the text layer, right-click on the Layers panel, and select "Duplicate Layer". - Select the dup

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Do we often feel that the title of the poster is not visually strong enough when designing posters? It sounds very mediocre. Today, let me teach you a few simple ps tips to make the title less mediocre.

One, do acid halo Dyeing effect


Enter the text, and then convert the text into a smart object


Use scene blur, go to some points according to the blur effect you want, and then adjust the blur


Use the liquefaction tool to play freely


Use gradient mapping,Use the editor to adjust a color you like

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Second, make glass texture effect


Open a non-solid color photo


Enter text and turn on the hybrid option


Adjust "Bevel and Emboss" and "Stroke" in the options


Change the filling to 0%

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Third, make page turning effect


Type the text first, then add a black layer and a paper color layer


Deduct the selection of font size in the paper color layer


Use the gradient tool to fill the font, then copy a font layer, change the color to black and use Gaussian blur to blur the font as a shadow, and finally adjust the position


Make the deformation tool change the font shape to look like a flipped book page


< p>Editor | Du Junan

Review | Wei Shi

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