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Thesis writing standard format template sample essay

Writing is a task that requires strict adherence to a standard format. When writing a dissertation, you need to follow the template below to organize the structure and content of your dissertation. Note that this article provides only a basic essay format

A thesis is an article used to conduct scientific research and describe scientific research results. When writing a thesis, it is necessary to standardize your own thesis according to a certain format. The following is the content of the essay writing format template brought by the learning editor, welcome to read for reference!

Essay Writing Format Template

1. Topic. It should be able to summarize the most important content of the entire paper, be concise and eye-catching, and generally should not exceed 20 words.

2. Paper abstract and keywords.

The abstract of the dissertation should state the main points of the dissertation. Explain the purpose, research methods, results and conclusions of this paper. Keep the basic information of the original paper as much as possible, and highlight the creative achievements and new insights of the paper. It should not be a simple list of chapter titles. The abstract should be around 500 words. Sometimes an abstract of the paper in English is also required.

Keywords are the most critical words and sentences that can reflect the theme of the paper, generally 3-5.

3. Directory. It is not only the outline of the thesis, but also the subtitle of the part of the thesis, and the corresponding page number should be marked.

4. Introduction (or preamble). The content should include the current situation at home and abroad in this research field, the problems to be solved in this paper, and the theoretical significance and practical value of this research work in economic construction, scientific and technological progress, and social development.

5. Text. It is the main body of the graduation thesis.

6 Conclusion. The conclusion of the paper should be clear, concise, and complete, and should clarify your own creative achievements or new insights, as well as their significance in this field.

7. References and notes. List the references after the text of the paper and before the references in the order of the references or notes numbered in the paper. Charts or data must indicate the source and source.

And the references are the long neglected part:

When the reference is a periodical, the writing format is: [number], author, article title, periodical name (abbreviated in foreign language), year, volume number, issue number, page number.

When the reference is a book, the writing format is: [number], author, title, publishing unit, year, edition, page number.

8. Appendix. Including overly lengthy formula derivation in the text, auxiliary mathematical tools, repetitive data charts, symbol meanings used in the paper, unit abbreviations, full text of the program and related instructions, etc. for the convenience of others.

Thesis writing format template: format and typesetting

1. Number of copies of papers: in triplicate. Always ask to print. The cover of the thesis is provided by the school. Paper type: A4 paper. A4 210 x 297 mm. Page margins: top (top) 20mm, ground corner (bottom) 15mm, staple (left) 25mm, flap (right) 20mm. Unified use of Chinese: Xiao Wuhao Songti. The dividing line is a 3 point double line.

2. The font of the thesis format: all kinds of titles (including the title of "References") should be in Bold Song; the name of the author, the name of the supervisor, the abstract, keywords, the name of the figure, and the content of the reference should be in italics; the text, charts, headers, The text in the footer is in Times New Roman; in English, Times New Roman.

3. Font requirements:

(1) The title of the paper No. 2 is bold and centered.

(2) The subtitle of the thesis should be 2 size smaller, centered immediately under the main title, and a dash should be added before the text.

(3) When filling in the name, major, student number and other items, use 3-point italics.

(4) Content summary No. 3 bold, with one line above and below the center, and the content is small No. 4 italics.

(5) Keyword No. 4 bold, the content is small No. 4 bold.

(6) The table of contents starts a new page, No. 3 boldface, the content is small No. 4 imitating the Song Dynasty, and the page number is listed.

(7) The main text starts on a separate page. The title of the thesis is in 3-point boldface, and the main text is generally in small 4-point Song typeface. There are two spaces at the beginning of each paragraph, and single-spaced lines.

(8) Headings in the text

First-level title: the serial number of the title is "一、", in bold typeface No. 4, on an exclusive line, and no punctuation marks at the end.

Second-level title: the serial number of the title is "(1)", which is the same as the text size of the main text, on an exclusive line, and there is no punctuation mark at the end.

Level 3 title: The serial number of the title is "1." The same as the size and font of the main text.

Level 4 title: The serial number of the title is "(1)", which is the same as the size and font of the main text.

Level 5 title: the title serial number is " ① " which is the same as the main text size and font.

(9) Note: No. 4 boldface, the content is No. 5 Song typeface.

(10)Appendix: No. 4 boldface, the content is No. 5 Song typeface.

(11) References: Start another page, No. 4 boldface, and the content is No. 5 Song typeface.

(12) Print the words "XX University XX College XX Grade XX Major Academic Year Paper" in the header of the page and align it to the left.

Sample essay writing format: "Talking about Human Resource Management"

【Abstract】 Human resource management is the source of enterprise development motivation and the fundamental guarantee for enterprise sustainable development. In an increasingly competitive society and a society where talents are in short supply, if an enterprise wants to survive, it must strictly control all aspects and checkpoints of human resources, so that human resource management can really help the growth of the enterprise.

【Key words】 human resource 5P job analysis human resource planning recruitment

To understand the management content of human resources, you must know what is human resources. One definition of human resources is "all physical and mental workers in society or enterprises that can promote the progress of society or enterprises". According to this definition, combined with the current situation in China, the human resources of enterprises can be divided into two situations: One is all employees of the company, and the other is the people in the company who really make contributions to the company. In the first case, all employees of an enterprise are creators of enterprise value, so human resource management should cover the entire enterprise. In the second case, some people enter the enterprise through connections and do not create value for the enterprise in their daily work. These people are not within the scope of enterprise human resource management.

The status of human resource management in enterprise management is second only to enterprise strategic management. The scope of management is mainly: the matching of people and things; the matching of people's needs and work rewards; the cooperation and coordination between people; the coordination of work and work.

The purpose of enterprise human resource management can be summarized as "5P": Perceive (knowing people), the premise of human resource management, to find excellent talents that meet the requirements of the enterprise in order to achieve enterprise goals; Pick (selection), the starting point of human resources, to find And open up human resources channels, attract outstanding talents to enter the enterprise, select suitable personnel for the enterprise and assign them to corresponding positions; Employees master the knowledge, ability and skills needed to work in the company now and in the future; Placement (employment) is the core of human resource management, so that employees can make the best use of them in their jobs, through scientific and reasonable employee performance Examination and quality assessment and other work implement a reasonable and fair dynamic management process for employees, such as promotion, transfer, reward and punishment, resignation, dismissal, etc., which is the highlight of enterprise human resource management; Preservation (retention), the purpose of enterprise human resource management, Retain talents, create a good working environment for employees, keep employees motivated, and make existing employees satisfied and feel at ease working in the company.

In enterprise human resource management, job analysis is the main event. Job analysis is to determine the nature, content, responsibilities, working methods and necessary conditions of a certain post within the organization through the investigation, research and analysis of the work activities of a certain post.

Job analysis is divided into job description and job specification. A job description, also known as a job description, is a document that describes in written description the activities that need to be performed in the job, as well as the equipment and working conditions used in the job. A job specification is a document that describes the minimum requirements for specific skills, job knowledge, abilities, and other personal characteristics that an employee must possess to perform a job. It can be seen that job analysis mainly explains two aspects of the job, one is to make provisions for the job itself; the other is to clarify the requirements for the behavior and qualifications of the job undertakers.

Job analysis mainly has three aspects: job analysis, environment analysis, and personnel quality analysis. Job analysis mainly analyzes the job title, work tasks, rights and responsibilities, work relationship and workload. Environmental analysis is nothing more than analyzing the natural environment and social environment where the enterprise is located. Of course, the safety environment of the enterprise is also considered. The analysis of personnel quality requires the analysis of the ability, quality, experience, physique and personality of the staff.

The methods of job analysis mainly include interview method, questionnaire method, typical case analysis method, observation method and so on. What needs to be paid special attention to in the interview method is to eliminate the vigilance of the interviewee, after all, the interview is not an interview. Regarding the questionnaire method, the most difficult thing to grasp is the design of the questionnaire. If the questionnaire is not designed comprehensively, the information obtained from the survey will not be convincing; if the interface design of the questionnaire is not friendly, the respondents will not be willing to fill it out, and the survey will have little effect; if there is no feedback mechanism in the questionnaire, there will be no It is conducive to the investigation and research of follow-up questions, etc., which are all affecting the final results of the questionnaire method. The typical case analysis method should be distinguished from the typical case correlation analysis method. The observation method must obtain an observation permit, otherwise there will be suspicion of voyeurism. In other methods, such as the practice method, the personal participation of the staff can grasp the first-hand information, which is also crucial to the final analysis results. Human resource planning is the primary task under the strategic planning of an enterprise. Human resources are not only resources, but also the unique wealth of an enterprise. Assets are gone, but they can be regained, but when people leave, it is a fatal injury to the enterprise. Human resource planning has two aspects: human resource demand forecast and human resource supply forecast.

There are four main methods of human resource demand forecasting:

1. The judgment method of managers, which is based on the judgment and forecast of experience and current situation. This method is based on the premise that history will repeat itself, and it is only suitable for short-term and medium-term forecasts under stable conditions.

2. Delphi method, based on the principle of convergence, the Delphi method has high feasibility, gathers the opinions of many experts, and is effective in the short and medium term.

3. Regression analysis method requires certain measurement knowledge, mainly through theoretical analysis and mathematical analysis to identify influencing factors.

4. Conversion ratio analysis method. Although this method accurately and simply understands the relationship between relevant factors and personnel needs, it needs to accurately estimate the business volume in the planning period, the current per capita business volume and the growth rate of productivity. It is estimated, and only considers the total amount of labor demand, and does not explain the difference in the demand of different types of employees.

The methods for forecasting human resources supply mainly include: skills list method, which is a list used to reflect the characteristics of employees' work capabilities, including training background, previous experience, certificates held, passed exams, supervisor's ability evaluation, etc. This method lacks the cognition of the position situation; the management personnel replacement map only targets the important positions in the enterprise such as management personnel, and lacks the understanding and analysis of general positions; the external labor supply of the enterprise can be accurately and comprehensively understood

The main management methods have been described above, so where do the people of the enterprise come from? Employee recruitment is like picking the right seeds, choosing the right seeds and then carefully cultivating them, so that they can grow into a strong tree and then become the pillars, otherwise the enterprise will be emptied . Personnel recruitment must first determine the demand, which positions are lacking, how many are lacking, and the ratio of men to women; the next step is the recruitment stage. During this period, recruiting plans are formulated, recruitment channels are selected, recruitment methods are determined, recruitment information is released, and recruiters and locations are determined. etc.; then there is the selection stage, which mainly uses written examinations, interviews and other related tests to select the personnel required for relevant positions in the enterprise. Among them, the written examination is to eliminate unqualified persons, and the interview is to select qualified persons; A period of probation; recruitment evaluation and feedback stage, choose the appropriate method to evaluate the recruitment results, summarize the advantages and find the shortcomings, so as to do better next time.

The follow-up of human resource management is to carry out performance management, salary management, as well as employee training and further education for employees.

Human resource management is the source of motivation for enterprise development and the fundamental guarantee for sustainable development of enterprises. In an increasingly competitive society and a society where talents are in short supply, if an enterprise wants to survive, it must strictly control all aspects and checkpoints of human resources, so that human resource management can really help the growth of the enterprise.

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