free ppt download:These 6 websites are indeed "treasures", and the courseware and teaching plans can be downloaded, so the teacher can quickly use them-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

These 6 websites are indeed "treasures", and the courseware and teaching plans can be downloaded, so the teacher can quickly use them

If you want to talk about what makes teachers "bald", lesson preparation must be at the top of the list.

A class is only 45 minutes, which is not long, but there are many things to worry about: how to design the rhythm of the class? How to write blackboard writing? How to set up class questions? How to attract the attention of students, etc., requires the teacher to do careful consideration.

Excellent lesson preparation ability requires teachers to continuously learn and summarize in the teaching process. How to refer to and learn more about the design and logic of lesson preparation materials such as courseware and lesson plans from teachers, today I want to share some excellent lesson preparation websites with you teachers.

01 Learning Network

I was introduced to by a friend. The quality of the materials is good. Most of the courseware, teaching plans and test papers are matched. It is more efficient to view and download. Moreover, it is the most cost-effective resource website among the websites I have experienced so far. If you have not used it, teacher, you can try it.

It is also worth mentioning that teachers can view the information on the teaching network through their mobile phones. On the official account of the education network, click [Latest Information] in the lower left menu [Find Information], you can choose the version grade subjects you teach, and directly use your mobile phone to view courseware, teaching plans, test papers, etc. By the way, the official account shares some high-quality materials every week, and teachers can get them for free.

Comments from netizens: is really good, the information is updated quickly and there is no watermark; the most satisfying thing is that the entire volume of supporting materials can be packaged and downloaded at one time; and its question bank is huge, and the function of grouping papers is also very good use.


If the teacher usually has a large demand for test questions and test papers, you can pay more attention to The website often updates some test papers for famous teachers from famous schools, and you can download them directly for use. Moreover, the website has a large question bank, and with the test paper function, the teacher can quickly assemble a test paper that meets the needs.

Comments from netizens: I often use to organize testimonials. Although the price may be a bit high, the quality of the data is worth the price.

03 The first PPT courseware network

Teachers who are struggling to make courseware PPT come here, the first PPT courseware network is worth having. First of all, the courseware materials on the website are very complete, and you can find and download basically everything you need. In addition, the design of these courseware is exquisite, I believe it can give teachers a lot of design inspiration.

Netizen Comments: The courseware is not only exquisite, but also free to download. Let me tell you quietly, I have accumulated a lot of courseware materials here.

04 Correct cloud

The correct cloud website has relatively rich resources, and there are lesson preparation materials for each version of the elementary school and high school. Different from other websites, there are a lot of video materials, learning method materials, etc. on the website, so besides teachers, students can also watch it frequently.

Comments from netizens: Especially when it comes to the semester review stage, the summary information and test questions from famous schools here are really helpful.

04 Subject Network

Teachers should be familiar with SubjectNet, it is a very mature website. Simply put, it is rich in information, complete in functions, and reliable. However, some teachers who have experienced the website said that high-quality materials are slightly more expensive. In fact, there are many free materials on the website, teachers can read more.

Netizen Comments: A website that has been used for a long time, the update speed of the information is really fast, and the quality of the information is also very good.

05 21st Century Education Network

21st Century Education Network, among the current teacher resource websites, is considered a relatively well-known website. The function of the website is relatively powerful, which can basically meet the teaching needs of teachers. The slight disadvantage is that there are too many watermarks on the website materials and it is difficult to remove them. Another point is that the materials are slightly expensive.

Comments from netizens: The 21st Century Education Network has been used all the time. The quality of the materials is quite good, and the layout is relatively exquisite.

The above is the content shared with teachers today, I hope it can help you.

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