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The world's first artificial intelligence font library is free to use, no longer afraid of font infringement?

Or purchase legal and authorized fonts, resulting in frequent infringement problems. However, a company recently released the world's first artificial intelligence font library, claiming that it can be used for free, thereby solving the problem of font in

Font copyright has always been a headache for designers. If you don’t pay attention, you will receive a lawyer’s letter. Not only will the company’s reputation be affected, but you may also encounter infringement risks such as "one word is worth a thousand dollars" and compensation of tens of thousands.

Many designers don’t know which typeface to use is an infringement. The following two pictures should be able to explain clearly:

So in order to avoid copyright infringement, many designers will make substantial modifications on the basis of the original fonts, or re-create original designs stroke by stroke. But often the project will not give you so much time to do font design. What if you encounter the kind of Party A who requires a day to produce a picture?

Source: DeeKay

Then buy fonts? The annual authorization fee for a genuine font is several thousand to tens of thousands, and the use scenarios are still limited (for example, it can only be used in print advertisements, or it can only be used on websites, etc.), so ordinary companies cannot afford this fee at all.

In order to allow most people to use genuine fonts, some designers are also working hard to make their own fonts, open source for free or charge a lower price for public use. For example, Ye Tianyu, the founder of Magpie and font designer, is one of them.

Designing fonts takes time, and building a font library takes more energy. It requires a team of designers to work together to adjust and modify each stroke. It takes two to three years to polish a set of fonts suitable for promotion and commercial use. It is also the reason why font copyrights are expensive and many companies are unable to purchase font copyrights.

If AI can design fonts and automatically generate fonts, wouldn't it save time and labor costs? Don't say that this technology is really possible to be fully realized in the future. Remember the AI ​​designer "Luban" who made 400 million posters for the Double 11 Shopping Festival?

Source: AlibabaDesign

In the field of artificial intelligence fonts, Alibaba is also trying to explore. The world's first AI intelligent Chinese font library - Alibaba Hanyi Smart Black, was released as early as last year The Beta version has been released, and now this font has been officially launched, and it is provided for free to Ali platform merchants to download for a limited time.

Source: AlibabaDesign

If you want to know more about this AI font, you can scan the code to read the article:


Ali Hanyi Smart Blackbody is only available on the Ali platform, and if you want to do commercial design in other places, or Honestly download these 200 free and commercial fonts:


In addition to the cooperation with Hanyi Fonts, Ali will also join hands with Founder, Huakang and other The font supplier is trying to build an official Ali copyright font service platform. According to sources, the platform may be officially launched in late February.

With the maturity and development of artificial intelligence technology, the production time and cycle of fonts and fonts will be greatly shortened. In the future, designers may really not have to worry about font infringement, and they will be able to afford genuine fonts in the future, and more Personalized customized font selection!

Authentic Yongzheng font imitated by artificial intelligence, source: AlibabaDesign

I hope this day will come sooner, and the hairlines of designers may be preserved!

Cover Author: Karolis Strautniekas

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/The%20worlds%20first%20artificial%20intelligence%20font%20library%20is%20free%20to%20use%20no%20longer%20afraid%20of%20font%20infringement.html

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