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The working party has limited time, how to improve PPT skills? Learn these 3 tricks and you will not be afraid

Hello everyone, I am Yuka~

Recently, a student confided to me her predicament. She felt that she was basically working every day except sleeping, and it was difficult to persist in learning PPT...

I don’t know how many readers like her want to learn PPT well, but suffer from lack of time?

We all say that there will be time to squeeze, but from another perspective, how can we improve the efficiency of learning PPT?

In fact, imitation is the best way to get started in a new field, and drawing inferences from one instance can maximize the learning effect. Today we will take a look at how to learn PPT efficiently.

01 Is it enough to be satisfied with imitation?

High-sightedness and low-handedness, this subconscious bad idea makes us feel shameful to imitate. But to learn a new skill, imitation is just the most appropriate way to get started.

To imitate, try to be exactly the same as the case. When you have mastered enough operating skills, it is easy to imitate 100%.

But if you don’t take a step forward, you can only be exactly the same as the imitation object. When you make a PPT by yourself, because the content is different, you don’t know how to do the migration.

It's like being able to find a lot of excellent title layout methods and then imitate them. But it's ugly when applied to your own PPT.

what to do?

- You need to learn to adapt.

02 Don't be lazy! Learn to adapt

What is Adaptation?

It is to adjust the layout and color matching of the reference object according to the actual situation of the content.

No nonsense, just look at the case. Simple adaptive adjustment, you only need to slightly adjust the placement and alignment of the text.

A little more advanced, only borrowing and using a part of the mock object. For example, the following example only draws on the left and right lines, but does not retain the color blocks below.

If it is a little more difficult, you need to add new elements and design again.

Because it is rare to be so lucky to find exactly the same thing that can be applied. Therefore, the content needs to be adjusted accordingly.

This can also explain why many people still make ugly PPTs with templates.

And to do a good job of adaptive adjustment, we have to know how to draw inferences from one instance.

03 Only by drawing inferences from one instance can the efficiency be doubled

Drawing inferences from one instance is a process of re-creation. The process of making a PPT by borrowing and extracting elements from the imitation object, I call it evolution.

I have summarized 3 very simple and practical evolutionary routines, which are simple, easy to remember and effective.

The evolution of typography

How does a centered layout design evolve into a left-right aligned layout?

In this evolution, the element that remains the same is the rectangular wireframe, but the alignment of the text inside has changed.

Let's take a look at the evolution process in the middle and how it is realized step by step.

Align text to the left.

Then, the secondary information is right aligned.

Finally, widen the rectangular wireframe and adjust the text position accordingly.

Is this much clearer? Although the same design elements are used before and after, the final effect is different.

shape evolution

As the name suggests, it is to change the shape.

For example, can a rectangular wireframe be replaced by a circle, a prism, or a rounded rectangle?

Of course, after changing the shape, don’t forget to make adaptive adjustments to the text to better fit the shape change.

color evolution

This is also simple, just change the color scheme. Using different colors to represent different chapters can save a lot of time in designing new layouts.

After reading this article, you will find that drawing inferences from one instance is actually not as difficult as imagined.

Let's learn PPT by imitation, master PPT by inference, and make beautiful PPT by learning courses.

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