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The use of emoticons is to get closer to the audience - Interview with the creative team of "Bump World" (4)

Author: Recorder/Anitama Cover source: "Bump World"

——Now let’s talk about some of the more interesting aspects of the work. The first is the kaomoji subtitles that appeared in "Bump World"! As a director, how did you consider adding the form of emoji in your work?

Zhou Liang: This is a more flexible place for web dramas, and the audience of our work is mainly teenagers. You also know that emoji is a relatively fashionable way of communication. More prevalent among young people. When the emoji appeared, these young audiences would smile knowingly. If you show it to those who are older, there will be no such effect, and you will probably be confused.

——So the main purpose of adding color text is to make the work more lively?

Zhou Liang: Yes, the main reason is to get closer to the audience, so that they can have a kind of resonance with me when they watch the work.

——Is the scene where kaomoji appear only when the robot appears? ? Will it be added when other characters speak?

Zhou Liang: The main reason is that robots don’t have emotions, so using kaomoji can make them look cuter. For other characters, sometimes they will be used interspersed once or twice, not too frequently.

——This is one of the reasons why the audience thinks the robot is cute.

Zhou Liang: When the first two episodes of the pre-release were broadcast, some emoji subtitles such as sweat and black lines were used. Seeing the audience’s great response to this, I simply decided to officially join in later The use of kaomoji is also an idea from the audience, mainly because the audience likes it.

Screenshot from Episode 5 of Bump World.

——Speaking of robots, in addition to the cuteness of the emoji, the auxiliary robots in it are also cute because of their dubbing. Is it a boy or a girl? Where did the idea for the robot come from?

Zhou Liang: The voice of the robot is a girl, and after processing, it is now a cute child's voice. As for the design concept, it is the little yellow man from Hollywood animation. We designed it based on this model. It is a bit clumsy but very capable auxiliary type. The sound and appearance should also look cute, and the final design is the current image.

——Which studio is responsible for the dubbing of "Bump World"? ?

Zhou Liang: For the dubbing, we are looking for cooperation from Yuesheng Dubbing Agency, and the dubbing work is basically entrusted to them. This is a studio that has gradually turned from an amateur to a professional. They have also prepared for a long time for the dubbing of "Bump World", and we are quite satisfied with the final effect. At least the audience thinks it's good.

Screenshot from Episode 8 of Bump World.

——Who will play the role? Did you choose it here or the dubbing agency over there?

Zhou Liang: Someone on our side is responsible for the supervision of dubbing, and then the dubbing studio over there will pre-produce the effect, and we will choose it here. If they think it is not suitable, let them change it again Individual to match.

——It takes all aspects for a work to be successful, and dubbing is one of the most important aspects. After all, the point of domestic animation that has been criticized before is dubbing. How do you ensure that the audience is satisfied with the final result?

Zhou Liang: The Yuesheng dubbing agency we cooperate with is not like the traditional domestic dubbing factory style in the past. Their members are very young, and they are spontaneously organized because they like animation and Japanese voice actors. Societies, now they are slowly turning from amateurs to professionals. It is precisely because they can understand the characters of the animation well, and they are also the audience themselves, so they can know how to match to achieve better results. In addition, they are not much different in age from the characters in the work, so the voices will sound more natural. And if we have any needs and feelings that we want to express, if we talk to them, we can quickly understand the main points. This is the advantage of this dubbing club.

——However, those transformed from civil society organizations like this will lack professionalism. After all, they have not received that kind of professional training, and they may not be able to do enough in some aspects.

Zhou Liang: In fact, we considered a more professional dubbing company at the beginning. At the beginning, we hoped that the dubbing could start as soon as the sub-shots were completed. However, due to some restrictions, this effect still cannot be achieved. We have to pre-configure it first, and then the dubbing community over there will do it again. In the later stage, we also need to adjust the screen according to the effect of dubbing. We also hope that these domestic dubbing teams can grow up faster. There will be more and more domestic animations in the future. I hope they can dub these works with a more professional standard.

Screenshot from Episode 8 of Bump World.

——Actually, the dubbing of some domestic animations on the Internet is done by these emerging dubbing societies, and we have seen them gradually mature.

Zhou Liang: The biggest advantage of these clubs is their enthusiasm. If you are not professional enough, you can practice slowly, and if you are not good enough, you can make up for it. But this kind of enthusiasm is difficult to maintain. As an original animation producer, we, Naturally, I also hope that their level will get better and better.

——I saw that some lines in "Bump World" used some languages ​​that are popular on the Internet. Regarding this point, did the screenwriter feel too casual when writing it?

Zhou Liang: On the contrary, we have been trying to avoid the use of popular Internet terms, especially some time-sensitive ones, let alone appear. We are worried that this kind of language that is popular on the Internet for a while, looks good now, but when future audiences see it, those who are not familiar with it will feel inexplicable, and even if they know it, they will feel very cold (laughs). So for this point, when we write lines, we will try to reduce them as much as possible, but sometimes we will add some unconsciously. After all, the characters in it are all in their teens. We also refer to their current peers for their speaking methods and lines. Naturally, some Internet terms will be brought in, but fortunately, there are not too many, at least audiences of the same age will be a little friendly when they see it!

——This has something to do with the fact that "Bump World" is played on an online platform. After all, the audience are people who hang out on the Internet. When they hear these words, they resonate more. But if it is broadcast on TV, do you have this idea?

NONO: Yes, we planned to broadcast it on TV from the beginning. It's just that the TV station needs to finish everything, and then approve it at one time before it can be broadcast on TV. And we are broadcasting while we are doing it. In fact, we haven’t finished it completely, so we can only wait. When the first season is finished, we will consider applying. This is also an advantage of the online platform, otherwise we would have to wait for a long time before releasing it after everything is done, and we would miss a better period like now.

Screenshot from episode 10 of Bump World.

——I think it is quite easy for "Bump World" to pass the censorship. According to the current statement, the subject matter is quite healthy.

NONO: Hehe, yes, "Bump World" is an overhead theme, and it is a relatively simple passionate theme work. Although it is a bit of a fight, it will not appear violent. We are still quite confident in this point of.

——According to the current progress, how many episodes are you producing faster than the broadcasting speed?

Zhou Liang: Generally speaking, the amount is about three episodes in advance. For example, we are playing episode 10 now, and we have finished episode 13. In case of temporary delays, it is better to have a buffer period, afraid of opening the skylight. At the same time, different episodes are produced in groups, so that they can go hand in hand and have more production time.

——Did there be any temporary changes during the production process, which delayed the progress?

Zhou Liang: Generally speaking, when the storyboard is determined, there is not much change. Most of the adjustments are made between the script and the storyboard.

——Is there a dedicated person in charge of the script and storyboards, or is the director himself involved?

Zhou Liang: Normally, a dedicated person in charge will do the work. Sometimes I’m really too busy, so I will participate in helping to make some. At other times, I focus more on overall planning and preparation, and more on controlling the overall direction. As the team got better and better, I didn't worry so much.

——As far as the current plot content is concerned, I feel that there are fewer climaxes and a little flat, especially now that each episode is relatively short.

Zhou Liang: Yes, we have also noticed this. After all, we have never done this kind of 10-minute film before. In fact, the shorter the film, the more it needs a hot spot to stimulate the audience. Persistent. I really didn't do well enough in this aspect, and I hope I can do better in the future plot, which is also due to lack of experience.

Screenshot from episode 10 of Bump World.

——Then how to make the rhythm come to an end in just 10 minutes? Generally speaking, a gimmick is left to attract the audience, like the manga on Japanese Shonen Jump, each issue has more than 10 pages, and there is a suspense at the end.

Zhou Liang: That’s right, a system has been formed in Japanese manga magazines, so the animations they adapt are pretty good, because the rhythm of the original work has already been done, and if they are made into animations, There is no need to modify too much, just follow the progress of the comic.

——I see that "Bump World" also has its own manga, and now the progress of the manga is faster than that of the animation. In this regard, does the animation follow the rhythm of the manga?

Zhou Liang: Actually, it is not. Although the progress of the manga is relatively fast, it is different from the animation. In addition to the changes in the plot, some characters are only found in the manga, and the animation can only be deleted. In this regard, it can be regarded as two works with different story development. Even if you read the manga first, it won't affect you too much to watch the anime.

——Why did this happen, wasn’t it planned together?

Zhou Liang: The main reason is that the animation is produced in 3D. If it is traditional 2D, it is relatively simple to add a character, but 3D design to character modeling, binding, etc. will be more complicated. The method was revised halfway, so for the sake of the plot and time, I had to make some sacrifices. There was a change to the plot in the early days, but the butterfly effect affected the latter, and the plot became more and more deviated, and finally a different development route from the comics appeared.

Screenshot from Episode 11 of Bump World.

——So the audience will get different feelings when watching animation and manga!

NONO: That’s right, even if there are a lot of animations ahead of time, it’s a bit of a spoiler, but overall it won’t affect too much. I hope everyone can support animation and comics together!

——In addition to the main story and manga of the current animation, have you considered adding other forms of content, such as side stories? ? Or open a new work?

Zhou Liang: We have thought about it, we have plans to try other animation forms in the future to make special episodes or extra episodes, rumors and the like. However, it is still only in the preliminary planning. After all, the current focus is still on the content production of the main article. Only when this is done well will there be time for other attempts. As for other things, I don't have much energy to think about new works right now, and I'm giving priority to "Bump World".

——Thank you very much to the creators of "Bump World" for accepting our interview. I wish the animation will be better and better, and the popularity will increase.

Zhou Liang, NONO: You’re welcome, and thanks to Anitama for supporting us.

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