:The other party threw you a bunch of Chinese fonts that are free for commercial use-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The other party threw you a bunch of Chinese fonts that are free for commercial use

Very good Chinese fonts for free commercial use. First of all, I would like to remind you that you must pay attention to copyright issues when using free fonts to avoid infringement. Here are several free commercial Chinese fonts: 1. Siyuan Heiti Siyuan H

With the improvement of public aesthetic awareness and improvement of font copyright environment, font copyright is getting more and more attention. But what about those who do not have the ability to purchase genuine commercial copyrights but need to use fonts? Recently, through different channels, I have sorted out several verified fonts that are free for commercial use and shared them with everyone, and kept the original text link and download method at the bottom of the article for reference.

1. Siyuan Heiti

Speaking of free fonts, you have to mention Siyuan Heiti, which is an open source font covering almost all languages, developed by Adobe and Google, version 1.001 and earlier is based on Apache>

Siyuan HeiTi was first released on July 16, 2014. It has developed seven font sizes and fully supports Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

For Simplified Chinese, it supports all Chinese characters stipulated in the Chinese national standard GB18030 and the "General Standard Chinese Character List" promulgated by the Ministry of Education in 2013. Also includes the popular Source>65,535 glyphs (the maximum limit supported by the OpenType format), and the number of glyphs in the entire font family is close to 500,000. The number of glyphs, the scale of development and the value are the largest in history.

At the same time, in order to support the four languages ​​of Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean without writing conventions, Siyuan HeiTi cooperated with font manufacturers from all over the world to jointly develop it. Chinese comes from Changzhou Chinese, Japanese iwatafont expands Japanese characters, and Korean Sandoll Communication designs Korean traditional phonetic characters. The Siyuan Blackbody project has grown into a collaborative project between five companies, which is unprecedented in the field of typeface design.

Chinese characters have a long history. They are called hanzi in Chinese, kanji in Japanese, and hanja in Korean. These languages all originated from ancient Chinese characters, but with the independent development and evolution in various places, the writing conventions have changed in many ways. While some features have remained the same and are common to the languages, others have become regional variants. This can be seen from the glyphs shown below.

Chinese characters U+9AA8 ("bone"), from left to right are Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese/Korean (shared)

Chinese characters U+66DC, from left to right are Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean

The variation of glyphs may be subtle (especially to Westerners) but these variations are very important to the speakers of each language.

Copyright statement:The entire Siyuan font including the CJK part is free for everyone to use. It uses Apache License Version 2 (ApacheLicense, Version2).

2. Siyuan soft body

As mentioned earlier, Siyuan is a free font, which is not only free for commercial use but also allows modification. Japan's self-made フォント Workshop changed the Siyuan black body into Siyuan soft body, which is also free for commercial use.

And also changed 3 different fillets, namely L, standard, X, as shown in the figure below:

Copyright statement:Source soft ゴシックのフォントファイルは, source ノcorner ゴシックと同じSILOpenFontLicense1.1のもとでuse することができますので、Commercial useなどにおいても特に控制なくお使い顶けます.

3. Founder free font

In order to meet the most common use of the most users and at the same time protect the labor value of font creators, Founder Company divides Founder fonts into "free fonts", "basic fonts" and "commercial release" behaviors. Three categories of "Featured Fonts":

Free fonts: including four fonts: Founder HeiTi, Founder Book Song, Founder Fang Song, and Fangzheng KaiTi. Free for "commercial distribution" use.

Founder Heibody: Uniform strokes, correct and simple font, stable and substantial structure, suitable for all kinds of headlines of books, newspapers and magazines.

Fangzheng Shu Song: The font is correct and elegant, with light horizontal and vertical heavy, uniform structure, rigorous brushwork, beautiful and practical, suitable for the text of various books, periodicals and magazines.

Fangzheng imitates Song Dynasty: the strokes are uniform in thickness, the font is handsome and upright, the layout is rigorous, and it is well-proportioned. It is suitable for the main text and subtitles of books, newspapers, magazines, ancient borrowings, and poems.

Fang Zhengkai: The font is simple and correct, the brushwork is stretched and powerful, smooth and natural, and the structure is well-proportioned. It is suitable for small and medium-sized titles and texts of books, newspapers, magazines, and teaching materials at all levels.

4. Wang Hanzong Series

Wang Hanzong’s free fonts were first donated by Professor Wang Hanzong of the Department of Mathematics of Chung Yuan University, Taiwan, who developed the Tiancan font library, in 2000 and 2004 respectively. Ten sets of WCL series fonts and 32 sets of new fonts, all in GNU>

In 2005, Taiwan's well-known font manufacturer Arphic Technology believed that Wang Hanzong's font was extremely similar to Arphic's. Some free software websites decided to remove the font download before the problem became clear to avoid legal problems.

However, justfont, a cloud-based font service company, believes that some fonts have no infringement issues: Arphic believes that many sets of fonts by Wang Hanzong are copied from Arphic. But if it is a complete plagiarism, it will be controversial, because although the skeleton is the same, but the depiction points are different, legally it can only be regarded as "suspected" plagiarism. "

In addition, in terms of "Lishu", "Fangsong", and other fonts, Arphic is not original. There are many font companies with the same name that almost look exactly the same. In this way, it is actually difficult to say who copied whom. However, in order to avoid controversy, we still list the Wang Hanzong fonts that Arphic claims to be infringing here for your reference: (red dot font on the icon below)

(Wang Hanzong imitates Song, Wang Hanzong imitates Song Simplified, Wang Hanzong official script, Wang Hanzong Zhongming style, Wang Hanzong bold style, Wang Hanzong special Ming style, Wang Hanzong fine round style, Wang Hanzong special round style, Wang Hanzong folded round style, Wang Hanzong Kanting style, Wang Hanzong Variety Style, Wang Hanzong Zhongxing Script, Wang Hanzong Variety Style Shuangkongyin, Wang Hanzong Bold Regular and Simplified) a total of 14 styles.

Wending Company claims that the above Wang Hanzong font is infringing, please consider before using it. The Wang Hanzong font in other parts is not controversial.

5. Wenquanyi Zhenghei

WenQuanYi ZhengHeiTi is a set of open source Chinese HeiTi TrueType open source fonts developed by WenQuanYi. It is the first free Chinese font that completely covers standard character sets such as GB18030 (including subsets GB2312 and GBK) and Big5.

It contains more than 27,842 Chinese characters required by all commonly used simplified and traditional Chinese characters, as well as Japanese, Korean and dozens of other language symbols. The font also embeds the Chinese and English dot matrix of Wenquanyi Dot Matrix Song. Because Windows doesn't support pure vector fonts. After discussion in Ubuntu Linux, it is determined to use vectors and not to enable dot matrix effects.

6, Wenquanyi Micron Black

Wenquanyi Weihei is a set of open-source Chinese black body TrueType fonts developed by Wenquanyi after Wenquanyi Zhenghei. It is based on the open source font DroidSansFallback developed by Google, mainly to supplement and optimize it.

The latest version of Wenquanyi Weihei contains more than 20,932 Chinese characters, completely covering standard character sets such as GBK (including GB2312) and Big5, and also includes Japanese, Korean and dozens of other language symbols. This font is characterized by a very small file size and is suitable for portable electronic devices. Currently, it has been applied to some versions of the Ubuntu operating system.

7. Zhanku high-end black

The "Hundreds of Chinese Characters Dance" project was initiated by font designers Hu Xiaobo and Liu Bingke. It recruited 100 font designers from Zaku.com to create a set of fonts. Zaku's high-end black general freely authorizes all designs Teacher use (free for commercial use).

The original glyphs were designed by Hu Xiaobo and Liu Bingke, and other designers derived other glyph designs based on the existing glyphs, the original 120 Chinese characters and the vector files of basic radicals.

Nearly 100 designers participated in the creation of , and finally 79 designers jointly completed this set of standard fonts containing 6763 Chinese characters, numbers and English letters.

8. Zhanku happy body

Zhanku Happy Font is a font design activity organized by font designer Liu Bingke and his font design students. Liu Bingke provides the font frame and design specifications, and more than 100 students and friends design basic fonts according to their own font content. The shape of the font was modified and adjusted by Yang Kang and Wu Shaojie, members of Liu Bingke Type Design Studio. Published September 2015.

The 2016 revision of Zaku Happy Body is a substantial modification and improvement based on the "Zhan Cool Happy Body". In the later period, Liu Bingke made revisions and adjustments one by one. After several rounds of review, it was officially announced and available for download in June 2016. The whole work took 7 months.

The 2016 revised edition of Zhankuhappy.com adopts GB2312 Chinese character encoding and contains a total of 6763 Chinese characters.

ZCOOL happy body 2016 revision, the copyright belongs to ZCOOL (ZCOOL), all creators reserve the right of signature, All designers will be authorized to use it for free (can be used in any commercial scope); No organization or individual may make profits through this font in any way.

9, Zhankukuhei

[Zhanku Kuhei Trial Edition] was born on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Zhanku. The font was initiated by Hu Xiaobo, the members of Ziyou Studio carried out the basic font design, and ten students from Hu Xiaobo's design class jointly designed it;

[Station Cool Black Trial Edition] The font is rough and powerful, and the wide and flat font is used to build a thick font shape. The decoration of the stroke details not only enhances the design sense of the font, but also makes the font more small of sophistication.

The middle palace of this set of fonts is very full, which makes the typesetting combination between the words very eye-catching and beautiful;

[Zhankukuhei Trial Edition] contains 3,500 commonly used characters, 52 English letters, and 10 Arabic numerals;

[Commercial application scope] industries such as games, electrical appliances, sporting goods, men's products;

[ZCOOL Trial Edition] The copyright belongs to ZCOOL, and all creators reserve the right of signature. All designers will be authorized to use it for free (can be used in any commercial scope);Any organization or individual shall not make profits through this font in any way;

10, Huayuan Ming Dynasty style

Garden Garden Ming Dynasty Style is the result of the Japanese open source community, and it is a font completed by the efforts of everyone.

In addition to the elegant, laid-back, and slender skeleton and atmosphere, another major feature is the "full Chinese characters": many Chinese characters that you can't read at all, and there are all of them in Huayuan Mingchao.

11, Seto フォント

Image from: justfont

This Seto フォント was made by Ms. Seto のぞみ, an amateur font designer in Japan (actually engaged in font design as a housewife). Her work seems to have stopped most of the free and open licenses recently because of some problems, but Seto フォント still maintains the free and open license terms.

However, because it is a Japanese font, there will be missing characters during use, so you can only combine it yourself.

12, Tukiliu

Image from: justfont

The horror font launched by Japan's Diablo Workshop is actually very useful: funny, scary, and sometimes it is very useful to pretend to be cute. However, because it is a Japanese font, there will be missing characters during use, so you can only combine it yourself.

Font citation:

Wikipedia: http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/%E5%85%8D%E8%B4%B9%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E4 %BD%93

Siyuan black body: http://blog.typekit.com/alternate/source-han-sans-chs/

Siyuan soft body: http://jikasei.me/font/genjyuu/

Founder Type: http://www.foundertype.com/index/release_info.html


Wenquanyi: http://wenq.org/wqy2/index.cgi

Zcool high-end black: http://www.zcool.com.cn/special/gaoduanhei/

Zcool happy font: http://www.zcool.com.cn/special/happyfont/

Station coolkuhei: http://www.zcool.com.cn/special/zcoolkuhei/

Garden Ming Dynasty style: http://fonts.jp/hanazono/

Seto Font: http://www.justfont.com/fontdetail/147

Tu ki Liu: http://www.ankokukoubou.com/font/hakidame.htm

Finally, those who are interested canreply in the background of the official account"The font corresponds to the serial number or Font name" to get the download link.

For example: reply "1", download Siyuan Heiti

GrayDesign organizes and shares, only for exchange and learning

The copyright of the font belongs to the original author, please indicate the source for reprint

「GrayDesign」is dedicated to Brand & Typography

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/The%20other%20party%20threw%20you%20a%20bunch%20of%20Chinese%20fonts%20that%20are%20free%20for%20commercial%20use.html

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