opening ppt:The opening report praised by the teacher, with the opening report template attached (the reply PPT template is attached at the end of the article)-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The opening report praised by the teacher, with the opening report template attached (the reply PPT template is attached at the end of the article)

For the needs of the opening report, I can provide a template of the opening report for your reference. Please note that this template is only for reference, and the specific content needs to be adjusted and filled according to your research topic. The fo

I am a royal academic boss, focusing on thesis guidance, writing and thesis revision guidance, thesis topic selection and opening report guidance and writing, SCI, EI, core journals and other high-level journals guidance and writing, thesis defense and PPT production , Dissertation insecticide; postgraduate entrance examination planning and postgraduate entrance examination guidance, etc.

We will continue to share dry goods for postgraduate entrance examinations, scientific research knowledge and essay writing skills, etc. Welcome everyone to pay more attention! ! !

Also Organized nearly 120 sets of graduation thesis defense PPT, welcome to like and guanzhu me~

1. Background, purpose and significance of topic selection:

(1) Topic background (more than 300 words):

Required: In what context? What is the object of study? Why study this topic? Then clarify which problems (discussion scope) the selected topic focuses on solving. First write the macro background, then introduce the corporate background, and then introduce it into the research of this article.

Example: In recent years, international violence (trade wars, epidemics) has led to corruption (industry problems). Coupled with ***, there are certain difficulties in corporate *** (profit/recruitment/foreign trade). The enterprise studied in this paper is the first, and has also been seriously affected. The severe market environment has brought greater pressure and challenges to the survival and development of the enterprise. Based on this, this paper conducts research on *water*enterprise*water*. Based on the relevant theories of previous scholars, through the water treatment method, it can improve the enterprise's investment ability, improve sales and increase sales.

(2) Topics (more than 300 words):

Required: What are you going to do? How to do it? Why do you do this?

Example: This article aims to explore *** and its main influencing factors, combined with existing relevant theoretical research, design research on *** and its influencing factors, respectively From multiple dimensions such as ** and **, investigate and analyze the impact on **, and put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions from different dimensions, providing reference for business managers to improve *** and reduce ***.

(3) The significance of topic selection (more than 300 words):

Requirements: From the perspective of theoretical significance and practical significance, evaluate the value of your topic, and explain clearly how this paper will promote the theory , or have any guiding significance for practice.

1. Theoretical significance:

Example 1: This article sorts out *** theory and its development, and is helpful for the application of *** theory in practice. Through the method, the conclusion is drawn, and an effective theoretical reference is provided.

Example 2: Adopting the method of ... to conduct research on ... will help promote the research progress of ... …research, and make good cushions.

2. Practical significance:

Example 1:Using the ... method to conduct research can help simplify the research process of the traditional ... method. Compared with the traditional method, the proposed ... The method has higher practicability, lower cost, higher efficiency, and is more suitable for large-scale promotion.

Example 2: This research is based on the analysis of the current situation of *** companies. Through **** research methods, the current problems of the companies are obtained and put forward Countermeasures. It can improve the corporate governance capability, promote global development, and improve corporate status. The research in this paper can be used as a reference for relevant managers and researchers, so it has certain practical significance.

2. Research status at home and abroad (more than 2000 words):

Requirement: It is actually a literature review.

First of all, classify and sort out the viewpoints of domestic and foreign documents collected by yourself according to the research object;

Secondly, sort out the main direction of the research on the subject, its development and current research, and select the most representative authors and viewpoints, paying attention to the authority of the author ;

Again, According to your own understanding, comment on the deficiencies in domestic and foreign research, or the lack of in-depth theoretical research, the shortcomings of research methods, and What issues have not been resolved, etc.;

Finally, briefly introduce the development trend of this topic, or write about how you plan to research and what conclusions you will draw.

1. Current status of foreign research

Since ***, the issue of *** development has attracted great attention and attention from the international *** academia, and has become a hot spot for many scholars, and has achieved many research results.

2. Domestic Research Status

The research on... in domestic theoretical circles originates from the development idea of... put forward by.... Since the middle of the ... s, ... the development issue has been highly concerned and valued by the international economic circles, and has become a focus of attention of many scholars, and many research results have been obtained. These fruits...


The final comment needs to summarize the research of previous scholars. Generally, it is found that foreign research started earlier, the theory and related applications are more perfect, while domestic research started late, and the research mainly focuses on XX Aspects, and put forward the deficiencies of previous scholars, and finally lead to the research content of this paper and so on.


3. Main content and research methods

(1) Main content:

Requirements: A secondary outline can be listed, and the arrangement should be neat; it can also be elaborated.


First, sort out relevant theories and literature research at home and abroad, fully understand the existing research ideas, methods and achievements, and lay a good foundation for the research of this paper.

The second is to use * to analyze, understand the current situation in depth, and summarize the main problems that exist.

The third is to put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions based on the existing problems of water.

(2) Research methods:

Requirements: Choose research methods based on your own topic selection, and don't copy other people's research methods. (The main methods commonly used in humanities and social sciences are: literature research method, survey research method, experimental research method, comparative research method, action research method, experience summary method, etc., generally no more than three methods).


The research methods of this paper mainly include literature research method, case study method and data comparative analysis method, as follows:

1. Literature research method. Through multiple channels such as HowNet, Wanfang, VIP, Google Scholar, etc., we collected * related literature research, understood existing research ideas and methods, and provided a certain theoretical basis for the in-depth exploration of * in this paper.

2. Case study method. This article is dedicated to the analysis of ***, combined with case ***, comparative analysis, and further comprehensive analysis of ***, in-depth understanding of ***, and how to effectively improve ***, put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions.

3. Data comparative analysis method. Compare and analyze the main indicators of the forest industry to understand the development trend of the industry. In addition, comparative analysis with the average level in the industry will be carried out to understand the competitive position in the industry.

Fourth, preliminary basis and expected results

(1) Early stage foundation:

Requirements: What conditions prompt the completion of the thesis, which can be expressed in points


First, the author's supervisor has rich experience in thesis writing and guidance, and can provide me with very valuable guidance and help me successfully complete the research on this topic.

Second, after four years of university study, master the relevant theoretical knowledge of ***, and possess certain research ability and statistical analysis knowledge, and be able to make full use of the knowledge acquired to make a better understanding of *** Carry out in-depth research, and then put forward effective countermeasures and suggestions for the government.

Third, the relevant literature research is very rich at present, which can provide abundant literature materials and theoretical references for the research of this paper.

(2) Expected results:

1. Complete a *** word thesis, check the plagiarism to meet the requirements, and modify it to pass.

2 By writing this paper, learn more about….

3 Improve your professional knowledge of... and improve your theoretical level in the field of....


Farewell to 2022, welcome 2023

Goodbye 2022

V. Thesis schedule

Week 1: Collect a large amount of relevant information, select a topic and complete the topic opening report;

Week 2: Specify the writing outline of the thesis under the guidance of the tutor;

Week 3: Collect relevant information and materials in the library;

Week 4: Find relevant foreign language materials in the library and other places around the thesis argument;

Week 5-7: The thesis writing is in full swing, the first draft is completed under the guidance of the tutor, and the first draft is submitted to the tutor for preliminary review;

Week 8-10: accept the mid-term inspection of the graduation thesis by the instructor, and understand the problems existing in the current thesis;

Weeks 11-14: Revise the thesis according to the questions in the mid-term checklist, and submit the final draft of the thesis.

6. References

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  1. There must be three types of documents: J, M\D (1-2 M/D each);

2. Documents must be recent 3-5 years;

3. No less than 15 articles, all symbols are in English.

4. There must be a space after all punctuation marks, including commas, periods, colons and document serial numbers.

The picture below is one of the PPT templates:

This graduation defense PPT contains 120 sets of selected PPTs. Show personality and taste, suitable for various occasions such as graduation defense, summary report, event planning, personal resume, publicity and promotion, etc.

These 120 sets of advanced graduation thesis defense PPT will help you get high marks!

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We will continue to share dry goods for postgraduate entrance examinations, scientific research knowledge and essay writing skills, etc. Welcome everyone to pay more attention! ! !

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