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The law and business teacher said! Use the Internet to build classrooms and start teaching across time and space

Home learning provides a good platform. Building classrooms through the network can realize teaching across time and space. Students only need to connect to the Internet at home to interact with teachers in real time and receive course content and teachin

The epidemic makes the school start Slowed down, but it can't stop the students' thirst for knowledge. Under the new situation, our school actively responded to the call of "suspending classes without stopping learning". With the joint efforts of the college and teachers, online teaching has been smoothly promoted, escorting students to study at home. In a blink of an eye, the online teaching of the special semester has been successfully completed. Let's listen to the teachers talk about online classes together!

Teacher teaching online

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Teacher Wu Liang said:

Online teaching "ERP Sand Table Simulation" course, I adopt the online live teaching mode, turning the physical disk into a cloud physical disk. "ERP Sand Table Simulation" should have gone to a special laboratory and used special props to teach experimental courses with physical attributes. Due to the epidemic, I couldn't get the corresponding teaching props. I used my drawing board to draw the physical disk by hand, and used the food packaging boxes and toys at hand to make the corresponding molds for online cloud physics teaching. After the change of cloud physics, the requirements for students' spatial imagination, information processing ability, and accounting ability are higher, and the normal 16-semester teaching cannot meet the requirements. I extended the class time to 19.5 semester hours, but I found that it was still not enough during the actual teaching. In the end, it took about 20.3 class hours to complete the teaching tasks with quality and quantity.

Experimental props made by Mr. Wu Liang

Teacher Wang Aojun said:

This semester, I mainly undertook the online teaching tasks of personal investment and financial management (self-built online courses) and ERP (shared online courses of the School of Economics). Because I have participated in online course production and other related special training before, and I have more mature online courses, so I pay attention to innovative teaching methods during the online teaching process this semester. For the "Personal Investment and Financial Management" course, I have tried various methods such as pictures and texts, pictures + voice, live broadcast, recording + interaction (sign-in, questionnaire, quick answer, selection, discussion, etc.), and constantly communicated with students. Finally, it was adjusted to the method of "recording and broadcasting plus interaction", mainly adopting the mode of collecting pilot content before class, unified Q&A during class, QQ group interaction and feedback after class, and adding more vivid and vivid actual cases, so that students have more sense of gain. The teaching method of the "ERP" course is slightly different. The initial learning time is increased, and students are required to complete the learning of the video content of their own characters in the Superstar Learning Pass in advance; through the QQ learning group, timely feedback of difficulties and problems, I will carry out targeted explanations ;Complete a year of simulated business operation every day from Monday to Saturday, because the time is relatively abundant, the continuity is guaranteed, and the time for self-digestion and discussion is relatively long. The final learning effect and teaching quality have been significantly improved and improved from the platform feedback.

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Accounting Department

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Teacher Liu Chunling said:

Before the start of school, I carefully prepared for online teaching, systematically studied and researched the "DingTalk" online teaching software, and passed the digital exam online. Teacher certificate; I will enrich and polish the course resources of the platform as needed to make courseware to ensure the complete closed-loop knowledge structure of the courseware and increase the interest of the courseware; organize students in the class to download and learn to use the "DingTalk" software online before the class starts, which is convenient for students It is smooth and quick to use while learning. Because of sufficient preparation, online teaching can be carried out smoothly. In order to strengthen the management of online classroom students, the statistics of students' attendance after class are counted every day, and they are announced to the class students in time.

Ms. Liu Chunling's teaching statistics

In order to ensure that the students' learning is effective, I have done some processing on the online homework, which not only ensures the inclusion of knowledge points, Students are also guaranteed to complete independently; the objective homework of the course "Financial Accounting Practice 1" is to learn to pass the quizzes and exercises in each chapter, and the subjective questions are to sort out business processing questions by myself, sort out and score the students who have completed the homework, and check the answers regularly. The exercises in the course "Tax Accounting" are e-book after-class assignments. Students who complete the assignments will be graded and the answers will be checked regularly.

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Teacher Zhang Zhigang said:

During the epidemic, I had more time to meditate on the question "What is the essence of education?" talent? I think that talents have souls. In the process of imparting professional course knowledge, it is very important to lead and correct students in the correct life course and carry out course ideological and political construction! In the professional courses, I actively explored the process of teaching, and naturally integrated the family and country feelings such as national prosperity, national rejuvenation, personal values, and outlook on life into the subtleties of chapter knowledge points, and spread them silently to the students. heart field. This teaching method has been affirmed by the students: In the Superstar Teacher Incentive Program in May this year, my professional courses ranked fifth in the undergraduate group, and I was awarded the title of "Star Teacher".

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Business Department

Teacher Peng Ke said:

"Internet + education" is the direction of future development in the field of education. I give full play to the online advantages of "Internet + education" and earnestly carry out online teaching to ensure that students can gain and succeed in online learning. This semester, I mainly undertake the courses of "Business Negotiation", "Organizational Behavior" and "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fundamentals". Combining the characteristics of the courses and the existing conditions, I decided to use the MOOC online teaching platform + QQ group Q&A program to implement online teaching. The online education platform provides rich and excellent course resources. I have plenty of time to prepare lessons and conduct teaching research. I study and research excellent teaching cases, constantly modify my teaching design in teaching, carefully screen teaching content, and reorganize all The courses I teach try to solve the content that students tend to ignore or understand in a short period of time. Not only that, I also clearly and detailedly convey the learning methods and the meaning of independent learning to students through the QQ group, and urge students to develop online learning skills. learning habit. The online education model has improved students' enthusiasm for learning, and the interaction between teachers and students and students has become active.

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Department of Tourism and Hotel Management

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Teacher Yin Changli said:

I had no experience in online classes in the first half, and the MOOC resources gave me a buffer period, which gave me the opportunity to learn some excellent teaching content and teaching methods in related courses from outstanding colleagues across the country. In the second half, according to the actual situation, I use QQ classroom teaching, upload courseware in advance, pre-review, class discussion, and class assignments are assigned tasks in advance, and the class is randomly selected. And students after class ask questions individually, and I will give a concentrated lecture to answer questions. The class administrator performed the duties of the classroom teaching assistant and exercised the working ability of the student cadres. In QQ Q&A and discussion classes, students are targeted to participate in discussions or short in-class exercises to guide students to think about problems and connect classroom theory with life experience.

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Department of Media and Art Design

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Teacher Dai Lingyun said:

This semester teaches four courses: "Watercolor Painting", "Modeling Basics 2", "Chinese Calligraphy", and "Digital Video Synthesis". Mainly through the use of Chinese university MOOC platform courses, asynchronous SPOC hybrid teaching, according to the elective course standards of law, business and art design, combined with online course resources, effective adjustment and design are carried out according to the characteristics of the course disciplines and students' majors, and the establishment of QQ group for Q&A and guidance. For example: Compared with the usual teaching, "Calligraphy Course" lacks writing exercises, so I use computer software or hand-painted font design instead. Although the writing homework is mainly based on computer software design, it breaks through the traditional teaching of long scrolls or buckets. Some students have innovative ideas, using round fans to match the picture, and even use the effect of mounting to make it. They are very careful. Complete the work. The teaching reform of the calligraphy course was very successful, laying a solid foundation for subsequent professional courses such as font design, layout design, and book binding design.

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Teacher Dong Wen said:

My harvest is to effectively use multiple platforms to carry out online teaching. To collect information before class, I will make course knowledge points and cases into PPTs to improve the content of online teaching courses. In class, use "Xue Xuetong" to check attendance, roll call, and answer questions interactively; use "QQ" to publish teaching PPT, teaching cases, upload learning materials, conduct live broadcast of courses, and interact with students online; use "drawing pictures" to plan the priority of teaching tasks Difficulties, grade students, ask students questions; use "China University Mo Classroom" to comment on students' design and arrangement of weekly exercises. Diversified teaching methods ensure that every student can study the course content seriously and complete the learning tasks with quality.

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Department of Information Management and Engineering

Teacher Liu Yunfang said:

I chose the DingTalk APP as my teaching platform after experiencing problems such as the loud noise in the QQ live broadcast room and the inability to log in to the Xuetong platform during peak hours. Since I was in a foreign country at the time, I didn't have a computer, any teaching materials or a printer, and I couldn't go out, so I had to use my mobile phone to search for information on the Internet, and after screening, I copied all the key content by hand for future use. Online teaching is more suitable for mathematics courses, because the knowledge of mathematics is difficult and abstract, and students do not learn well and easily lose interest in learning. However, most teaching platforms such as DingTalk platform will automatically save live lessons, and students can watch them anytime and anywhere Course playback, you can also ask questions to the teacher anytime, anywhere, without the constraints of time and space. Teachers on the platform can correct homework anytime and anywhere, tick and cross, write comments, and comment on homework one by one for students through recording, which is almost impossible to achieve in real classrooms. Through the practical experience of online teaching during this period, I decided to adopt online and offline hybrid teaching in the future, using the advantages of online teaching to make up for the shortcomings of offline teaching, so as to carry out teaching work better and more efficiently.

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Teacher Cai Jie said:

Online teaching under the new crown epidemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the field of education. As a front-line teacher, I also worked as a "network administrator + anchor" for a semester with apprehension, in which I gained a lot and reflected a lot. This semester, I am teaching two foreign language courses, "Translation Theory and Practice I" and "Comprehensive English II". The former uses the MOOC platform and QQ online live broadcast for teaching, and the latter uses the Chaoxing platform and QQ online live broadcast. During the online live broadcast, students can answer questions, express their opinions, post discussions after class, and students can earn points by participating in discussions. Homework that is usually difficult to assign due to limited classroom time can now be completed on the platform. Of course, there are still deficiencies in online teaching. Teachers don't have a clear grasp of students' learning conditions, and they don't have time to remotely control or monitor students' conditions. The form of online teaching will never stop at the end of the epidemic. This is just the beginning. The issue we face in the future is how to continue to consolidate the results of this online teaching and continue to advance it.

Teacher Fang Fang said:

In this semester, I took two core courses for English majors, "Basic English" and "English Speech and Debate". After receiving the online teaching task, I quickly adjusted my status and prepared in the shortest possible time. I organized teaching resources, wrote tutorial tasks, and adjusted teaching courseware to ensure the continuity of online teaching. At the same time, I continued to explore the use of various teaching platforms. The familiarity with them played a certain auxiliary role in my teaching. In order to solve the problem of network instability, I tried a variety of methods, and finally connected my traffic with a hotspot. , to ensure the stability of network operation during teaching. The biggest difference between online teaching and offline teaching is that the real-time interaction between teachers and students cannot be guaranteed. In view of this, I will call the students from time to time and ask students to answer questions in tandem to improve students' classroom participation. Online teaching does not allow face-to-face interaction, and for language courses, it will appear rather boring. I will continue to study such a feature-rich teaching platform to make my classes more interesting and useful. I believe that after summarizing and reflecting on the online teaching of this semester, I will become more adaptable to the trend of "future Internet + education".

College organization, Technical support

Home-school cooperation, careful teaching

Let homeschooling students gain a lot,

Become organized in continuous learning and exploration.

All the past is prologue.

Looking back at the spring of 2020,

We will surely have warmth in our hearts,eyes full of stars.

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Past Review

Hubei University of Economics School of Law and Business 2020 General Enrollment Brochure

The countdown to the college entrance examination is 1 day, we are waiting for you in France Business!

Flood prevention|Where did the French businessmen fight against the flood?

Flood conditions are orders, and life is more important than Mount Tai.

99 years, the original intention is the same, forward the relay!

—Hubei School of Economics School of Law and Business—
Text Source|Department of Academic Affairs

Text arrangement|Han Ruiting Chen Anqi Hu Zhiyan Zhang Xiaoran

Typesetting|Wang Jin

Editor-in-chief|Hao Tian

Review|Shan Min
Contribution email: fsdb@hbue.edu.cn
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