Hengshui font Chinese characters:The difference between "Hengshui font" and "cheese font" is clear at a glance, and the students' choice is a bit unexpected-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The difference between "Hengshui font" and "cheese font" is clear at a glance, and the students' choice is a bit unexpected

Test scores are often one of the important criteria for evaluating a student's level. However, the quality of students' handwriting practice affects their writing ability and test scores to a certain extent. The traditional Hengshui font and the modern ch

In China, writing is very important in education One, the first step for most children to receive education is to learn to write. However, now that students are increasingly relying on electronic devices, there are also problems with students' calligraphy practice.

In today's education, exams, scores, and answering questions have become the basis for students' development. Many students are working hard to get higher scores in exams. Writing has become a very critical part of this process. At this time, many parents began to care about students' writing problems, and hoped that students would don't suffer because of writing in the exam.

However, during the examination process, students need to consider the feelings of the marking teacher the most, especially in the case of electronic marking. Fonts and exams can also get higher scores. However, in the era when Internet celebrity fonts are frequent, there are many controversies about students' choice of fonts.

"Hengshui Font" and "Cheese Font", after comparison, they stand out from each other

In the age of Internet development, primary and middle school students have discovered many novel fonts, some with unique styles, some eloquent, or fresh and elegant. Among the many fonts, the fonts that students choose most are Hengshui font and Cheese font< /strong>, and these two fonts have caused many netizens to a lot of controversy about calligraphy practice, and even a comparison of the two fonts.

Hengshui font - one stroke and one stroke is standardized and clear

As we all know, Hengshui font is a font developed specially for the college entrance examination by Hengshui Middle School. It is not only standardized and clear in the process of writing, but also in the case of electronic marking , also has a very high definition, so many students who want to get high scores in the college entrance examination will choose this font, but because it is too templated, many students are not interested in Hengshui font .

Cheese font——The font is neat and cute

Cheese fonts are typical Internet celebrity fonts, and many female students who like "hand account" will learn such fonts because The neat and cute style of the cheese font was once the first choice for students to practice handwriting, but such a font was not liked by the marking teachers, and some teachers even said: Seeing this The font is judged as 0 points.

Summary: In fact, "Hengshui font" and "Cheese font" are both very beautiful fonts, but comparing the two , the style of Hengshui body is more Suitable for exams, while the cheese body style is more suitable for daily writing.

Especially in the case of electronic marking, tests the clarity of students’ writing more, so there is no problem for students to write cheese in daily life, but in In the exam, it is necessary to choose a font that is more suitable for the exam as much as possible in order to get a higher score.

So what aspects should students pay more attention to when choosing fonts

Pay attention to the recognition of fonts, and the electronic marking should be clear:In the era when the Internet is more and more developed, the teacher's marking method has changed from handwriting to electronic marking.However, in electronic marking, it is even more difficult Students need to have clearer answers, and when students choose fonts, they need to choose clearer fonts, such as regular script, Song typeface, thin gold typeface, etc. are very good choices.

Pay attention to the style of the font, it will be more tidy in the exam: If you want to get better grades in the exam, you should not only consider the recognition of the font, but also Consider the senses of the entire test paper.

So when choosing a font, students should pay more attention to the style of the font: the spacing between Chinese characters, the standardization of writing, the size and height of writing, etc. It will affect the cleanliness of the entire test paper. Therefore, the typesetting of students in writing is also very important.

Pay attention to the difficulty of writing and save time for the exam: In fact, there are many fonts in China that are very suitable for students to learn, but many of them are in the process of practicing calligraphy There are very high levels of difficulty, such as Thin Gold, Song, etc..

Students not only need to spend a lot of time in the process of practicing calligraphy, but also need to spend a lot of time in writing in the examination In terms of writing, it is easy for students to fail to answer the questions, so students should try their best to choose fonts that are smooth in writing and easy to practice in order to get better results.

Misunderstandings that students often fall into when practicing calligraphy can easily affect test scores

Many students are either foolish or too serious when practicing calligraphy, but these two attitudes are not advisable. Foolishness will make them unable to practice good fonts, but being serious will delay too much study time, and even in the exam. Can't finish the test paper.

In fact, it is really a good thing in the process of practicing calligraphy, so that you can write better Chinese characters in the shortest time, but students should pay attention to Comprehensive more factors, don't be too serious, Otherwise, if you spend too much time on writing, you will not be able to finish the test paper, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

If students want to get higher scores in the exam, they must ensure that their handwriting is clear, the paper is neat, and the writing is smooth. Let yourself achieve better results in the shortest time possible is the ultimate goal for students to practice calligraphy.

Write to the end:

Practicing handwriting for primary and middle school students has always been a very important compulsory course, but when students are under increasing academic pressure, many parents and teachers will ignore the students' handwriting practice and let students A lot of points are lost for no reason in the exam, so before facing the final battlefield, students must practice their handwriting well so that they can hope to get higher scores.

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