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The delicate font, Cui Tiankai's personal letter to Zhang Wenhong, reminds us a lot

Unspiritual and touching. Ambassador Cui Tiankai's personal letter shows us the image of a truly caring and caring leader. This kind of care and respect is important to everyone, both in their personal and professional lives. It also reminds us to always

Data map: Cui Tiankai photo from China News Service

Editor's Note: Recently Ambassador Cui Tiankai sent a letter to Dr. Zhang Wenhong. Ambassador Cui also said in his letter that the patriotism, benevolence and professionalism shown by our medical staff, grassroots community workers and volunteers are unforgettable. Just like the song "Ordinary people move me the most". What moved me was not only the content of the letter, but the fact that Ambassador Cui at the deputy ministerial level wrote the letter in hand. Everyone in the system knows that the secretarial team does it for the senior leaders to reply to the letter. It is difficult for us ordinary people to write a letter with a pen, let alone a senior leading cadre writing it in person! This yearI’m afraid there are not even people who write love letters! This reminds me of the kind Premier Wen! Tonight, I have collected and attached some of his autographed letters, please appreciate them!

On March 26, Zhang Wenhong, director of the Infectious Diseases Department of Huashan Hospital, was invited by the Chinese Embassy in the United States to go online Live broadcast, interpreting the epidemic situation in the United States. Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai sent a letter expressing his gratitude to Zhang Wenhong, and the full text is published below.
Dear Professor Zhang Wenhong:
< section> Hello!
Thank you very much for accepting the invitation of our embassy to discuss the anti-epidemic issues with overseas students and overseas Chinese in the United States online Long conversation. In the early days of the domestic fight against the epidemic, overseas Chinese and overseas students cared about their relatives in the motherland, actively donated materials and money, and made great contributions. Now that they are facing the epidemic, they especially need care and guidance. Your scientific attitude, pragmatism, and "down-to-earth" explanations based on professional knowledge are extremely beneficial and timely for everyone to fully understand the problem, take effective precautions, and avoid unnecessary panic. On behalf of all compatriots in the United States, I would like to express my sincere respect and thanks to you!
As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, this fight against the epidemic is a big test for all of us. The family and country feelings, benevolence and professionalism shown by our medical staff, grassroots community workers and volunteers are unforgettable. Just like the song "Ordinary people move me the most". Your behavior of leading party members to the front line is an example for us to learn from. The comrades in the embassy and I will guard our posts and win our battles. When I connected with international students, I said that as long as the students are still here, I will not leave, and I will definitely do what I say.
I was born in Shanghai, although I spent most of my adult life away, to be precise I went to Heilongjiang before graduating from middle school I jumped the queue, but I still think Shanghai is my hometown. After the epidemic is over, try to have the opportunity to go home and have a look. I hope to visit you at that time, not for medical treatment, but for advice.
I wish you and the folks in Shanghai good health and safety!
Cui Tiankai
March 26, 2020 Washington
▲On the 90th birthday of Mr. Ye Jiaying in 2014, Premier Wen Jiabao wrote a handwritten birthday congratulation
< /section>
September 14, 2007Premier Wen JiabaoA personal letter to Professor Yang Fujia about education
The full text is as follows:
Comrade Fujia:
Tuo Jianmin The translation of "Blessings to Tongji University" forwarded by the Secretary-General has been received. Thank you for your attention to this article. In order to make the translation more accurate, especially the translation of Chinese classic quotations and the original meaning, I asked Mr. Zi Zhongyun to make revisions. The revised draft will be sent to you for your reference. How to run a good university is a question I often think about. Although I have discussed some opinions many times, I always feel that the work has not been done enough and there are many practical problems. Recently, I had a dialogue with freshmen at Beijing Normal University, expounding some of my views on education. You must have read the report. I don’t know what you think, and I would like to hear your suggestions.
In 2010 Yuan Longping’s 80th birthday received a letter from Premier Wen Jiabao
Congratulatory Letter from Premier Wen Jiabao
Mr. Longping:
Hello! Haven't seen each other for a long time, I miss you very much. He has been engaged in the research of hybrid rice for half a century. He is not afraid of difficulties, is willing to dedicate, devotes himself to the pursuit, and has made great contributions to solving the food problem of Chinese people. Mr.'s outstanding achievements not only belong to China, but also affect the world. On the occasion of his 80th birthday, I would like to extend my highest respect and heartfelt wishes to you. May you be healthy and happy. May you continue to achieve new results in rice research. May your scientific research career be successful and prosperous. .
Wen Jiabao
August 27, 2010
▲ Premier Wen visited Mr. Ji Xianlin

On October 12, 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao sent a personal letter to Xinhua News Agency, correcting the mistakes in his speech and apologizing, which moved thousands of readers.

Correction letter from Premier Wen Jiabao to the editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency, the full text is as follows: The editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency, Shi Guishe, broadcast my article "Education Plan, Teacher-Oriented" yesterday, in which the classification of petrology should be sedimentary rock, igneous rock (also called igneous rock), and metamorphic rock. I hereby make corrections and apologize to the readers. Wen Jiabao October 12, 2009

▲On the eve of the 2007 Two Sessions, Premier Wen Jiabao gave Binjiang No. 2 Primary School A personal letter from teacher Liu Yanqiong.
Premier Wen Jiabao in 2011 Shijiazhuang children's six one reply letter
Most recent personal letter: On October 24, 2015, Mr. Cao Ying, the translator of "The Complete Works of Tolstoy", passed away. In the afternoon of the next day, Comrade Wen Jiabao gave them A handwritten letter of condolence was sent.
The full text of the letter is as follows
Sheng Tianmin Mr.:
I was shocked to learn that Mr. Cao Ying passed away, and I am deeply saddened. I would like to express my deepest condolences. Mr. Wang wrote to me in 2004, accepting the "Complete Works of Tolstoy's Novels". Your persistent pursuit of translation also reflects your love for readers.
Mr. Cao Ying is an outstanding writer and translator in my country. His achievements, character and spirit are worthy of our commemoration, learning and inheritance. His personality and works will remain in the world forever.
Please take care of the festival.
Wen Jiabao
▲And this photo is what moved me the most
I wish the Prime Minister a long and healthy life!

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