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The aesthetic principles and performance of font design!

The most commonly used words in our daily life, its design aesthetic principles and performance are very important. Among the aesthetic principles of font design, the following are some important aspects: 1. Form aesthetics: The overall appearance and sha

Text/Huang Meilin

Words are the language of human communication. In addition to conveying information and expressing emotions, as one of the elements of visual design, the most important thing is its visual aesthetic function, which makes words have beautiful artistic characteristics. As a unique character symbol of our country, Chinese character fonts have an important feature of expressing meaning and conveying information in the form of pictures, which has unique charm and visual power.

Chinese characters are an important element in graphic design, not only attached to the design itself, but also used as an interpretive language to create a visual language. Compared with simple graphics, Chinese characters are more creative in their formal beauty while conveying propaganda and accuracy. So how to present the beauty of Chinese characters?

In order to express beauty in artistic creation, we must follow the law of formal beauty, and the same is true for font design. Chinese characters are square-shaped symbols composed of different stippling, also called "square characters". In terms of appearance, "square characters" have the characteristics of "heterogeneity and isomorphism" with geometric figures. For example, "Guo" is similar to a square; "Pin" is similar to a triangle, etc. These geometric figures are symmetrical and stable in appearance. Therefore, the design of Chinese characters also has the characteristics of balance and stability.

The form of Chinese character font design should not lack a sense of balance. The balance of Chinese character font design is the balance of the stippling structure of a single font, and the visual balance of the combination of fonts. At the same time, because font design is a part of visual communication, it also covers the balance of related strokes or the combination of area, color, and weight of creative graphics and strokes. When designing fonts, the internal structural strokes of a character and the same strokes and different forms of a group of fonts should be visually unified and balanced. Recommended reading:The shape of the font is beautiful! Tangible, sound, meaningful

Rhythm and rhythm are originally expressions of music. But in our daily life and the natural environment, rhythm can be seen everywhere: the inherent color patterns of animals and plants in nature, the alternation of four seasons, and the growth and changes of human beings are all manifestations of rhythm. Painters depicting nature and designers designing environments all use the principle of composition. The composition of these points, lines and surfaces is the embodiment of rhythm and rhythm.

In the design of Chinese characters, many designers will replace some radicals of the font with some related or connotative graphics, and through the intervention of other arts such as painting or photography, the form of the font is full of strong expressiveness and art. Infection, too, maintains visual integrity while still reflecting the cultural identity behind the typography. Therefore, in the formal rules of font design, it is the orderly and alternating organization of stroke features, other forms and other elemental languages. If their relationship is well organized, the rhythm and rhythm will be scattered in people's vision, and good quality will be produced. Chinese character font design form.

The strokes of fonts, single characters or the combination of fonts can be regarded as the combination of points, lines and surfaces of graphic elements. Therefore, font design also has a visual sense of space and dimension, and its design has infinite possibilities. The structural space of the font itself and the charm of the cultural artistic conception behind the design constitute the spatial continuation of the text itself and its connotation. Font design can omit certain structures and strokes to express its creativity, and it can also convey cultural connotations through the font itself.

As an important part of visual communication, the font design of Chinese characters embodies the beauty of balance and stability, the beauty of rhythm and rhythm, the beauty of space and dimension in the Gestalt aesthetic principles. The infinite font beauty attracts people's attention and delights people's aesthetics. So what are the manifestations of font beauty?

From the perspective of the origin of characters, characters are derived from pictures, and graphics are the main way of expression and an important embodiment of the beauty of form. For example, the same Chinese character has different expressions in different historical periods. Changes in seal script, official script, regular script, cursive script, etc., although they are all one character, show different changes visually. For graphics, it has more changes and is more direct in conveying information, but it is less accurate than text in conveying information. Therefore, in terms of font design, combining it with graphics to express rich connotations can not only fit the design theme, but also convey a beautiful visual experience.

The artistic expression of fonts is the main way of expression in graphic design. Exaggeration and deformation are not only the strengthening of objects, but also a means of artistic processing, which can better fit the design theme to be expressed. Of course, when using exaggerated deformation techniques, we must pay attention to the degree of control, and we must express it properly from perceptual imagination and rational thinking to enhance its formal beauty. Recommended reading: Chinese font design skills! "Transformation" Dafa

Stroke sharing is a common method in font design. It is not only the disassembly of the font itself, but also the internal and external consistency obtained from the font structure and visual graphical expression, thereby extracting a unique aesthetic feeling and enhancing the coherence of the font design. and wholeness.

Scattering is widely used in font design. According to font size, ranks, heights, bevels, etc., it presents a chaotic and orderly patchwork effect, especially the use of traditional calligraphy art for font design. , its form beauty is particularly prominent.

In terms of font design, the edges and corners of traditional fonts can be reduced, and soft lines such as arcs can be used to express cute and cute artistic effects. For example, in the font design of some children's products, arc fonts without sharp edges and corners are often used, coupled with bright colors and bright colors, to enhance the playful style of the entire design work.

In addition to the beauty of the above-mentioned two-dimensional font design form, you can also introduce interesting font styling methods to enhance the three-dimensional effect of the font. For example, in font design, the materialized form corresponds to the font, which is concise and vivid, so that the audience can enhance the visual beauty after seeing the font design graphics, and also infiltrate intriguing fun.

The formal aesthetics of font design are diverse in expression. Choosing different expressions under different design themes can not only enhance the cultural heritage of font design, but also create a refreshing feeling for the audience and enhance the artistic appeal of the design. and visual tension. Designers can use a variety of graphic expression techniques, combined with the structure, strokes, meaning and other factors of Chinese characters, to create excellent graphic works.

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