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The Revolution of 1911 and the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation

The concept of modern democracy, and the founding of the Communist Party of China as a historical turning point, opened a new chapter for the Chinese revolution and development. The victory of the Revolution of 1911 laid the foundation for China to realiz

This year marks the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution , is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the meeting commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 that the Revolution of 1911 greatly promoted the ideological emancipation of the Chinese nation, spread the idea of ​​a democratic republic, opened the floodgates of China's progress, and shook the reactionary ruling order. It has established the first republic in Asia on the land of China, promoted the social transformation of China with great shock and profound influence, and explored the road for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

As early as March 1942 in Yan'an During the rectification movement, Comrade Mao Zedong once published a speech "How to Study the History of the Communist Party of China". He said: "Now everyone is studying the history of the party. This research is necessary. If you don't understand the history of the party and the path the party has taken in history, you can't do things better." He solemnly stated: "Speaking of the preparations for the revolution, the first stage starting in 1921 was actually prepared by the Revolution of 1911 and the May 4th Movement." Therefore, "We study party history only from 1921 The problem cannot be fully explained after one year." "We should also study the materials of the Xinhai Revolution and the May 4th Movement before the founding of the party. Otherwise, we will not be able to understand the development of history." At present, the whole party is carrying out in-depth study and education of party history , based on the historical intersection of the "two centuries", we commemorate the Revolution of 1911, recall and remember the historical feats of the revolutionary pioneers represented by Mr. Sun Yat-sen, and learn from the spiritual heritage they left in the exploration and struggle of modern China. Taking history as a mirror and creating the future, we will continue to undertake the historical mission on the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, grasp the historical initiative, and continue to push forward the great historical cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The outbreak of the Revolution of 1911 Historical Background

Reviewing the history of the 1911 Revolution, first It is necessary to examine the domestic and international overall situation at that time. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand why it broke out, what historical functions and influences it has, and why there are serious limitations, all of which are products of the historical development process.

China is a country with thousands of years The ancient civilization of history has created a splendid and splendid ancient civilization. However, since modern times, China has lagged far behind the development of the world. After the Opium War, the western powers relied on strong ships and guns to blast open the door of China, which caused China's social development to deviate from the original track, step by step onto the tragic path of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, where the country was humiliated, the people suffered, and civilization was dusted. . China's destiny is no longer in its own hands, and the shadow of national subjugation and genocide hangs heavily over the hearts of the Chinese people. It was against this historical background that the Revolution of 1911 broke out to save the Chinese nation from peril.

To talk about the history of the 1911 Revolution, We have to start with the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1899-1895. It was an important turning point in the development of China's modern history, and China's internal and external situation has undergone tremendous changes. The Revolution of 1911 is directly related to it.

Half a century before the Sino-Japanese War, China People are unconsciously involved in the process of world history with almost no mental preparation. The sound of artillery in the Opium War and the Nanjing Treaty that humiliated the country shocked people. People suddenly discover that there is such a strange world outside of China, but for a while they cannot understand all the profound changes happening around them. The Westernization Movement, which flaunts "self-improvement" and "seeking wealth", also gave people an illusory sense of security. Wei Yuan's idea of ​​"learn from barbarians to improve skills to control barbarians" still hopes that China will return to the prosperous age of "everything is happy, spring is everywhere, and anger is everywhere when you are angry". It can be said that many people are still quite numb to the serious national crisis. Until the eve of the Sino-Japanese War, Zheng Guanying, a progressive thinker, already felt the need to issue "dangerous words" to the society, but he still did not dare to openly point out the fact that China was in a "declining world", so he titled the book "Words of a Prosperous Age".

The failure of the Sino-Japanese War, to China The stimulation brought by people is too great. It fundamentally declared the bankruptcy of the Westernization Movement. All these deeply hurt the hearts of every Chinese who has deep feelings for the motherland. In 1895, Yan Fu, a famous Enlightenment thinker, published the "National Salvation Judgment", which was the first time in modern China to shout the slogan of "Salvation". Many people wake up suddenly in the face of the painful facts, and feel that the problem before them is no longer the general talk about "self-improvement" and "seeking wealth", but the need to directly "save the nation". Since then, "saving the nation" has become the overriding central issue before every patriotic Chinese. China's advanced elements have been thinking and worrying day and night, even at the cost of their lives, seeking an answer around this central question. At this time, the Qing government ruling China was just the opposite. It would rather sell a large amount of national interests in exchange for the support of imperialism, suppress the people's resistance, and maintain the already crumbling feudal rule. Without understanding the social background at that time, it is impossible to have a correct understanding of the Revolution of 1911.

The motherland is in danger! People couldn't help shouting the slogan "Save the Nation". Although the reformers headed by Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao put forward a series of reform demands to the Qing government, the Qing government, which had long been reduced to a "foreigner's court", refused to accept it, forcing the revolutionaries to launch a revolutionary movement that swept across the country. Known as the "Pawn of the Revolutionary Army", Zou Rong impassionedly shouted in the book "Revolutionary Army": "If China wants to be independent, it must have revolution; if China wants to be as powerful as the world powers, it must be revolution; If you want to survive in the new world of the 20th century, you must revolutionize."

1905, revolutions across the country The groups quickly united, and under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the China Tongmenghui was established. They went forward and launched many armed uprisings one after another, especially the Guangzhou Uprising represented by the 72 martyrs in Huanghuagang, which shocked the whole country. On October 10, 1911, the Wuchang Uprising broke out, and all parts of the country responded one after another. It not only overthrew the rule of the Qing government, but also ended the autocratic monarchy that had ruled China for thousands of years, and established a republic on the land of China. "This is the prelude to the profound social changes that have taken place in China since modern times. This is a great and arduous exploration by the Chinese people and advanced Chinese elements to realize national independence and people's liberation."

History of the 1911 Revolution Contributions and historical limitations

Was the 1911 Revolution a success or a failure? It should be said that both aspects exist at the same time. Overthrowing the autocratic monarchy and establishing a republic was the most outstanding contribution of the Revolution of 1911. It made the old reactionary ruling order no longer stable, and national awakening and national spirit generally rose throughout the country, which pushed the historical process forward a big step. From this point of view, the Revolution of 1911 made a huge historical contribution. Lin Boqu, a communist who personally participated in the Revolution of 1911, once said with emotion: "For many young people who have not been ruled by emperors, the political significance of the Revolution of 1911 is often underestimated. How difficult it is to overthrow the autocratic regime that has been inherited for thousands of years.” Lin Boqu is an old member of the League since its inception, and his earnest words are very to the point.

China's autocratic monarchy has experienced The long years of thousands of years. Among them, the sacred and inviolable "imperial power" has always been the concentrated expression of feudal rule. People have been constantly instilled in their minds with feudal ethics such as the "three cardinal guides and five constant principles" since childhood, and regard it as a matter of course that has not changed through the ages. "A country cannot be without a king for a day". The monarch is the son of heaven, and he is called the "son of heaven". . Until the revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in modern times, no one had proposed the idea of ​​overthrowing the absolute monarchy.

Mr. Sun Yat-sen is doing exactly this Under historical conditions, for the first time in Chinese history, he proposed to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic. The Tongmenghui made it clear that "creating the Republic of China" was its goal. In the "Revolutionary Strategy" promulgated in 1906, it even loudly declared: "Today, the national government will be established by the civilian revolution, and all our people are equal to have the right to participate." Of". This was a ground-breaking theory at the time. Just compare the change from "rebellious ministers and thieves, everyone will punish them" to "those who dare to have an imperial system for themselves, and the world will attack them together", and you can realize how huge this is. radical change.

Looking at the world 110 years ago, Among the major capitalist countries, apart from the French Revolution and the American War of Independence, which established the only two republics in Europe and North America respectively, the British Empire, Tsarist Russia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy, Japan, etc. Both retained the monarchy. China is the first country in Asia to establish a republic, which is not easy.

The direct results of the 1911 Revolution , at least two: First, it disrupted the political order of China's feudal rule. The Revolution of 1911 abolished the imperial system and fundamentally disintegrated the foundation of feudal rule. At the same time, it provided more space for the development of China's national capitalist economy, and the ranks of the proletariat continued to grow. Since then, although new rulers have appeared in turn like a revolving lantern, they have not been able to return to the monarchy. In addition, the tide of the people's revolution is getting higher and higher, and it is even more difficult to maintain unity within the reactionary ruling camp. Second, it gave the Chinese people a great ideological emancipation, spread the idea of ​​a democratic republic, and promoted the social changes in modern China with great shock and profound influence. People began to boldly seek new ways to save the country, and soon the May 4th Movement and the founding of the Communist Party of China ushered in a new era in Chinese history.

At the same time, we should also see This revolution did not fundamentally change the basic contradictions and social nature of modern Chinese society, and the fruits of the revolution were stolen by Yuan Shikai. After the founding of the Republic of China, many people thought that the goal of the revolution had been achieved, and thus lost the direction to move forward. Compromise gradually became the mainstream, causing the revolution to be abandoned halfway. The reason is that the Revolution of 1911 did not put forward a set of scientific theories to guide the direction of China's progress, did not fully mobilize and rely on the broad masses of the people, and did not find the correct path and leading force to solve the problem of China's future and destiny. The tragic situation of the people has not changed, and China is still a poor, backward, divided and chaotic country. In this sense, the revolution again failed.

We often say that an event has its historical limitations. The so-called historical limitations, according to the viewpoint of historical materialism, means that the existing problems cannot be solved because the objective material conditions at that time were not met, and this is independent of human will. People's social practice is guided by people's level of understanding, and this kind of understanding can only be carried out under the historical conditions of its era, and it is impossible to transcend the historical development stage. Speaking of the historical limitations of the Revolution of 1911, Comrade Mao Zedong mentioned three points that best illustrate this problem: first, "The Revolution of 1911 occurred when the Chinese proletariat had not yet awakened and the Chinese Communist Party had not yet been formed"; "After the defeat of the Paris Commune, the proletariat of the world has not taken any actual revolutionary action, but is only preparing for revolution"; third, "the revolutionary movement in the colonies and semi-colonies is still the reserve army of the world bourgeois revolution."

However, the value of a revolution cannot Only from its short-term effect to measure. From a long-term historical perspective, the far-reaching impact of the Revolution of 1911 is indelible. It has greatly promoted the ideological emancipation of the Chinese nation and explored a path for the development and progress of the Chinese nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly pointed out in his important speech at the meeting commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911: "Mr. Sun Yat-sen and the pioneers of the Revolution of 1911 have made great achievements for the Chinese nation throughout the ages! The heroes who fought bravely and sacrificed in the Revolution of 1911 will go down in history! 1911 Revolution will always be a majestic milestone on the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!"

Xinhai Revolution and China The Birth of the Communist Party

History is progress and development step by step of. From the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911 to the founding of the Communist Party of China, less than ten years passed. Many early leaders of the Communist Party of China participated in the Revolution of 1911 in their early years. Wu Yuzhang, Lin Boqu, Dong Biwu, Zhu De and others were the backbone of the Tongmenghui when they were young. Chen Duxiu was the leader of the Yuewanghui, a revolutionary organization at that time. In the year of the 1911 Revolution, he served as the secretary-general of the post-independence Anhui Governor's Mansion; Mao Zedong served as a soldier in the new army during the Hunan Uprising. Many early communists devoted themselves to the Revolution of 1911 or were deeply influenced by it, and raised their patriotism and democratic awareness. Later, they realized its fundamental flaws, continued to explore and advance, and eventually grew into staunch communists. There is inheritance and development in the middle, and there is a clear and continuous inheritance relationship.

Just after the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution In the third year, the First World War broke out; three years later, the sound of the October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to China, which promoted the great awakening of the Chinese people, and socialism changed from theory to living reality. With the maturity of objective conditions, the ranks of the proletariat expanded day by day, and the labor movement developed. In the close combination of Marxism-Leninism and the Chinese labor movement, the Communist Party of China came into being. This party, which initially only had more than fifty members, pointed out the correct direction for the development of Chinese society. The founding of the Communist Party of China was an epoch-making event in the history of the development of the Chinese nation. Since then, the national rejuvenation has had a strong and correct leader.

Mr. Sun Yat-sen is the leader of the Chinese Democratic Revolution Forerunners, the Chinese Communists are the most staunch supporters, most loyal collaborators, and most loyal successors of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause. When the revolutionary struggle led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen suffered serious setbacks, the Communist Party of China extended a sincere helping hand to him in time, helped the Kuomintang to reorganize, realized the first KMT-CPC cooperation, and promoted a new upsurge in the revolution. After his death, the Communist Party of China faithfully inherited his will, united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to fight bravely, made huge sacrifices, won the victory of the new democratic revolution, established the People's Republic of China in which the people are the masters of the country, realized national independence, and the people liberation. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China." This is a scientific conclusion drawn by the Chinese nation based on historical experience. On this basis, the Communist Party of China united and led the Chinese people to continue to struggle and established the socialist system.

Anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, yes The two goals of the modern national democratic revolution. Anti-imperialism means pursuing national independence and liberation; anti-feudalism means ending the autocratic monarchy and establishing a democratic republic. Based on this understanding, we say that the Revolution of 1911 "created a modern national democratic revolution in the full sense", which is an important preparation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. That’s why Comrade Mao Zedong reminded us that when studying party history, “we should also study the materials of the 1911 Revolution and the May 4th Movement before the founding of the party. Otherwise, we will not be able to understand the development of history.”

The road determines the destiny. The great historical changes of more than 100 years have come to a scientific conclusion: To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. "Going your own way is the foothold of all the theories and practices of the party, and it is also the historical conclusion reached by the party's century-old struggle." After the founding of New China, the Communist Party of China united and led the Chinese people to create socialism Great achievements in revolution and construction; emancipating the mind and forging ahead with determination, creating great achievements in reform, opening up and socialist modernization; self-confidence, self-improvement, integrity and innovation, leading great struggles, great projects, great undertakings, and great dreams, creating a new era The great achievement of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Looking back to the past, Mr. Sun Yat-sen's deep long-cherished wish to revitalize China, the pioneers of the 1911 Revolution's vision for the development of the Chinese nation, and the great dream that the Chinese people have dreamed of and fought for since modern times have become or are becoming reality. From standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process!"

Carry forward the pioneers of the 1911 Revolution The great spirit of the Chinese nation continues to push forward the great historical cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

What is the Chinese nation? Many people seem to have long been accustomed to it: it is a general term for all ethnic groups in China. But people can also ask in reverse: there are many countries in the world composed of multiple ethnic groups, but they are not collectively referred to as a certain ethnic group, and they often fall apart and fall apart quickly in the course of historical changes.

The Chinese nation is composed of 56 nationalities Composition, Mr. Fei Xiaotong called it "diversified unity": that is, 56 nationalities form a common nation-the Chinese nation, which is an organic whole formed in the long-term development of history. Around the world, this phenomenon is rare, if not unique. As a stable community, the Chinese nation developed mainly around the brewing and outbreak of the Revolution of 1911. In 1894, when Dr. Sun Yat-sen was drafting the charter of the Xingzhonghui, he loudly shouted the slogan of "rejuvenating China" for the first time, which was to jointly realize national rejuvenation. In the process of promoting the development of the revolution, people with lofty ideals consciously proposed and gradually perfected the concept of the "Chinese nation" as a community.

The earliest use of "Chinese nation" The name was proposed by Liang Qichao, a reformer in 1902. Liang Qichao once explained: "What is national consciousness? It means self-awareness towards others. 'He, Japanese; I, Chinese', whenever he meets another race, the concept of 'I am Chinese' immediately floats in his mind. This person is a member of the Chinese nation." Since modern times, with the expansion of overseas exchanges, other terms for "Chinese", such as "Chinese", "Chinese workers", "Chinese businessmen" and even "overseas Chinese", have also begun to be used. gradually became popular overseas. In fact, it also created direct social and cultural identity conditions for the formation of the conscious concept of the modern Chinese nation, and became an organic part of the Chinese nation community.

The name "Chinese nation" It was widely used after the establishment of the Republic of China during the Revolution of 1911. Mr. Sun Yat-sen wrote in the "Declaration" when he took office as the interim president: "The foundation of the country lies in the people. The Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan regions are included in one country, that is, the Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan ethnic groups are combined into one person. The unity of the nation." Since then, "the republic of the five ethnic groups" has become a slogan that has been passed down for a while. The earliest national flag of the Republic of China, the "five-color flag", is the symbol of the "Republic of Five Races". Beijing was the ancient capital of the Ming and Qing dynasties. To the south of the Forbidden City, the "Da Ming Gate" and "Da Qing Gate", known as the "National Gate", were renamed "Zhonghua Gate" after the founding of the Republic of China. After the Revolution of 1911, many big cities successively named or changed the name of a street: "Xinhua Street".

It can be seen that "Chinese The formation of the identity of the Chinese nation is the cultural basis of the conscious identity of the modern Chinese nation community. The in-depth revelation of the formation process of this understanding has important historical significance and practical value for strengthening and forging the consciousness of the Chinese nation community today.

November 24, 1894 Dr. Sun Yat-sen founded the first revolutionary group in Honolulu, and the most direct stimulus was Japan's invasion of China in the Sino-Japanese War. This day was the third day after the Japanese army occupied Lushun, so he personally named this revolutionary group "Xingzhonghui". In the second year, China and Japan signed the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", and Japan forcibly ceded Taiwan. The Revival China Society clearly stated "restore Taiwan and consolidate China". Maintaining national unity and opposing national division has been the common expectation of Chinese people at home and abroad since modern times, and it is also the goal that Dr. Sun Yat-sen pursued all his life. Four months before his death, he also clearly declared to the world: "'Reunification' is the hope of all Chinese people. If it can be reunified, the people of the whole country will enjoy happiness; if it cannot be reunified, they will suffer." After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Taiwan was restored, Back to the embrace of the motherland. Soon thereafter, due to the war and the interference of external forces, the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait was once again hindered.

The Chinese nation has the power to oppose secession and maintain A glorious tradition of unity. Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, we will firmly advance the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs, and no external interference is allowed. No one should underestimate the Chinese people's strong determination, firm will, and strong ability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity! The historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland must be realized. , and it will definitely be realized!"

Not long after the Revolution of 1911, Mr. Sun Yat-sen was in When watching the tide of Qiantang in Haining, Zhejiang Province, he once left a famous saying: "The trend of the world is mighty and mighty. If you follow it, you will prosper, and if you go against it, you will perish." At the same time, it is also committed to promoting the common progress of mankind. He once expressed his expectation for the Chinese nation in this way before his death: "If China becomes strong, we will not only restore our national status, but also take a great responsibility for the world." His vision for the future world order is to realize "human evolution". , world harmony".

Comrade Mao Zedong is commemorating the birthday of Mr. Sun Yat-sen On the 90th anniversary, he said with emotion: "China should make greater contributions to mankind." To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires us to make due contributions to the progress of human society like our ancestors did. We should take Mr. Sun Yat-sen as an example, always stand at the forefront of the times, be moved by the trend of the times, and rise up with the wind of the times.

Entering the 21st century, human beings are facing Global challenges are increasing day by day, and strengthening global cooperation is the only way to realize the common development of mankind. For this reason, China actively advocates the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Strengthen unity with the people of all countries in the world, jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics, be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order, and strive to make new and greater contributions to mankind.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades are still We must work hard!" In order to encourage his successors to continue to move forward, Dr. Sun Yat-sen once put forward three exciting propositions of "promise": "A man of prowess occupies the place of prowess, and when he meets the time of prowess". We remember the great achievements of the pioneers of the 1911 Revolution represented by Mr. Sun Yat-sen, and to learn and inherit their precious spirit, we must "join hands and continue to forge ahead towards the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!"

We must aspire to be "promising man of". The Chinese nation is industrious, courageous and creative. Mr. Sun Yat-sen said: "The Chinese nation, the greatest in the world, is also the best in the world." We must maintain the revolutionary spirit and revolutionary fighting spirit, carry forward the heroic spirit of daring to venture, dare to try, and dare to be the first, and give full play to the spirit of being a master to fight with the world. All progressive forces work together to create new and greater happiness for the Chinese nation and for all mankind.

We should cherish China" Promising place". Mr. Sun Yat-sen said very proudly: "China's land and population are beyond the reach of the world. We are really happy to be born in China." The fate of development and progress is firmly in our own hands. This is the correct path to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, actively learn from all the beneficial achievements of human civilization, and strive to promote the prosperity of the people, the prosperity of the country, and the beauty of China.

We should actively grasp the "promising at the time". Today, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is in a critical period, and the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. The two are simultaneously intertwined and mutually stimulating. We should follow the example of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, "internally examine the situation in China, and externally observe the trend of the world", grasp the general trend of the times, seize historical opportunities, strive to achieve the "two centenary" goals, and enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness ,sense of security.

The Chinese nation for more than 100 years The course of struggle is like a relay race. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Historical development always advances in a spiral and waves." Today, we have once again reached a new historical intersection. We have achieved the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and we are firmly moving toward the second centenary goal, embarking on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. We must look to the future, make persistent efforts, strive to win the great victory of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, create a bright future belonging to the Chinese nation, and make greater contributions to human civilization and progress!

Source: Guangming Daily

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