Earthquake ppt:The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles criticizes the chaos in the entertainment industry: right and wrong are reversed, beauty and ugliness are indistinguishable, and values ​​are distorted-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles criticizes the chaos in the entertainment industry: right and wrong are reversed, beauty and ugliness are indistinguishable, and values ​​are distorted

This summer, the entertainment circle is very lively, let’s take a look A stroke.

First, Du Meizhu broke the news that Wu Yifan's private life was chaotic, and he had sex with many underage girls and other illegal activities. As soon as the news came out, the entertainment industry was shaken. During the scandal, with the police's intervention, Wu Yifan was resisted arrest, and later was arrested, until now Wu Yifan's case is not over yet.

Then Chen Lu broke the news about Huo Zun's "scumbag" behavior, which made netizens all over the country very angry.

The other is the Zhang Zhehan incident. As a dignified Chinese, he went to various shrines in Japan to take pictures many times for many years. His disregard for the suffering history that our country suffered deeply hurt the people Feelings.

Zhang Zhehan received the most severe punishment. All the endorsements were announced to be terminated overnight. The entire industry called on all member units to boycott Zhang Zhehan. Being deregistered, Zhang Zhehan received all kinds of severe punishment for a person who "has no such person". No one can blame him, but himself.

There are also all kinds of chaos in the fan circle for a long time. Fans don’t know right from wrong, reverse black and white, and their aesthetics are extremely distorted. Stars break the bottom line of morality time and time again, breaking the law It is even more commonplace, capital acts recklessly, it can be said that from celebrities to fans and then to capital, the reputation of the entertainment industry is rotten, celebrities have no credibility in front of the public.

Since this period of time, the state has continuously taken measures to rectify the rice circle and entertainment circle.

On August 24th, the China Federation of Literary and Art held a symposium on the professional ethics and style of literary and art workers. Not only the stars of the entertainment circle, but also the big names of the audio and video platforms were present. Dude, the General Assembly launched a proposal.

The rice circle culture and the flow-only theory are long-term bad phenomena in the entertainment industry.

The proposal stated that in the recent period, there have been some reversals of right and wrong in the entertainment circle, The chaos of beauty and ugliness and distorted values. The celebrities involved crossed the bottom line of the law, violated public order and good customs, and violated professional ethics. .

Directly criticize a small number of practitioners for their lack of basic education and self-cultivation. Coerced by capital, with no bottom line under his feet, and no red line in his heart, his behavior polluted the literary ecology and endangered the development of the industry. In the end, he was boycotted by the industry, abandoned by the market, and sanctioned by the law. It is infuriating, distressing, and thought-provoking.

News Network reported on the symposium of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles for more than two minutes, which shows that the symposium The effect is extraordinary. In the end, we believe that with the joint efforts of the majority of artists and the active actions of various departments, the entertainment industry will surely have a better tomorrow.

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