:The 5 English fonts that the marking teacher likes most are easy to get full marks! (with video teaching)-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The 5 English fonts that the marking teacher likes most are easy to get full marks! (with video teaching)

Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot provide video instruction on the screen. However, I can tell you some English fonts that graders might like: 1. Times New Roman - This is a traditional font that is often used in academic papers and formal document

We know that there are many fonts in Chinese,宋体景体cursive script...

In fact, there are many good-looking fonts in English, andThe writing is clean and beautiful, not only pleasing to the eye,Now the college entrance examination is Computer-based marking, your paper directly determines your score.

Every point is a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge,Don’t lose points because of poor handwriting!

Today I will show you 5 super beautiful fonts

You can imitate and practice yourself

Of course~~

Brother Hui also prepared a teaching video

pack! teach! Bag! meeting!

Handwritten print


Handwritten print is a relatively standard font, the letters are well-proportioned in size, and the length is orderly. It is a relatively common font.

This font is both aesthetic and practical. It is neat and beautiful, simple and clear. Although it looks plain, it is well written and can show your attitude.

When I saw such a paper, I couldn't help but want to give it a full score!



This kind of font is also a font that high school students can imitate. It looks elegant and unrestrained, each letter is slightly rounded, natural and smooth, and it is also eye-catching when written on the roll.

Compared with handwritten print, it is less rigid and stereotyped, and has more tension of life, which makes it more distinctive~~



Italian is the standard English writing common in the world Typefaces, although ancient (born in the 15th century), are still popular. Oval shape, many letters can be written in one stroke, and most lowercase letters can be written consecutively.
Italian body can be divided into four Classes: Basic, Formal, Chancer, and Cursive.
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BasicItalic is very simple, basically Roman Italics of the font, without serifs (serifs, English serif, refer to the detailed decoration at the beginning and end of the font).
FormalItalic has more serifs on the basis of Basic, which looks more Stretch beautiful.
ChanceryItalic is a "fancy" style, more beautiful , with artistic sense.
Cursive means "cursive", so CursiveItalic pays attention to the space between letters in writing Even the pen, the writing speed is also faster.
Italian font is top-notch in terms of aesthetics, and its practicality is also high in English-speaking countries. Of course, the difficulty of writing is naturally not low.
ok, visually everyone may not learn it, too!

Student Writing Demonstration


This is an excellent writing demonstration by the students. Although there are continuous strokes, it is really pleasing to the eye!

To be able to write such English fonts, one must have profound skills in writing Chinese characters, and it will not take a day or two to learn. Isn't it enviable!

Hui Font


The finale is the teacher ofYoudao Excellent Course---- -Huige’s exclusive font: Hui font.
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Different from the thin and tall font above, the Hui font is round and short in visual effect, silly and cute, and has an unusual cuteness.
These fonts in front are good-looking, but they are the favorite of the marking teacher , or the last one~
7 minutes to teach you!
Do you feel very rewarding!
Hui's font is just the tip of the iceberg of Huige's clever tricks
So many question types in the college entrance examination

Hui Ge has a corresponding methodmethod


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Lesson 1:Intensive reading breakthrough method to understand English articles

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Lesson 2:College Entrance Examination English Summer Vacation Study Plan

Time: August 1, 2019>

Lesson 3:5 Cheats for High Scores in English Composition

Time: August 3, 2019>

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