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Ten poets, ten poems, send you the most beautiful summer

If there are poems hidden in the heart, the beauty will never be defeated

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Do you feel that the weather is very hot in summer?

Do you feel particularly irritable in summer?

don't be upset

Poetry Jun sends you ten summer poems,

Let the poets bring you a cool,

poetic summer,

Let you temporarily forget the troubles of summer!

"Ji Yu Wang Chuan Zhuang Zuo"

Don Wang Wei

Accumulated rain, empty forest and late fireworks, steamed quinoa, cooked millet, and paid for the east.

Egrets fly in desert paddy fields, and orioles sing in shaded summer trees.

In the mountains, Xi quietly observes the morning hibiscus, and Matsushita Qingzhai gathers dew sunflowers.

Yelao competes with others for a seat, why are seagulls more suspicious.

Summer is coming, it is extremely hot and irritable, but Wang Wei's sentence "flying egrets in deserted paddy fields, and singing orioles in overcast summer trees" makes people feel extremely wonderful.

In the deserted paddy fields, a few egrets flew up; in the shady summer trees, there was the melodious song of birds. Thinking about this picture, you will feel that summer is still very good!

"Secluded House in Early Summer"

Song Lu You

The Weng's family is placed in the scenic spot of the lake and mountain, and the wild path is slanted in the shade of the pagoda tree and willow.

Sometimes when the water is full, you can watch herons, and when the grass is deep, there are frogs singing everywhere.

Sheenlong has overdone the bamboo shoots, and the first flower of the wooden pen is still in bloom.

Sighing that the old ones are old and the old ones are gone, whoever sleeps together will have afternoon tea.

Lu You's summer was really comfortable. I live in a place with beautiful lakes and mountains. When I am free, I can see the pond is full of water, egrets are swimming around, and there are frogs singing in the depths of the vegetation.

In fact, in summer, there are egrets, frogs, and green vegetation, which is also a very good scenery!

"Happy Sunny"

Song Fan Chengda

The plum blossoms are ripening between the windows and the stems are falling, and the bamboo shoots are growing out of the forest under the wall.

Even the rain does not know the end of spring, only when it is sunny can I feel the depth of summer.

Summer is here, and what everyone looks forward to most is the rain. When the raindrops fall, it brings the long-lost summer coolness. Just like Fan Chengda, the continuous summer rain comes, making people think that spring has not passed yet!

"The Early Summer in the Guest"

Song Sima Guang

In April, it was clear and rainy, and Nanshan became clear.

There are no willow catkins blown by the wind, only sunflowers leaning towards the sun.

In early summer and April, the weather is clear and warm. After a rainy day, it just clears up. After the rain, the mountains are more green and pleasant, and the Nanshan Mountain directly opposite becomes clearer and clearer. There are no catkins fluttering in the wind, only sunflowers open towards the sun.

"Two Poems From Napping in Early Summer"

Song Yang Wanli

one of

Plums leave sour and soft teeth, and plantains are divided into green and window screens.

The day is long and I fall asleep without emotion, watching the children catch willow flowers.


Songyin has a half bow and moss, and occasionally wants to read but is too lazy.

Xiju Qingquan sprinkled banana leaves, and children mistook the sound of rain.

Who said summer can't be relaxing. No, summer is here, Yang Wanli eats sour plums to relieve the heat, and the green plantains outside the window turn green against the window screen, he has nothing to do, watching the children playing with willow flowers there.

Yang Wanli is still mischievous, lazy to read books, holding spring water and sprinkle banana leaves, attracting all the playful children. As long as you have a leisurely heart, summer is also very good.

"Summer in the Mountain Pavilion"

Don Gao Pian

The shade of the green trees is thick and the summer is long, and the reflection of the buildings and terraces into the pond.

The water essence curtain is moved by the breeze, and the whole frame is full of roses and the whole courtyard is fragrant.

The hot summer makes people irritable. A gust of wind blows and blows the fragrance of roses all over the courtyard. The breeze accompanied by the fragrance of flowers is so wonderful!


Yuan · Bai Pu

The clouds collect the rain, the waves add up, the buildings are tall, the water is cold and the melons are sweet,

Green trees shade the painted eaves.

The gauze kitchen rattan mat, the jade man's fan is light.

The clouds harvest the rain, the water is cool and the melon is sweet, this is already a cool summer standard, not to mention there is a "beautiful man", gently shaking the fan, enjoying the summer time quietly, think about this picture The picture is really beautiful!

"Selling the Heat"

Tang·Bai Juyi

How to dissipate the annoying summer heat and live in a courtyard.

There is nothing long in front of me, and there is a cool breeze under the window.

The heat dissipates from the calmness of the mind, and the coolness becomes the room.

At this time, I am content with myself, and it is more difficult to share with others.

The weather is hot, and the mind is calm and naturally cool. Liang started from his heart, just like Bai Juyi, sitting in a courtyard, there was nothing in front of him, only the breeze under the window.

How to cool off the heat still requires us to have peace of mind and wait for the cool breeze.

"Guo Yong Xiucai Residence"

don jai island

Next to the summer wood bird's nest, the color of Zhongnanling is fresh.

Just sit on the stone in Liang'an, cook tea and drink in the adjacent spring.

The bell is far away from the sky, before the summer rain.

The secluded fasting is like a bedding, and invite me to sleep together.

Sitting on the rocks in summer when you are greedy for coolness, and fetching water from the mountain spring next door to make tea, this kind of life is quite natural and comfortable!

How much life has given us, we will enjoy it to the fullest, contented and happy, calm and cool.

"Qi'an County Houchi Quatrains"

Don Du Mu

The water chestnut penetrates the duckweed and the green brocade pool, and the summer warbler twitters the roses.

No one watches the light rain all day long, and the mandarin ducks face each other in red clothes.

We are not lacking in beauty, but lacking eyes to discover beauty. In this hot summer, Du Mu discovered such a beautiful scene: under the cover of Mengmengsi rain, there are water chestnut leaves protruding from the water and duckweed covering the pond. There are warblers piercing leaves and flowers, roses with flowers and branches, and mandarin ducks bathing in water facing each other.

Seeing these, do you feel that summer is much better, summer is hot, we only need to adjust our mentality, calm and peaceful, so that we will not be irritable, and will not be troubled by summer!

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