Remonstrance Taizong Shisishu ppt:Teaching Design of Admonishing Emperor Taizong's Ten Thoughts-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Teaching Design of Admonishing Emperor Taizong's Ten Thoughts

【Teaching objectives】

1. Master the meaning and usage of key words, understand the meaning of key sentences, and accumulate knowledge points of classical Chinese.

2. Clarify the structure of the article, and learn the methods of metaphorical argumentation and comparative argumentation.

3. Guide students to analyze the specific practice of "be prepared for danger in times of peace, avoid extravagance and be frugal" and think about its role at that time and its reference significance today.

1. Import

In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan (643), Wei Zheng died of illness. Heartbroken, Emperor Taizong sighed and said to his courtiers: "With copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes; with ancient times as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs; with people as a mirror, you can understand gains and losses. I hold these three mirrors to prevent my own mistakes. Now that Wei Zheng has passed away, it is a mirror!" Tang Taizong regarded Wei Zheng as a mirror to understand his own gains and losses, which shows the importance of Wei Zheng. In this lesson, we will study Wei Zheng's famous article "Admonishing Taizong Shisishu" to understand the importance of this "mirror" in the eyes of Tang Taizong.

2. Knowing people and discussing the world

Wei Zheng (580-643), styled Xuancheng, Julu (now part of Hebei ) people, politicians in the Tang Dynasty. Wei Zheng lost his father when he was young, and his life was difficult, but he liked to study. After the peasant uprising broke out at the end of the Sui Dynasty, in the thirteenth year of Daye (617), Wei Zheng was called by Li Mi to join the army as a writer and take charge of the secretary. In the first year of Tang Wude (618), Wei Zheng followed Li Mi to defect to Li Yuan, and later washed his horse for Prince Li Jiancheng. After the "Xuanwumen Incident", Li Shimin, regardless of previous suspicions, was cited as the master book of Zhan Shifu in the Prince's East Palace, and worshiped and advised the doctor. After that, he was gradually trusted by Emperor Taizong, and he successively served as an important minister, plus Dr. Zuo Guanglu, and was granted the title of Zheng Guogong.

He once said that "listen to the light, and partial faith leads to darkness". He urged Tang Taizong many times to take the death of the Sui Dynasty as a lesson, thinking that the king is like a boat, and the people are like water. To build a boat, one must "be vigilant in times of peace, refrain from extravagance and be frugal", "reduce taxes and collect taxes lightly".

He is the author of the introduction to Sui Shu, the general remarks of Liang Shu, Chen Shu and Qi Shu, edited Qun Shu Zhi Yao, and famous articles Admonishing Taizong Ten Thoughts, "Ten Gradually Unable to End Shu".

Watch the video "The First Official of the Tang Dynasty——Wei Zheng"

Tang Taizong, (January 23, 599 - July 10, 649). The second emperor of the Tang Dynasty (reigned from 626 to 649), statesman, strategist, military strategist, calligrapher, and poet.

Watch the video "Eternal Emperor Li Shimin"

Writing background:

Tang Taizong Li Shimin was in the early years of Zhenguan, because the Sui Dynasty was not far away, so he was able to make great efforts to govern, maintained a frugal and cautious style, and implemented many policies that were beneficial to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

But with the success of the day, nothing happened inside and outside, amidst the cheers of Wenzhiwugong, Tang Taizong gradually lived a luxurious life, overhauled temples and palaces, sought treasures, traveled around, wasted money, Become "like to hear the words that are in line with the purpose" and "dislike the words that are harsh to the ear". When Tang Taizong became more and more forgetful and most courtiers were silent, Wei Zheng stepped in to correct Taizong's deviation in time. From March to July in the eleventh year of Zhenguan (637), Wei Zheng "frequently visited the four books to report his gains and losses", and "Admonishing Taizong Shisi Shu" was the second book among them.

Tang Taizong woke up suddenly after reading these memorials, and felt very ashamed. He wrote "Answer to Wei Zheng's Hand Edict", praising Wei Zheng and saying that he had changed from admonishment.

3. Topic Explanation

Admonish Taizong Shi Sishu

Admonition: advice.

Taizong: Li Shimin, the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, is one of the enlightened monarchs with achievements in the history of our country. During his reign, a stable, prosperous and powerful political situation appeared. rule";

Ten thoughts: The content of this article, that is, ten situations worth pondering.

Sparse: clear things up and make statements in sections. As a style of writing, it belongs to the category of memorials in ancient style, specifically referring to memorials in which ministers state their opinions to the monarch.

Fourth, the correct pronunciation of the first reading

1. Listen to the reading and mark the pronunciation.

2. Free reading, referring to students reading, reading together.

5. Study the text

Learn the first paragraph:

ChenwenSeeking (request, demand)WoodIt (structural particle, cancel sentence independence) is long (growth. This refers to growing well)Those must be solid (adjectives that move, make...steady) Its root root (tree root); wantFlow (spring) of For those who are far away (shape moves, flows for a long time, reaches far away), must Dredging (dragging the waterway) its source; those who think about the safety of the country must accumulateIts (their) morality (virtue and morality).

Translation: I heard: If you want a tree to grow tall, you must make its foundation firm; if you want water to flow far, you must dredge its source; if you want a country to be stable, you must To accumulate virtue and morality.

These sentences use metaphors,Using the metaphor of stabilizing the roots of trees and dredging the source of water to illustrate that a person and a country should "accumulate virtue and righteousness", make a positive argument, Parallelism sentences strengthen the language.

The source is not deepLooking at the flow SeekThe length of the tree, the virtue is not thick< strong>Thinking Country of Li (clear, stable, well-governed), although the ministerUnder the stupid (very ignorant person. Modest resignation), know it, What's more (not to mention) Yu (leads the object. Not translated) Mingzhe (a wise person, whose name is named. Refers to Tang Taizong)!

Translation: The source is not deep, but you want the spring to flow far; the foundation is not solid, but you want the trees to grow tall; your morality is not deep, but you want the country to be stable. Although I am the most ignorant, (also) know that this is impossible, let alone (you) a wise person!

Analyze the role of the three "no" words?

Three parallel sentences of "no" are discussed from the opposite side, highlighting the main purpose of the admonition. The comparison between "xiayu" and "Mingzhe" is euphemistic, but it is actually serious Advise.

In the first two sentences, use the rhetorical techniques of metaphorical argumentation and parallelism to demonstrate the central point of this article from both positive and negative sides-the peace of thinking about the country accumulates its virtues and righteousness.

RenjunBeing an artifact of< strong>Heavy, rankingin the domain , put Chongjitian of >Steep (high), eternally boundlessHugh. Do not read Be prepared for danger in times of peace, RefrainLuxury With frugality, morality is not , love does not wins its desire, Si also cuts rootsUse to seek wood Mao, stop the source and want to flowLong (cháng) also.

【Note】When: host, master. Artifact: Emperor Throne. Heavy: Formed as a name, heavy weight, heavy position. Domain: between heaven and earth. Chong: praise

Great: The shape is a name, and it has a great status. Jitian: the extreme part of the sky, referring to the imperial power.

Hugh: Rejoice, Flow. Hugh, first seen in oracle bone inscriptions. The original meaning of rest is to take a rest under the shade of a tree, and it is later extended to rest. Extended from rest to pause, stop; comfortable, happy, auspicious, beautiful, like an idiom to share weal and woe. From pause, stop is extended to cancel, abandon; no, don't.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace: Safety/Danger: The shape is the name. Habitat: in; think: think. Quit: get rid of. Frugality: form, action, and thrift

With: the first coordinating conjunction; the second turning conjunction. Place: keep. Victory: to overcome. Long: shape, action, long-term flow

Translation: The monarch holds the great power of the emperor and is in an important position in the world. He will respect the majesty of the imperial power and maintain infinite blessings forever. If you do not think of danger in a comfortable environment, avoid extravagance, and practice frugality, your virtues cannot be deep, and your temperament cannot overcome desires. This is (like) cutting off the roots to make the trees flourish, and blocking the source to make the water flow far.

Argument Features Fill in the Blanks: Further Hold Role of the Monarch Writing, once again starting from the backside, put forward the main idea of ​​the full text: Your status is high and the responsibility is heavy. You must be prepared for danger in times of peace, avoid extravagance and be frugal. And again use the metaphor of "wood" and "flow" to echo the beginning and layout Rigorousness makes the argument go deeper and stronger step by step.

Summary of the arguments in the first paragraph: The first paragraph clearly puts forward the central argument: a ruler must "be prepared for danger in times of peace, avoid extravagance and be frugal". At the beginning of the article, two metaphors are used in succession, "Those who seek the elders of trees must strengthen their roots; those who want to flow far must dredge their springs" to positively demonstrate the truth of "those who think about the security of the country must accumulate their virtues". Then, following the above, use a parallel sentence to state the harm of not being prepared for danger in times of peace from the negative side.

"The king is the most important artifact, the largest in the realm", pointing out the lofty status and great responsibility of being a king. To complete the important task of governing the country, one must "be prepared for danger in times of peace, avoid extravagance and be frugal." "Be prepared for danger in times of peace, refrain from extravagance and be frugal" is the historical experience of the rulers of the past dynasties after starting a business. The eleventh year of Zhenguan was the heyday of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. Wei Zheng put forward this point, which can be described as unique.

Study the second paragraph:

Fan Hundred Heads, Cheng Tianjing Fate, Written by Yin Worry , success and virtue decline. Good Starters Real,canConquer those who cover widows. Is it easy to get but hard to keep?

(1) Fanbai: All of them. (2) Head of state: refers to the emperor; modern meaning: the supreme leader of the country.

(3) Accepting the fate of heaven and earth: accepting the great mission of heaven. Scene: big, important. (4) Yin worry: deeply worried. (5) And: Conjunction, expressing the relationship of succession. (6) Taoism: "Tao" refers to the cause of governing the country. "Follow" success.

(7) Good starters: Well done at the beginning. (8) Complex: many. (9) Gram: Yes. (10) Final: Persevere to the end.

[There is no beginning in the extravagant, but there is an end in the rare] The original meaning of the "Book of Songs" is that everything has a beginning, but it often ends without ending. Warn people to do things for others to start well and finish well.

(11) cover: adverb of mood, probably. (12) Qi: Is it

【Translation】All the monarchs and emperors are under the great mission of heaven. None of them are not deeply worried about the country and have achieved remarkable results in governance. It is true that many monarchs have done well at the beginning, but few can persevere to the end. Is it because it is easy to win the world and difficult to keep the world?

From the past (referring to the world)There is more than enough, but now there is not enough, why? Husband in Concern, we must be sincere Take ① to down; strong>Dezhi, Then indulge in ② pride. Sincerely Wuyue is one body, proud things are flesh and blood Walk.

(1) husband: located at the beginning of the sentence, indicating the reason, because. (2) Yin worry: deeply worried. (3) With ①: while, modification.

(4) Next: Refers to subjects. (5) both: after.... (6) Dezhi: achieve the goal and realize the wish.

(7) Then: conjunctions, express succession, just. (8) Indulgence: In ancient times, to indulge emotions, that is, to be proud; today, to indulge oneself.

(9) with ②: And, tied. (10) Aowu: Belittle others. (11) One: Whole. (12) Walking: Strange passers-by.

Translation: In the past when we conquered the world, we were more than virtuous, but now we are defending the world but not virtuous. Why? In the midst of deep sorrow, you must be able to treat your subjects with all sincerity; when you have fulfilled your wish, you will indulge your temperament and look down on others. With all sincerity, the people of Huyue will also be of the same mind; if you look down on others, your close relatives will become irrelevant passers-by.

Although Dong is severely punished, Vibrating with might and wrath, finally Go away instead of Huai Ren, Mao Gong not convinced. Resentment is not great, but people are to be feared; carrying a boat overturning the boat, so < strong>Be cautious; Benz rotten rope, it can be ignored!

(1) Although: Even if. (2) Dong: inspector, such as the board of directors. Other meanings such as leadership, Dong rate; Dong Cheng (presides over the peace talks)

(3) Vibration: Same as "shock", intimidating. (4) Gou exempt: Gou exempt from punishment. (5) Remember and appreciate the benevolence of the monarch.

(6) Masquerade: Obedient on the surface. (9) Overturn: Overthrow; make... overthrow. (10) should: should.

(11) Shen Shen: Deep vigilance. (12) Benz rotten cable: Benz (with) rotten cable

(13) Qi: an adverb, expressing a rhetorical question, how, why. (14) Suddenly: Contempt, neglect.

Translation: Even if they use harsh punishments to supervise the people, and use rage to intimidate the people, they will just get away with punishment in the end, but they will not miss the benevolence of the monarch. Li is not convinced. Resentment does not lie in size, but what is to be feared is the people (with resentment); they can carry ships like water, and they can also overturn ships.

Analyze the argument of the second paragraph:

The second paragraph first summarizes the general law of whether the monarchs of the past dynasties can start a business or not: those who start well are prosperous, and those who restrain the end are few. They can start a business but cannot keep it. Then use rhetorical questions and set questions to elicit the discussion of the attitudes of the monarch in the two situations of worry and success, and use comparative arguments to analyze the different results caused by the two attitudes. Finally, using metaphorical argumentation (quotation argumentation), through the metaphor that water can carry a boat and overturn a boat, I persuade Taizong to treat people wholeheartedly and pay attention to the hearts of the people.

Study the third paragraph:

JunPeople, Sincere span>If you can see what you want, you can think Content to Self-discipline, there will be AsThink Know Stop with Ann people, readHigh risk (the throne is high and dangerous) ZesiHumble and selfShepherd, afraid of Overflow< /strong>ZesiJianghaixiabaichuan,

(1) Jun: Name acts as action, rules. (2) Honesty: If. (3) Satisfaction: Knowing to be satisfied; the phrase "Contentment is not disgraceful" in "Lao Tzu"

(4) To: express purpose, come. (5) Self-discipline: warn yourself. (6) To do: to build, to build; here it refers to large-scale construction

(7) Knowing and stopping: know when enough is enough; (8) An, use of verbs

(9) Modesty: Modesty. (10) And: the purpose of the table.

(11) Shepherd: support and restraint. The words come out of "Book of Changes·Qian Gua", "a humble gentleman, humble himself and herds himself."

(12) Overflowing: The water in the container is overflowing, which is a metaphor for being proud and complacent and unable to listen to different opinions.

(13) Below: Living under... (13) Jiang Haixia Baichuan: The metaphor is measured and good at listening to opinions from all sides.

Translation: People who rule the people, if they see something they covet, they will think of contentment to warn themselves; when they are about to build palaces and civil engineering, they must think of stopping in moderation to make the people peaceful. Thinking of (one's throne) being high and dangerous, one must not forget humility and strengthen one's moral cultivation; fear of being arrogant and complacent and not being able to listen to different opinions, think of Jianghai living under (and able to accommodate) hundreds of rivers.

LePanyouZesi< strong>Three-wheel drive Think of the degree, worry about slack, think carefully and start RespectFinally, considerBlocking is to think modestlywith< /span> Accept, If you want to slander evil then think about rectification Use to dethrone evil, graceAddedI think there is no cause for joyReward for wrongdoing, if the punishment is as good as it is, there will be no excessive punishment due to anger.

(1) Disk tour: amusement, here refers to field hunting; disk, happiness.

(2) Three drives: When hunting in the field, set the net on three sides and leave one side unset, which means that the hunting should be carried out within limits and not overkill. The words "Zhou Yi Bi Gua" "Wang Yong uses three drives."

(3) Respect: Be careful. (4) Obstruction: (eyes and ears are) blocked and blinded. (5) To: express success.

(6) Think: fear, worry. (7) Slander: An evil person who uses slander to frame others.

(8) To: express purpose, come. (9) Added: Suo, the particle, and "jia" form a phrase of the word, indicating a nominal structure.

(10) To: express succession, and. (11) Misreward: Improper reward.

Translation: I like to hunt and have fun, so I think of chasing wild animals on three sides, leaving one side free as a limit; worrying about slackness, I think of always being cautious in doing things; worrying about (eyes and ears being) blocked and blinded, I think of Accept the opinions of your subordinates with an open mind; consider (may appear in the court) evil people who frame others with slander, think of rectifying yourself (only then can you) rid evildoers; When imposing punishments, I thought of not indiscriminately inflicting punishments because of a momentary anger.

1. Among the ten thoughts, what touches you the most? Talk about your understanding

Reference example: When you see what you want, you will know what you want, and you will be self-disciplined—restraining material desires

There will be actions, thinking, knowing and stopping to calm others-enough is enough;

Think of high risk and think of humility and self-cultivation——Humble and self-supporting

If you are afraid of overflowing, you will think of rivers and seas and go down to hundreds of rivers——Open your mouth

Lepanyou thinks about three drives and thinks about it——limited by three sides, avoiding excessive indulgence

Worry about slack, think carefully about the beginning and respect the end——Be cautious about the beginning and end

If you think about obstruction, think about it with an open mind to accept it——Accept advice with an open mind

If you want to slander evil, think about rectifying yourself to get rid of evil——to stand up and get rid of evil

Grace is bestowed, thought without cause, joy with wrong reward——reward properly

If the punishment is as far as it is, there is no excessive punishment due to anger——Punishment is limited

2. What aspects does "Ten Thoughts" roughly talk about? What do they collectively illustrate?


In terms of material enjoyment, it is suggested that contentment should be achieved and entertainment should be restrained.

In terms of ideological cultivation, it is suggested that one should be modest and self-motivated, cautious at the beginning and respecting the end.

In terms of life and politics, it is suggested that we should accept advice with an open mind and put down the evil.

In terms of law enforcement, it is proposed that rewards and punishments should be clearly defined, and no favoritism should be shown.

Point of view:

In a nutshell, "Ten Thoughts" is what the author said in the first paragraph, "accumulate virtue and righteousness", "be prepared for danger in times of peace", "avoid extravagance and be frugal".

TotalThis ten thoughts,< strong>HongziNine Virtues, Jane Let it go, choose Be kind and follow it, the wise will do their best, the brave will do their best, the benevolent will reap benefits, and the believerFollow his loyalty. Civil and military struggle Chi, you have nothing to do, you can do whatever you wantThe joy of traveling in Yu, you can grow pine trees and Joe's longevity.

(1) Summary: Summary. (2) Hong: Everbright. (3) hereby: this. (4) Jane: selection.

(5) Kindness: the form is a name, a good opinion. (7) Effect: Dedication. (8) Chi: Mercedes-Benz service. (9) Yuyou: travel, play

Translation: Summarize these ten things that should be pondered, carry forward the nine virtues mentioned in the "Shangshu", select talented people and appoint them, select good opinions and adopt them, then A wise man can fully contribute his strategy, a brave man can exhaust (use up) their strength/abilities, a benevolent man can spread his benevolence, an honest man can offer his loyalty . Civil servants and military generals compete to run (efficiency), so there is no major trouble for the monarch, he can enjoy the joy of traveling to the fullest, and live a (long) life like Chisongzi and Prince Qiao.

MingQin< span style="color: #F04142; --tt-darkmode-color: #F04142;">Vertical arch, without saying Change. Why Toil GodBitterThinking, generation after generationSecretary, Servant Smart Eyes and ears, Loss Inaction is the way to go!

(1) Ming: Make... Ming, play. (2) Hanging arch: Hanging clothes and arching hands, which means that it is easy to do. (3) Transformation: Enlightenment

(4) Lao: Make... Lao. Bitter: Make...bitter. (5) Division: Management. (6) Avenue: the highest state

(7) Service: Service, strain (8) Loss: Destruction, loss

【Translation】The emperor can govern the world by playing the zither and hanging down his clothes. No need to say anything, the people in the world have already been educated. Why must (myself) bother and think, take the place of my ministers to manage the affairs, use my sensitive ears and eyes, and detract from the principle that letting nature take its course will govern the world well!

Appreciation: The benefits of achieving "ten thoughts": depicting the ideal political realm of "government by hanging down". The political purpose of "singing the qin and hanging down the arch" can be achieved by the civil and military virtuous officials making the best use of their talents.

Summary of the full text of the argument:

The first paragraph puts forward a question - a person should think about it, using the metaphor of "consolidating the source and thinking about the source", using comparative arguments, to put forward the central argument of this article: accumulating virtue and righteousness, thinking about danger in times of peace, avoiding extravagance and thrift.

The second paragraph analyzes the problem-why you think, summarizes the history, draws warnings, and overturns the boat, so you should be careful.

The third paragraph solves the problem-what to think about, and proposes specific methods, sincerely able to think ten times and solve the problem

6. Accumulation of idioms

Humility for self-cultivation: Maintain a humble attitude to improve your self-cultivation skills.

Cross the boat and overturn the boat: The common people can support the ruler or overthrow the ruler.

Choose the good and follow it: pick the good ones to adopt (or adopt).

Be prepared for danger in times of peace: In a comfortable environment, you should consider possible dangers and difficulties.

Govern with the arch: It is a metaphor that the ruler can make the world peaceful without doing anything. Later, it refers to the emperor's rule by doing nothing.

7. Writing characteristics

1. Argumentation method

(1) The metaphorical argument is vivid and powerful. There are three sentences at the beginning of the article, one or two sentences first set up a metaphor, and the third sentence explains the meaning.

(2) Comparative argumentation, thorough reasoning. For example, the first paragraph first discusses the importance of consolidating the root and diverting the source from the front, and then demonstrates the harm of not doing so from the negative side. The second paragraph is about the pros and cons of "Yinyou", "sincerity" and "dezhi" and "arrogance", and the third paragraph runs through the contrast between the instinctive desire (or reaction) and rational self-control in "Thinking"

2. Language characteristics Combining prose and prose, the language is gorgeous and fluent.

"Ten Thoughts" is a parallel essay. It is customary to write parallel prose in memorials and books in the Tang Dynasty, but this prose is different from the popular parallel prose at that time. In terms of form, it uses the parallelism and antithesis of parallel prose to express true feelings, but it is not limited to form. It not only has the beauty and order of parallel prose, but also has the natural fluency of prose, which is easy to read.

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