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TV station news department internship report ppt model

After a period of adaptation and exploration, I gradually adapted to the working environment of the news department of the TV station and gained a lot of valuable experience and knowledge. First of all, I would like to thank the TV News Department for pro

Time is like running water. In the inadvertent waste and busyness, my internship life has come to an end. I dare not say that this full stop is perfect, I can only say that I have gained a lot. I am used to the free student life. At the beginning, I felt anxious and a little uncomfortable with such a long internship time. I felt that this day is endless, and I have to be strict and standardized in everything I do. However, when I think about it now, all that is left are the various tastes during the internship process: there are times when I am troubled by the fact that my manuscript is not finished, and there are times when I am secretly happy about my little success, When you get sulking when you are criticized by the leader... Each of us is growing, but it is impossible to reach maturity directly, but only continue to grow, and we are constantly approaching maturity in the process of growth. Fortunately, during the internship, I have grown a lot. At the same time, I have a deeper understanding of myself.

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Interns are usually not paid, and even if they are, it is only a negligible amount of food expenses. Many people say that being an intern is cheap labor in disguise. I don't deny this, but thinking about it from another angle, I regard it as the tuition that should be paid, and the necessary payment before success, because I have completed this leap from books to practice. It used to be that the manuscripts written for practice in the classroom only need to be approved by the teacher, but once you enter the actual operation, you must ensure that everyone can approve you. Under the guidance of the trainee teacher, I tried my best to approach as a qualified TV media reporter.

More importantly, I feel what professionalism is from the employees around me. For example, in school we are always used to cramming before the exam, but when it comes to work, everyone will consciously do their best in the prerequisite work, because every link is interlocking, "We can't do it." It will definitely affect the next step", the intern teacher always told me like this; for example, I will hand in the news assignments assigned by the teacher in class after I finish it, but in the internship, because a little mistake will directly affect the whole work. For the work of the TV station, I won’t be relieved if I don’t check it two or three times from the manuscript to the video of the same period; Resist, but in actual work, we will work overtime for several days until late, and we will definitely try our best to complete it. The internship report "Artistic News Internship Report Format".

Practice and then know enough. I found that I still have many deficiencies in communication and communication. When I was a student, I didn't consciously develop my abilities in these areas. When I was practicing, I realized that problems appeared one after another. He used to be so self-righteous, but after encountering these things, he put away that edge and became much more humble and low-key. There are not many people who can know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. I am fortunate to have a certain degree of understanding of this.

Several months of internships have also made me understand a lot of truths about how to behave. Internship is a unique experience, and being a reporter is a rewarding experience. Internship is a test of comprehensive quality and ability for people, and it is also a measure of our attitude towards life.

In this test, I believe that the interns who have gone out of the literary journalism class of the International Academy of Performing Arts at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music must be able to withstand it. We will never shrink back, and we will never become cowards, although we may not be able to do it The best, but we are definitely doing our best.

Be an upright person first and then do things, this is an unspoken rule of social existence, and it is the same in the process of this internship. In the process of interacting with intern teachers, other reporters, editors and TV station leaders, I deeply realized the importance and necessity of how to behave and how to communicate with others. Human beings are the sum of all social relations, we cannot exist independently, and we are interconnected with each other. When I used to study such an abstract theory, it felt so strange, but in practice, I realized the profound truth in it. Doing things is equally important, which is another important criterion for testing a person.

Such a fulfilling experience has changed many of my thoughts and corrected my attitude at the same time. Working from nine to eight every day has exercised my will and changed my bad habits; we must actively adapt to this kind of life and this kind of environment. will be more mature.

For the future, I don't think I can say that I have a clear idea now, but I know what to do next. It is not difficult to take the next step on the flat road, you just need to go forward, but any step at the crossroads may affect the overall situation, so we still have a long way to go. Finally, I sincerely wish my dear classmates in the 05 Literary Journalism Class, a smooth journey in the future and the realization of their dreams as soon as possible!

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