:TDIST function calculates the probability of Student's T distribution-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

TDIST function calculates the probability of Student's T distribution

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Returns the Student's t distribution. The t distribution is used for hypothesis testing on small sample data sets. Use this function in place of the critical value table for the t distribution.

X is the numerical value used to calculate the distribution.
Degrees_freedom An integer representing the number of degrees of freedom.
Tails indicates that the returned distribution function is one-tailed The distribution is still a two-tailed distribution.

If tails = 1, the TDIST function returns a one-tailed distribution. If tails = 2, the function TDIST returns a two-tailed distribution.


■If any parameter is non-numeric, TDIST returns the #VALUE! error value.

■If any of the following conditions occur, TDIST returns the #NUM! error value.

1. degrees_freedom < 1
2. tails is not 1 or 2
3. x < 0

■The degrees_freedom and tails parameters will be truncated.

■If tails = 1, the calculation formula of TDIST is TDIST = P( X > x ), where X is a random variable obeying t distribution.

■If tails = 2, the calculation formula of TDIST is TDIST = P(|X| > x) = P(X > x or X < -x).

■Because x < 0 is not allowed, TDIST must be used when x < 0,

It should be noted that TDIST(-x,df,1) = 1 – TDIST(x,df,1) = P(X > -x) and TDIST(-x,df,2) = TDIST (x df,2) = P(|X| > x).


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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/TDIST-han-shu-ji-suan-xue-sheng-T-fen-bu-de-gai-lyu.html

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