:Super practical! The most complete free commercial Chinese fonts, hurry to collect! (download attached)-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Super practical! The most complete free commercial Chinese fonts, hurry to collect! (download attached)

Sorry, I'm an AI language model, I can't click pictures or send messages on the official account. However, if you need advice or recommendations on Chinese fonts, I can give you some help. What kind of Chinese font do you need?

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Huawei's human resources system was exposed, and after reading it, I sighed:It's amazing!

Font copyright has always been a minefield for many designers, and it is easy to violate it if you are not careful. Summarize and sort out almost the most complete free commercial fonts at present, which have been packaged into the network disk, and come to collect them quickly. Reply from the background of the official account: "font", get all fonts.

Siyuan font family

Siyuan HeiTi, an open source font launched by Adobe and Google for China, Japan and South Korea, strictly speaking, there is only one font, but there are 7 levels of font weight (font thickness).

This series provides support for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (simplified/traditional), and includes 7 boldfaces of different sizes. Simplified Chinese supports all Chinese characters stipulated in the Chinese national standard GB18030 and the "General Standard Chinese Character Table" promulgated by the Ministry of Education in 2013, which can be said to be very comprehensive.

The friends who have used it should know that there are two English names for this series of fonts. Adobe calls itSourceHanSans (思源黑体), while Google calls it NotoSansCJK (CJK: Chinese, Japanese, Korean), don’t doubt life, this refers to the same word.

Station cool font family

Up to now, there are 4 fonts, all of which are free and authorized for use by the whole society, and commercial use is allowed.

Besides this, there is Zcool Italic which is also free to use:

Founder font family

Founder provides four free fonts, KaiTi, HeiTi, Fangsong, and Shusong, which can be released commercially, as long as there is no conversion, adaptation, or dissemination.

Blessed are those who like classical and old-fashioned styles. The free characters introduced above are basically simplified characters, while the carved stone record series are traditional characters, which are full of ancient flavor. Free fonts: carved stone recorded pen crane body, carved stone recorded Ming style, carved stone recorded Yan style

You must be familiar with "Shuowen Jiezi", but do you know that there is a very good font called Shuowen Jiezi? There are three free fonts in Quanziku: Quanziku Shuowenjiezi, Quanziku Zhengsong, Quanziku Zhengkai, among which there is Shuowenjiezi font!

Wang Hanzong's free font was developed by Professor Wang Hanzong of the Mathematics Department of Chung Yuan University. Professor Wang Hanzong first donated ten sets of WCL series fonts and 32 sets of new fonts in 2000 and 2004 respectively. All of them are distributed under the GNUGPL license. Promotional use is free.

Seto font

Pangmen Zhengdao title body

Zheng Qingke butter body

Armored Ming dynasty body

Oradano-Mincho Ming Dynasty


FontSpace has a full range of fonts, all of which are uploaded by users themselves. As of March 2017, there are 21 free commercial fonts (including 2 Wenquanyi Chinese).

△ FontSpace


This is an English font that designers love to use, simple and practical.

△ Arual font

Arphic public authorized font

Wentigo Technology is very enthusiastic about providing Public License Fonts to the open source software community. In 2001, it donated four sets of fonts to the open source software community: Arph Fine Shanghai Song (Traditional Big5 code), Wen Ding Zhongkai (Traditional Big5 code), Arphic Briefing Song (Simplified GB code), Arphic Jianzhong Kai (Simplified GB code), as free non-commercial use of Linux and other open source software communities, are widely praised by the open source software community.

In 2010, Arphic provided two new sets of Chinese public licensed fonts (PublicLicenseFont) for free non-commercial use by the open source software community, including Arphic PL Mingti U20-L (traditional Unicode 2.0 code ), Arphage PL reported Song 2GBK (simplified GBK code). The new Chinese public authorized font adopts Unicode and GBK encoding, and the number of Chinese characters is divided into 20902 characters and 21003 characters, which is more than 7000 characters and 14000 characters more than the old version of the public authorized font.


Book Tifang free font

Free fonts provided by Shutifang.

Ming Dynasty of Yuanjie

The font of Yuanjie Mingchao is based on "Siyuan Song Typeface", adding a damage effect to make it the closest to the readable state. It can be simply understood as a damaged version of Siyuan Song Typeface. Yuanjie Mingchao has a considerable visual effect It can be used as the title and large characters in the picture, which is quite eye-catching and effective as a whole.

Bright Body Series

Free Font: Source Sample Mingti Source Luminite Source Cloud Mingti

ButKo, the administrator of Taiwan's most active font community "Zi Hei", released three traditional Chinese fonts modified from Siyuan Song, which are open to users who need them for free download!

Garden Ming Dynasty

Hanazono (Hanazono) is a free font developed by GlyphWiki, which contains almost all Chinese glyphs. The disadvantage is that the glyphs are based on Japanese glyphs, and some characters do not conform to Chinese writing standards.

Handwritten miscellaneous fonts

851 handwritten miscellaneous fonts, free modification and redistribution, commercially available, but copyright reserved

Fandol font

From a bankrupt font company, now open source!

Stone Records

Free fonts: Keshilu Pen Crane Body, Keshilu Mingti, Keshiluyanti


Taiwan Mingti

Taiwan Mingti cwTeXMing is an old font appearance, to a certain extent modeled on the font of the ancient book "Kangxi Dictionary", the font structure is stable, solemn and generous, suitable for printing ancient books.

Han Ding font

The Chinese font launched by the Sinology Department of Heidelberg University. Contains Han Ding Traditional Ancient Seal, Han Ding Traditional Poster, Han Ding Traditional Shuti, Han Ding Traditional Seal Seal, Han Ding Traditional Zhongbian, Han Ding Fanyan, Han Ding Simple Black Change, Han Ding Simplified Regular, Han Ding Simple Record Bian, Han Ding Jian Shu Ti, Han Ding Fan Zhongbian, Han Ding Extra Thick Black, Han Ding Fan Zhong Kai, Han Ding Jian Zhong Kai, Han Ding Fan Amber, Han Ding Fan Kanting, Han Ding Fan Te Rough Song in total seventeen typeface.


The author Anonymous, a font handwritten by himself, made a total of 6763 basic Chinese characters this time


Japanese Smartfont free commercial fonts, including Chinese and Japanese bilingual! Although the Chinese fonts are not very good-looking, you can use Japanese characters for decoration!


Japanese KanjyukuGothic free commercial font, including Chinese and Japanese bilingual!


Japanese FLOPDESIGN-FONT free commercial fonts, including Chinese and Japanese bilingual!

Hanyi font

18 Hanyi fonts (only available on JD platform for free): Hanyi Zhonghei (Simplified/Traditional), Hanyi Thin Jianhei (Simplified), Hanyi Zhongjianhei (Simplified), Hanyi Kaiti ( Simplified/Traditional), Hanyi Shu Song 1 (Simplified), Han Yi Shu Song 2 (Traditional), Han Yi Rough Imitation Song (Simplified), Han Yi Waterdrop Style (Simplified/Traditional), Han Yi Pearl Li (Simplified/Traditional)

Huakang Font

45 Huakang fonts (only available on the Ali platform for free): Huakang Pudding, Huakang Ribbon, Huakang Erfeng, Huakang Fangyuan, Huakang Pen, Huakang Poster, Huakang Kang Shouxin, Huakang Handwriting, Huakang Pianpian, Huakang Hei, Huakang Jinwen, Huakang Regular, Huakang Kantingliu, Huakang Li Jinhei, Huakang Lishu, Huakang Longmen Stele, Huakang Mo Font, Huakang POP1 font, Huakang POP2 font, Huakang POP3 font, Huakang girl text, Huakang decorative art font, Huakang thin gold font, Huakang title Song, Huakang Song style, Huakang Tang Fengli, Huakang doll Style, Huakang Wei Bei, Huakang Zhengyan Kaiti, Huakang Ya Song Style, Huakang Yayi Style, Huakang Round Style, Huakang New Variety Style

Shutifang free font

Contains: Shutifang Lanting style, Shutifang Mimiti style, Shutifang Yan style, Shutifang hard pen running script 3500

Xindi Wenzheng Mingti Free Edition, Xindi Maruko Primary School Student Edition, Xindi Maruko Premium Edition, Xindi Afternoon Tea Basic Edition, Xindi Afternoon Tea Platinum Edition

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