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Student union secretarial department work plan ppt model

Nice plan. The following is a PPT sample of the work plan of the Secretary of the Student Union: Slide 1: Title- Title: Work Plan of the Secretary of the Student Union Slide 2: Department Introduction- Responsibilities and Functions of the Secretary of th

Student union department work concept:

Secretary Department: secretary manager;

Organization Department: Party organization;

Learning Department: learning-oriented;

Propaganda Department: pass on my words;

Ministry of Literature and Art: My art and my exhibition;

Sports Department: focus on exercise;

External Relations Department: love you and me;

Life Department: life is everywhere;

Network Department: Building bridges.

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Work ideas:

1. Thrifty. Since the focus of this semester's outreach work is focused on contacting practical activities, and there is less external capital injection, the student union must uphold the principle of diligence and thrift in every activity!

2. Continuous innovation. The evaluation is coming soon, there are many activities, and the enthusiasm of the students is relatively low. In order to improve the enthusiasm of the students, we strive to make each activity novel and vivid.

3. Unity and cooperation. A department and even the entire student union are a complete team, working together

The smooth development depends on the cooperation between individuals and departments, which is mainly reflected in various activities, not only the division of labor is clear, but also mutual contact and cooperation.

4. Serve classmates. The student union is a helper for the students, a bridge of communication between the teacher and the students, and is not an organization above the students. Members of the Student Union should fully realize this and truly serve the students.

preliminary work:

1. Finalize the list of the fifth student union

2. Modify the rules and regulations of the Student Union (Regulations)

3. Formulate the work regulations of the officers of each department, and record the work of the officers this semester

4. Unified plan and summary format and content outline

5. Set up the chairman's mailbox. It is convenient to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the majority of students extensively and comprehensively, so that from the perspective of the students, it truly reflects the important value of the student union serving the students.

6. Organize the meetings of the ministers and vice-departments of each department to discuss the specific work purpose of the student union this year, clarify the work direction and general work content of each department, and make simple plans for the routine work of this year by each department to ensure that the routine work can go smoothly Start on time. We have successfully completed this work.

daily work:

1. Regular ministerial meetings and irregular student union plenary meetings

2. The regular meeting of ministers is held once a week or every two weeks in the form of discussions. Previously, all ministers should fully understand the work of the department this week, as well as the thoughts, opinions and suggestions of all personnel in the department on the work. The ministers are responsible for conveying and discussing with everyone at the regular meeting. In this way, the regular meeting of ministers has achieved the effect of holding it.

3. Pay attention to the accumulation of departmental work results and form a system, especially written materials that can be seen, so that officers can really learn the corresponding knowledge of the department.

4. The student union of our department should always keep in touch with the student unions of various fraternal colleges, learn their good working methods and learn from their good work experience, and also show them the demeanor of our department student union.

5. Persist in innovation. Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and an inexhaustible driving force for a country's prosperity. What's more, it is a small department in our student union! Innovation can be reflected in many aspects, such as novel activity forms, new work handling methods, and ingenious activity content settings, etc. There are many things that can be explored innovatively. If we really achieve continuous pioneering and innovation, then we think that the work in the hands of workers will become more and more vivid and interesting, and at the same time, it will become more handy. As a regular participant, you will also enjoy it and will actively participate in such activities. It can be seen that innovation is continuous improvement and perfection, and at the same time it is a field waiting for our infinite development.

6. It is impossible for everyone to survive alone in society, so interacting with and cooperating with others is one of the main themes of life. Within a department, the minister needs to coordinate and plan the work of the entire department, divide the work into several distinct blocks, and assign a person in charge of each block—that is, the deputy department. After that, the deputy department will divide the specific work and The detailed plan is assigned to each officer, so that the whole department has a different division of labor, so that everyone has something to do, everyone has a responsibility, and everyone cooperates with each other to make the department work in an orderly manner. Relying on the cooperation between all departments of the student union, all departments take action. We believe that cooperation is the most effective way to improve work efficiency.

Group activity work:

1. An event must have a complete plan. It is the best guide for the event, and all projects in the event will be carried out step by step according to the content of the planning book.

2. In order to unite and keep out the cold, our student union should organize everyone in the near future and organize more activities, such as: rope skipping competition, newspaper flower picking and other group games

3. Every time an event is held, all departments must be mobilized to increase their cohesion, and it will also make them have a collective sense of honor and disgrace

4. The most important thing is the preparation and planning work in the early stage. The consideration must be comprehensive, and we must do our best to predict all possible emergencies in the event, and plan these one by one into the planning, so that everything is prepared .

5. As various departments of the student union, when there are large-scale activities to be carried out, all departments in the student union should be mobilized. If a certain department has a heavy workload, it is entirely possible to transfer staff from other departments, and other departments will definitely help. This is also the embodiment of coordination and cooperation between departments.

6. The student union must continue to innovate. Several departments with roughly the same work content and working methods can unite to plan innovative activities, and at the same time use it as a special activity of the student union of the year, which will not increase the burden on each department It can also make the work of the student union more lively.

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