:【Special】Where to put CAD fonts and how to install them?-PPT information免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

【Special】Where to put CAD fonts and how to install them?

CAD software will usually use fonts already installed on the system. Therefore, to use fonts in CAD, you need to have the fonts installed in your operating system. Here are some common ways to install fonts: 1. Download font files: First, you need to down

General CAD fonts are divided into standard fonts and large fonts:

Standard fonts are usually directly loaded into FONT in WINDOWS when we install the system. If you lack any standard fonts, just download and copy them into the FONT folder in WINDOWS.

Large fonts are generally made with special software, and the suffix is ​​".SHX". They are installed in the FONTS folder under the CAD installation directory. If you do not have one in your computer, download one and copy it directly to the CAD installation directory. FONTS folder on it.


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