:Smart SOLO | What does the GB2312 after imitating the Song Dynasty font mean?-Appreciation of masterpieces免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Smart SOLO | What does the GB2312 after imitating the Song Dynasty font mean?

think? "Fangsong_GB2312" is a font name, where "Fangsong" indicates that it is a font of imitation Song, and "GB2312" indicates that it is a font that conforms to the GB2312 character set standard. GB2312 is a Chinese character set stipulated by the Chine

A few days ago , my niece used my computer to edit the manuscript for the composition competition. When adjusting the format, she suddenly popped up a question: There is a font of "Fan Song_GB2312" on the computer. "Fan Song" is very common. What do the letters and numbers behind it mean?

Actually, the "GB2312" here can be understood as the "code name" of the character set in the computer. What is the character set for? What's the difference between the different "codenames"? This is going to start slowly from the principle of character encoding.


The secret signal of the lantern

Assuming that there are 8 identical lanterns hanging on the city wall, the only way to send messages to companions outside the city is by lighting/extinguishing the lanterns. What strategy will you adopt?

At first glance, this problem seems a bit confusing... 8 lights are too complicated, let's start with 2 lights.

In order to simplify the record, we code the light on as 1 and off as 0. For light A and light B, there are 4 different states: 00; 01; 10; 11. If we agree with our partners in advance on the corresponding relationship between the state of the light and ABCD (for example, 00 represents A, 01 represents B, 10 represents C, and 11 represents D), then 2 lights can represent 4 letters.

Next, consider the case of 3 lights, with a total of 8 states. In other words, we can use the on and off of 3 lights to represent 8 letters.

For example:

000-A; 001-B; 010-C; 011-D; 100-E; 101-F; 110-G; 111-H

By analogy... each lamp can present 2 states, according to the principle of multiplication, n lamps can present 2n states. That is to say, 8 lights can present 256 (28) states, representing 256 characters.


Encoding of information

The way a computer transmits information is similar to that of a lantern on a city wall. In 1967, Americans encoded Arabic numerals, uppercase and lowercase English letters, and punctuation marks from 0 to 127, forming a set called ASCII (American Standard code for information exchange).

The picture above is part of the ASCII code table. You can understand it this way: everyone has agreed that the capital letter B is uniformly represented by 0100 0010, then the next time you see the status of the 8 lanterns on the city wall is "off-on-off-off-off-off-on-off ", you know the message is "B". It's just that the computer does not use the on and off of the lantern, but uses the transistor on and off to mark the state of 0 and 1.

Actually, 27 is equal to 128, that is to say, 7 lanterns (7-bit binary) are enough to represent 128 characters. So if you look up the complete ASCII code table on the Internet, you will find that the first digit of the 128 characters is represented by 0.

Later, more and more countries began to use computers, and 128 characters were not enough for other languages. For example, there are special cases such as à in French.

Therefore, these countries continued to compile on the basis of 128 characters, until they were compiled to 256 characters, forming The encoding standard of EASCII (Extended ASCII, Extended American Standard Code for Information Interchange). This set of coding standards adds calculation symbols, Greek letters, and special Latin symbols.

256 is 2 to the 8th power, which just uses up all the states that can be represented by 8 binary bits.


GB Series

Later, the computer developed to China, 256 characters obviously Can not satisfy the needs of Chinese characters. In 1981, my country promulgated the GB2312-80 scheme of the GB2312-80 Standard for Communication Character Set (Basic Set) and its Interchange Codes>, which encoded 6763 commonly used Chinese characters .

When the author was in elementary school, some students had the word "Yi" in their names, but the teacher couldn't show it when he printed the duty list. This word is relatively common in personal names, but it is not encoded in the character set of GB2312, so many early fonts are not included. We can verify it with a small experiment:

It can be clearly seen that "Yi" has not changed into "Imitation Song_GB2312" font.

In 1995, my country announced the GBK extended character set. In 2000, the GB18030 scheme was released. The latter scheme can represent more than 1.5 million characters. In theory, it is enough to represent Chinese characters [1].

GB series is the character encoding table of Chinese people. There are many encoding schemes in the world. Each character in the language is assigned a uniform and unique code. You can visit its official website [2] to learn more, so I won’t introduce it here.


Disappeared text

Readers using windows computers can Try:Create a new text document, enter the word "tong", save it and reopen it, you may find that the text disappears and becomes strange character of.

This is because the character encoding of the word "tong" conflicts : When creating a new notepad, some systems use ANSI (GB series encoding) by default; but when it is opened, Notepad mistakenly thinks it is a UTF8 file (Unicode encoding), resulting in garbled characters.

Leave a small experiment for everyone: follow the above picture, save the text document with "tong" as, modify Encoding mode, and then open the saved file.

Will the content in the file be garbled? Or is it the normal display of "pass"? The suspense is left to you to experiment and explore on your own!


[1] Zou Benna. Talking about the problems in Chinese character encoding and application[J ]. Silicon Valley, 2009(03): 136.

[2] https://home.unicode.org/

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