:Since there are too few free fonts on the market, this million-up owner decided to make one himself. . .-Picture material template recommendation免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Since there are too few free fonts on the market, this million-up owner decided to make one himself. . .

Hi @ooooooohmygosh Million UP Master, you're planning to make your own free font, that sounds interesting! Making a typeface requires some basic design and technical knowledge, but if you're willing to put in the time and effort, I'm sure you can make a u

In the past two days, the designer of the company shared a video in the group and shared with several other A designer praised this video in the group.

I took a closer look, isn't this @oooooohmygosh the UP master of station B with millions of fans?

This is a chat design UP master, his video style is very characteristic, and the animation effect is pleasing to the eye.

This time, he announced that he spent 400 days to make a free commercial open source The font is "Smug Black".

Many people may not know that fonts are also copyrighted and charge a fee. If we just chat and write documents or something, there is actually no problem, and commonly used fonts That's all.

But if you have seen some designed posters or publicity pictures, you can find that these fonts are more individual.

These fonts are either drawn by the designers themselves, or they are fonts found on the Internet, and most fonts are charged.

For example, Founder, which has produced many fonts, sued people for many infringements last year. This thing is really not something that can be used casually. . .

Founder's font, the personal store is not bad, it charges you dozens of dollars a year, and the whole media directly costs thousands. . .

There are also free commercial fonts, such as Alibaba Puhui Ti and Siyuan Hei Ti, both of which have a wide range of applicability. If it is so high, these two fonts can already meet the requirements.

By the way, our chat section uses Siyuan bold.

But this free font has two disadvantages, One is too common and has no special features,It looks no different from the fonts all over the street .

There are also fancy fonts, but very few,It is difficult for you to find a suitable one in the free commercial fonts, This is also its second shortcoming.

And that's why UP master @ooooooomygosh received rave reviews once he announced the launch of Deyihei,< strong>Because it is free for commercial use, you can use it however you want.

What is even more admirable is that Proud Black is open source just like the code on GitHub!

That is to say, you can not only use it, but also modify it to create a unique font based on Deyihei.

You don’t have to worry about being taken advantage of, because all of this must follow the SIL open source font protocol. The fonts that come out must also be open source.

This is like the GPL agreement in the software industry. Anyone can modify the source code of the software authorized by the GPL, but the modified source code must also be open to everyone.

So proud black is a very positive thing for both design and ordinary people. Little Pepper even thinks It's a bit like generating electricity with love. . .

Some people think that a free font will make everyone happy, as for it?

That's too much. . .

One of the key reasons,is that Chinese characters are too complicated, every word To be redesigned.

If it is English, it will be 26 letters.

But when it comes to Chinese characters, there are 3,000 commonly used Chinese characters alone, and the number of rare characters will be even more.

Besides, the strokes of Chinese characters have different angles and stroke orders in different characters. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as slow work and meticulous work.

Now you know why everyone is so excited. . .

Designed by @oooooohmygosh uses a lot of arc designs, each arc is designed with a different range .

Besides, Deyihei is not a common square character, it is narrower and even slanted.

Curved, narrow, and inclined, these three buffs are stacked, and it can be seen how much work needs to be considered in designing each character.

The whole font actually looks like this, it looks very comfortable and soft.

What? Do you think no one will use narrow and italic fonts? I, Overwatch, were the first to disagree. . .

In addition to the heavy workload, the UP master also has to consider the design of some obscure and rare characters, such as old age and monsters, which I would like to call Yinyin characters. . .

But the UP master really made it. Since there is no reference for such rare words, I can only adjust it a little bit by myself.

Look at the densely packed Chinese characters, even if you don’t use the little pepper in this font, you have to say Ruisibai after reading it. . .

But this is not the best, The UP master and the whole team even "by the way" made pseudonyms, English, number symbols and letters of those small European languages up. . .

Anyway, all together, Deyihei can currently support more than one hundred languages, free and open source. . .

The most outrageous thing is that there are even 3 different versions of Arabic numerals, which are convenient for use in different scenarios.

With such a large workload, Pepper even thinks that 400 days is considered very efficient. . .

In short, this font really gave everyone a big surprise, free commercial and open source font, it turns out There are really such good things in the world. . .

If you are also interested in Deyihei font, you might as well download it and experience it yourself. I will put the download link and GitHub link at the bottom of the article.

Tomorrow (November 23) at 7:00 pm, we also have an appointment with the author of the proud black , Let’s chat with everyone on the account of the poor reviewer at station B, about those things about open source fonts, welcome friends who are interested to come and watch~

< strong>Writer: Budweiser Editor: Noodles

Picture dataSource:

哔哩哔哩 - @oooooohmygosh

Alibaba Inclusive Fonts, Founder Fonts

Wikipedia, Quora



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