:Silently designing fonts for more than 10 years, only zero tolerance for infringement! Hate Hunan Satellite TV, scold JD.com, netizen: You should be punished for copyright infringement!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Silently designing fonts for more than 10 years, only zero tolerance for infringement! Hate Hunan Satellite TV, scold JD.com, netizen: You should be punished for copyright infringement!

Sorry, I don't quite understand what your request is. Can you explain again what you need me to do?

The following article comes from Rizhan Design Talk, author Rizhan Jun

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@Interview/Editor: jojo

@Interview: Ding Yi

“You should be punished for copyright infringement!7 years ago A netizen responded hardcore to Ding Yi's rights protection post.
9 years of independent design and development of 99 kinds, 136 Chinese character library products. The workshop of more than 10 square meters recorded the day-to-day polishing of square characters by font designer Ding Yiyi.

As the founder of Xiaozi Workshop, a rare independent font development organization in China, Ding Yi has come all the way from the market soil with weak copyright awareness in China, In order to protect rights, I have criticized Hunan Satellite TV and JD.com, claiming to have zero tolerance for infringement!

Only when it comes to font design, his eyes soften immediately:

"It's better to make the font slower than the best."

Ding Yi, the founder of the word making studio


How to embark on the road of font design?

A life changed by an art class

When I was in junior high school, I was still an exam-oriented education. The main courses are mathematics, physics and chemistry, and there are almost no art classes, but we were given a class once.

In that class, the teacher taught how to write calligraphy. Since then, I have been particularly interested in artistic characters, fascinated by Chinese characters, and have no interest in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

▲Ding Yi’s documentary clip shot by BONTV in 2013
Later I went to do business Write a store sign, one word for one yuan. Through the craft of writing calligraphy, earn money to support yourself.
After I got a computer in 1998, I didn’t know that there was such a product as fonts, and I started to understand different fonts. At that time, I worked and studied while writing art characters, and gradually mastered the systematic knowledge of graphic design.

You must be very interested in doing this,

Otherwise, I really can't sit still!

In 2001, I got the opportunity to go to Shanghai "Under the Banyan Tree" to do graphic design, and then I went to Beijing to work as a design director in a fashion group.

At the end of 2008, with a little savings, I turned my home into a studio and devoted myself to the design and development of two fonts, Junya and Shangya.

The work is actually quite boring, just facing each word. 6763Chinese characters, one stroke and one stroke, sitting like this all the time, I may not be able to make a few in a day. It often takes one to two years to design a font.

You must have great interest in doing this, otherwise you really can't sit still!

Some young people came to the studio, and many of them left because they couldn't bear the loneliness.

▲Ding Yi’s documentary film shot by BONTV in 2013

It was a start-up period that was purely burning money. Daily expenses such as rent and equipment erode the insufficient savings every month. In 2010, I couldn't make ends meet and had to return to my hometown in Shandong. In that year, the word-making studio was established.
August 2010, ShangyaandJunya typeface came out, the fresh typeface spread rapidly on Weibo, and orders to purchase copyrights poured in. But it will take five years to gain a firm foothold in the market.
▲The font "Shangya" released in 2010

▲The font "Junya" released in 2010

Unable to grasp the market,It is undoubtedly a waste of effort!

Another challenge in font design is that it takes at least one to two years for a font to finally enter the market, and the designer must have a keen sense of the market.

▲Ding Yi’s documentary filmed by BONTV in 2013, Samsung, Sony, L’Oreal and Lincoln Motors and other internationally renowned brands have become customers of the character workshop.
We must consider the lifeline of each typeface, even the value within 10 or 20 years, otherwise it will be difficult to realize the application. Therefore, it is undoubtedly a waste of effort to grasp the market badly!

Start the battle for rights protection on Weibo!

Two Weibo rights protection battles,
Resolutely zero tolerance for infringement!
8 or 9 years ago, the domestic copyright environment was very poor! It was very difficult to operate the character workshop at the beginning.Almost no one has the awareness of "paying for font copyright".
In 2011, through the clues provided by netizens, we discovered that a large number of Yuehei from the character workshop was used in the movie "Thirty-Three Days of Broken Love" font.
▲In the movie "Thirty-Three Days of Broken Love", a large number of subtitles use the Yuehei font of the unauthorized word making workshop
After we found out, we had contacted the film studio, but the two sides have not reached an agreement. Later, Zizoo Workshop published a rights protection article "Zaozi Workshop, Why "Zero Tolerance" for Typeface Infringements", which aroused heated discussions on the Internet.
At that time, this article resonated with many people who did font design. ▼

Some people cite neighboring Japan's emphasis on font copyright, and even expose their own cheeky boss. ▼

Some people mock designers who don't understand font copyright. ▼

Even in 7 years, it has sparked discussions on piracy and copycat culture! ▼

Someone has a temper tantrum, and he should be punished for copyright infringement! ▼
With the help of netizens and public opinion, the first rights defense campaign ended with the victory of the word making workshop! The film party paid compensation as required.
In 2015, Hunan Satellite TV's "I Am a Singer 3", without obtaining permission, used a large number of Lihei and Langqian fonts from Zizigongfang.
▲In the variety show "I Am a Singer 3" of Hunan Satellite TV, a large number of subtitles use two fonts, Lihei and Langqian, which are not authorized by the Chinese word-making workshop
After we spoke out through Weibo, Hunan Satellite TV took the initiative to contact us and bought the font copyright, and we will have some cooperation in the future. (If you know a mistake, correct it, Mango Terrace is still a good boy!)

There are too many infringements and it is too difficult to protect rights!
It is quite difficult to really protect rights. If we go through legal channels, we will definitely be punished in the end.But the cost of legal rights protection is very high, there are so many infringements, and our company is small, so we don't have so much energy to deal with it.

There are some copyright infringements that they do not have this kind of awareness. After explaining it, they can understand and correct it. Some things are useless. For example, JD.com shifts the responsibility to those who make materials for them. (Help Mr. Ding @jingdong here)

The most important thing is that there are still many people who don't understand why font copyrights have to be paid!

In recent years, every time a font copyright dispute occurs, some netizens still don’t understand why fonts are charged? It is also ridiculous to confuse the concepts of "font" and "Chinese characters"!

Of course, more and more people realize the importance of copyright protection.

All in all, the copyright environment has been greatly improved in recent years, and it has improved every year. 4 or 5 years ago, we felt that it was difficult to survive, but now we feel that it is no problem to survive!
We will take the initiative to contact the infringing customers and tell them the importance of font copyright. And insist on continuing to call for the protection of design intellectual property rights on Weibo.

▲The character making workshop has been making voices on Weibo.


The number of typefaces in Japan is dozens of times that of China?

According to the data in 2011, the number of font styles of Japanese font manufacturers reached 2973, and as the largest Chinese character usage area in the world In mainland China, the number of fonts is only421, far behind Japan!

▲Appreciation of rich Japanese font design, the picture comes from the Internet.

I read a lot of books on Japanese font design, and Japanese design has a great influence on me. Japan's graphic design has been ahead of China for many years. They developed earlier, including the grasp of aesthetics and art education, which are decades ahead of China.

Not recognized by the outside world,
The best idea will die!

The richness of Japanese fonts is related to the market environment. The market is relatively mature, with well-developed aesthetic education, customers have a high degree of tolerance for design aesthetics, and can make a hundred flowers bloom.

Many domestic customers cannot meet the designer's aesthetic height, resulting in some designs not going to the market at all. We think it is good, but the market may not be able to accept it. We think it is not good, because it has a certain practicality, but more people buy it. Without external recognition, no matter how good an idea is, it will die!

▲The font design released by Makefont Workshop, the picture comes from the official website of Makefont Workshop https://www.makefont.com.

The other is a leader in design education. China's design education developed relatively late, including the aesthetics and aesthetics of graphic design. Only in the past ten years has the country slowly increased the richness of fonts.


How important is font to movie poster design?

From Alice to personally designing Shanghai Disney fonts

In 2010, the English poster of "Alice in Wonderland" was designed to look good, and the Chinese poster was modified based on the English font. But I think Chinese characters can be more perfect.

▲Chinese poster of "Alice in Wonderland"

After some research, I posted the font design I was satisfied with on the website of Zizi Workshop.

▲Ding Yi’s font designed for the poster of "Alice in Wonderland"

By chance, Disney found this poster and thought it was very beautiful. So I entrusted the Shanghai Disney Chinese logo design to me.

▲Ding Yi’s font design for Shanghai Disney

A font of the same name was specially created for the movie "Golden Age"

Because of our understanding of our Disney project, in 2013, "The Golden Age" filmed by Xu Anhua approached us. We wanted to try to see if we could create a font for this movie.

After the communication, we came up with several design proposals, which they thought were very good. The font feel of the Republic of China period matches the theme of the film.

▲The movie designed by the font studio"Golden Age" font of the same name

Later, their subtitles, including promotional materials, used this font, which was also named after their movie.

▲Movie"Golden Age" poster

In terms of movies, there are more collaborations on the design of posters and names, and some cooperation on fonts. We all have an annual contract, there is no limit to the number of fonts used, and the contract is signed according to the number of years. This is how we cooperate in movies.

In terms of font customization, the fashion group first customized a "fashionable" font.

Because the word making studio rarely takes the initiative to promote its business, usually customers come to them with needs. Now some movies still lack such awareness. Maybe invest more in posters and trailers. It is quite expensive to customize a font individually, reaching millions. Movies generally don't have the cost to invest in this area.


Want to do something for the designer:

Ask about the birth of the library

A small team of 7 or 8 people,
< strong>Specialize in the business of borrowing books for free.

Ask the library is something we're doing this year. 7 or 8 people are dedicated to collecting books, making small programs, and compiling them into a database. It took more than half a year to start lending in October.

There are now more than 6,000 books in the library, and we plan to reach more than 10,000 books, and now we have more than 4,000 books on the shelves. These books are loaned free of charge to those who are interested in design. By asking the library’s website or WeChat official account,Pay a deposit equivalent to the book you borrow to borrow it, and return it after returning the book< /span>Margin.

▲Ask about the collection of books in the library.

Ask the books in the library. Some of the books in the library are books I used before. They can’t be called high-end, but some are more practical. In the later period, I also bought some art, calligraphy and painting, not pure design, but all related to aesthetics.

I like to visit bookstores every time I go to a city, including Japan. There are a large number of art books and design aesthetics books in Japan, which will be bought.

I think designers should not only read more professional books, but also read some other books to improve their reading and aesthetics, which is very helpful for improving the design level. We also subscribe to a large number of Japanese and European and American design magazines.

Did not go to college,
Type design and graphic design are all self-study!

I love books very much and cherish them. Because I didn’t go to university, now I am good at font design and graphic design, and I am self-taught.

So books are really important to me, as a current designer, I think I need to read foreign design books, or some excellent design cases to improve myself.

20 years ago, I liked to read books, but I still couldn’t afford to buy books. A book cost hundreds of dollars, and my monthly salary was thousands of dollars. Many valuable books are sealed in the bookstore and are not allowed to be opened.

Since I have bought so many books now, it doesn't make much sense to just read them here. I am grateful for Chinese characters and books, and hope to share them with more people.
For young people who do typography:
Don't forget the basic skills!
I am actually still a student until now. AlthoughCritic Workshop now has hundreds of fonts, I think most of the font innovations are relatively basic, and some really good font designs have not yet been presented. There is still a lot of space for the design and expression of Chinese character fonts.
Now designers who are interested in fonts still need to try more, the most important thing is to grasp the basic skills, Just like writing calligraphy, there is a long period of accumulation.
Basic exercises and exercises are still very important< span>, adhere to the originality of the design, do not plagiarize and imitate.
The pictures in the article are from"Zhizizi Workshop" and have been authorized. Part of it comes from the Internet
Official website of Makefont Workshop: https://www.makefont.com
< span>"Daily Station Design Talk"is a video column of the Japanese design website. Each issue interviews a designer or artist, and through dialogue, the inspiration and creativity of life burst out. Updated every Monday night at 8:00, welcome everyone to pay attention. ?


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