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Shopping mall assistant work practice report ppt sample

Internship time: May 22, 20xx-May 28, 20xx Internship purpose: Familiar with the basic work flow of the mall, familiar with the operating system of the mall, and master the basic job responsibilities of the sales department assistant. Internship arrangeme

One: Internship time: May 22, 20xx - May 28, 20xx

Two: Internship Purpose: Familiar with the basic work flow of the mall, familiar with the operating system of the mall, and master the basic job responsibilities of the sales department assistant.

3. Internship arrangement

Internship location: 1st floor of Wulin Yintai, assigned to Sales Department 1, and the department supervisor, Supervisor Zhang.

The main business categories on the first floor are: famous products, clocks and watches, cosmetics.

Yintai Department Store Wulin Store was officially opened in November 1988. As the first store of Yintai Department Store Group, it is located in the core business district of ** City - Wulin Square business district. The business area is 35,000 square meters, with a total of 10 floors (including the basement floor). The total store sales and other economic indicators have been among the top department stores in the country for many years, and the performance of many brands in the store has set the highest sales record in the country.

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4. Internship content

1. Learn related reports and summaries. Director Zhang explained to me the role of the supervisor in the department and basic job responsibilities, and explained in detail the weekly records to be done every month, fine statistics, monthly summary, KPI statistics, shift scheduling and other routine work. Through these reports and analysis reports, I understand that the supervisor, as a department planner, must arrange work in an orderly and timely manner, and must be meticulous and thoughtful.

2. Employee entry and exit procedures and employee training. Through the familiarity with the entire process of employee entry, I realized that the company attaches great importance to the selection and training of employees. Through monthly basic training before employee entry, before becoming a full-time employee, and the first-level employee training assessment twice a year, the skills and service level of employees are continuously strengthened. The supervisor shoulders the responsibility of discovering and cultivating talents. One of the supervisor's jobs.

3. Familiar with the day-to-day work process of the battalion administrator: By following the camp administrator to practice the workflow of the camp administrator position, I deeply understand the hard work of the camp administrator. They patrol the field every day, pay attention to every detail, control and find problems, and solve them as quickly as possible. The camp manager needs a lot of patience and enthusiasm to control all aspects of the store. The floor manager told me to set goals and priorities for myself every time I visit the field, and to discover problems with direction and awareness, and not to go around blindly. Under his guidance, I observed many details with the goal. The company not only strictly requires employees, but also requires itself with high standards, setting an example and adhering to the company's standards. I really feel the company's philosophy: what customers see is beautiful.

4. Learning cash register: Considering that the supervisor may also need to go to the top during holidays, I learned cash register. The cash register here is the fastest I have ever seen, the standard service language, and the movements in one go are so natural. I looked at it and thought it was a simple operation, but it was not so smooth in my own practice. The amount is large, the control of the authenticity of RMB, and the operation of advancing and retreating various cards make me feel overwhelmed. Finally, under the guidance of the cashier, I learned the basic routine operations.

5. Experience the work of the duty manager. Followed Manager Xu to experience the entire workflow of the duty manager. The manager on duty looks very relaxed, but in fact, he is responsible for the safe operation of the entire store. He has to pay attention to many details. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of all personnel, goods and venues on the field. Therefore, it is necessary to use unparalleled patience and care to complete each shift.

6. Sanxin work and study, etc. The quality of the market is the basis for the operation of the entire market. Sanshin not only controls the quality of products, but also handles various complaints, and also checks and follows up the store activities in a timely manner to ensure the correctness of the activities. At the same time, we must cooperate with various departments to do a good job in spot checks of commodities. And learned the supplier code of the newly opened counter and the opening of the counter code, contract code, and product code to ensure the smooth opening of the new counter.

Five: Internship harvest

1. Supervisors need to have the quality of daring to innovate and improve details. By observing two themed morning meetings, the ability of salespersons and camp administrators can be improved with a "humorous and interactive" scene interpretation based on a small point.

I realize that the department store industry is a business that pursues details, and only by daring to innovate and try can we make continuous progress. In the future, you need to work harder to learn relevant knowledge and strengthen your control over the details of things.

2. The supervisor needs to establish a good communication bridge. Every day, the supervisor must communicate and discuss with the camp administrators in a timely manner, and provide feedback and summary on the problems that arise on site. In the future, I need to adopt different leadership and supervision methods for employees, communicate more, boost employee morale, coordinate employees' psychological balance, and enhance team cohesion.

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