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School work plan ppt sample

2. Work objectives 1. Improve teachers' teaching level and education and teaching ability, and provide students with high-quality educational resources and services. 2. Strengthen the school's curriculum reform and cultivate students' innovative thinking

1. Guiding ideology

Focusing on the school-running philosophy of "guiding the life journey of teachers and laying the foundation for students' survival and development", according to the school's three-year work plan, with the theme of creating a caring characteristic school, focusing on curriculum reform and the construction of a scholarly campus, we will do a good job as a base school for Chinese subjects Construction, micro project research work. Create a star-level civilized campus, and strive to create a warm and elegant loving home for our school.

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2. Work objectives

Spread love education with all our strength, and through diversified activities, let all teachers and students experience love in respect, experience love in understanding, and experience love in tolerance. Focus on the stratified development of teachers, effective research on topics, self-management of students and planning and organization of campus life.

3. Work measures

(1) Create a campus environment of love

1. Do a good job in safety work, prevent the passing of time, and ensure the safety of the campus.

2. Continue to improve the campus theme culture of "being a caring person" and enhance the taste of running a school.

3. Comprehensively promote the construction of "warm classrooms", advocate "independent and individualized" environment layout, and form a distinctive "class style".

4. Collect and sort out the school's graphic materials, design and produce brochures that reflect the school's educational philosophy.

5. Continue to do a good job in the construction of a scholarly campus, focus on "reading between classes" and extracurricular reading, form an evaluation system, and encourage students to create literature.

6. Increase technical strength and improve the utilization rate of books and instruments.

(2) Build a team of teachers and students of love

1. Continue to create a team atmosphere of unity, smoothness, and strength, advocate being a sunny teacher, and sprinkle love to every student.

2. Continue to improve and improve the rules and regulations, promote standardized, democratized, and refined management, and infiltrate humanized care.

3. According to different teacher development plans, design different forms of training measures: young teachers pave the way, teaching and research team leaders shoulder the burden, key teachers create brands, etc., to cultivate brand teachers and establish subject pioneers.

4. Actively promote the work of psychological counseling and train a group of part-time teachers of psychological counseling with a high level of moral education.

(3) Building an interactive classroom of love

1. Promote the construction of base schools for Chinese subjects. Establish the advantage of Chinese subject.

2. Form a characteristic model of "five-step and three-check" mathematics classroom.

3. Establish a school teaching and research resource library. Vigorously promote practical research on small subjects.

4. The school-based training highlights the word "real", masters the standard operation methods of project research, improves the reward system for educational and scientific research achievements, collects and sorts out the research results, cases, papers, etc. of teachers.

6. Strengthen the listening and evaluation system, start from the problem, use the lesson as the carrier, and focus on the transformation of teachers' teaching concepts, teaching strategies and students' learning methods.

(4) Practice the characteristic community of love

1. Explore the hierarchical teaching of clubs, so that every student can develop as much as possible.

2. Explore specialty star ratings.

(5) Enjoy the campus life of love

1. Continue to plan various campus activities and let students participate in management.

2. Each class formulates activity content according to school and class characteristics, and carries out sunshine sports activities.

3. Conscientiously organize students to participate in all kinds of competitions and social practice activities at all levels, broaden their horizons, exercise their quality, and publicize their individuality.

4. Create a group dance of love

Attached: monthly work schedule

September: 1. Organize the school work.

2. Complete the school work inspection, submit various forms, and formulate various plans.

3. Organize a series of activities to carry forward the National Spirit Month and the National Promotion Week of Putonghua.

4. Teachers' ethics study "Suggestions for Teachers"

October: 1. Carry out the Sunshine Sports Meeting.

2. Welcoming the Mid-Autumn Festival and celebrating the National Day.

November: 1. Hold science and technology festival activities.

2. Teachers' ethics study "Suggestions for Teachers"

December: 1. Annual assessment

2. Do a good job in reporting the data of "National Student Physical Health Standards".

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