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Save handicapped party, 6 tricks let you play cartoon LOGO!

But in fact, as long as you master some skills, you can easily play with cartoon LOGO. Here are 6 tips to save the handicapped party and help you create a wonderful cartoon logo. 1. Simplify shapes: Cartoon logos are usually composed of simple shapes, so

Editor: Scallion Author: Little Hedgehog

In this issue, we will talk about the cartoon LOGO that everyone has always been interested in but also finds it difficult.

Many students think that it is difficult to make cartoon LOGO, and it is impossible to start without hand-painted foundation. In fact, there are skills and methods to make cartoon LOGO, and there is no need for hand-painted foundation.

Cartoon LOGO skills

In the last animal LOGO tutorial, one of the skills is the anthropomorphic animal LOGO. In fact, one of the cartoon LOGO and its commonly used techniques is anthropomorphism. It is a common cartoon LOGO to anthropomorphize animals or certain items such as food and then deal with the details. So in today's tutorial, our main skills are all around how to anthropomorphize animals or objects, and I will mention other techniques by the way.

Six skills of cartoon LOGO

[1] Stickman Skills

[2] Combination of anthropomorphic elements

[3] Combination of anthropomorphic forms

[4] Element replacement method

[5] Element combination method

[6] Simple description method

The so-called stickman technique, as the name suggests, is to add stickman limbs, eyes and other basic elements that are most likely to produce anthropomorphic effects on a certain animal or still life. You can see the following cases, all of which are anthropomorphic by adding simple limbs and facial features. Mochi, teeth, hot dogs, whether it is a still life or an animal, this method actually works. Relatively speaking, still life is more manipulable.

The focus of this direction is on the elements themselves, and then consider adding body and facial features. So it’s actually not very difficult, because there are too many reference materials for still life. Let's directly practice a case to see how easy this method is.

This is a sushi brand, and the brand name is [Moe Moe Sushi]. The boss asked Moe Moe to be recognizable as sushi at a glance, and to bring the main product, sashimi sushi. In this way, our direction is basically clear, and the core element is sushi. Well, the next step is to find sources of inspiration in life, and remember not to be limited. Must see more.

My mouth is watering when I find this reference... You can see that there are many different forms of sashimi sushi, so we only need to pay attention to the two most important points when drawing. One is the shape of the sushi, and the other is the angle of the sushi. In order to let the graphics see that there are sashimi and sushi at a glance, the angle is chosen to look down obliquely, and the shape is chosen to be the easiest square to draw. This makes it easy to get started.

We first solve the large shape problem, which is still the familiar pad map processing. Draw a sketch first to see how it feels. Don't be too impatient at this time, as long as there are one or two directions that can be deepened.

I selected two manuscripts to do an addition, and the overall effect is not bad. At this point, the entire shape is basically set. Next we need to add his facial features and stick figure limbs to Sushi.

Stickmans and emoticons like this can be seen everywhere, and this is a direction for us to learn from. Next, we choose an action and expression, and give it to Xiao Sushi. I'm going to look for a girl's pose, which looks cute and ladylike.

Here, a small stickman sushi is basically ready, we just need to add a color and match it with a suitable font design.

Of course, the details on the sashimi are added later. At the beginning we just made sure the big shape was set. Then joined the stickman limbs and facial features. Finally, describe the details and match a suitable font design. Such a stickman sushi cartoon LOGO is ready, is it not as difficult as imagined?

The first three are basically talking about how to anthropomorphize the design of cartoon LOGO. This technique is different, and it is biased towards basic creative methods. It is also mentioned in the previous tutorials, such as letter LOGO and portrait LOGO have similar methods. Simply put, it is to replace elements with the same shape to improve creativity.

Let's analyze the above case, the replacement of monkey's face and symbols; the replacement of bear's nose and eggs; the replacement of dog's ears and green leaves; the replacement of fox's tail and pencil. These are relatively simple and easy-to-implement alternatives. The main point is that the shape of the replacement part must match and the overall coordination. Don't be creative for the sake of being creative.

This is a dumpling brand called [Little Golden Chicken Dumplings]. The boss asked to see the elements of little hen, gold ingots and dumplings. I thought for a long time and didn't know how to draw this little dick. So our young master took out his long-cherished family heirloom. Suddenly my inspiration... gushes out...

So it was another soul manuscript. Another serving of dumplings that Master Muxi likes to eat. This fishing dog should be almost the same.

Next, we will come to another method of combining...biubiu...

Finally, let's match a suitable layout and optimize the details. In this way, the program is basically completed.

This method is not very difficult, the main operation skill lies in. When we draw, we must first concentrate on drawing the main elements, and then consider the issue of replacing elements. Taking the above case as an example, when I drew the LOGO sketch, I took the chicken as the core, and I found that the wings can be combined with dumplings and gold ingots.

There is no doubt that directly anthropomorphizing the entire LOGO for design and processing is definitely the best anthropomorphic effect. But relatively speaking, the difficulty of this is relatively high. It needs to involve more difficult points, such as body structure, proportion, facial features, detail description and so on. But! Our tutorials have always been adhering to the purpose of letting fools learn! After all, you are all geniuses, so this must not be difficult for you. Let's continue.

Take a look at the above cases, are they all particularly vivid? The main reason is that the details are rich and the image is full and vivid. So the focus we need to consider is this posture and the combination with the animal image. In fact, whether it is body posture or animal images, as long as you pay attention to observation and read more material cases, you can solve them. We explain in detail in the practical case.

This is a sauce cake brand, the name is [pig and duck sauce cake]. The boss asked for pigs, ducks, and pancakes. This stumps me... mmp... pig and duck combined? ? ?

Well, I am still strong enough to complete this fishing dog. Let's take a look at the final effect first. As a burden, we have the opportunity to publish a tutorial to explain this type of LOGO in detail, from conception to every basic operation, because there are still many details involved.

Next, take a rough look at the process diagram. To be honest, when I started to do this, it really didn't go well. I have been focusing on combining and combining. In fact, how could it be possible to combine... Until later, I got the feeling from painting to painting. So we still need to draw more drafts by hand, maybe we will get inspiration as we draw.

At the beginning, I drew the pig as the main body and the chicken in the belly pocket... The inspiration was Doraemon... After trying it, it was not realistic, so I gave up. So I want to concentrate on painting the chicken first and see the effect. Hey, after drawing, put the apron drawn at the beginning into it. It is found that it can be fused, similar to a chicken with a pig's headgear. This way the sketch is basically set. As for the body part, in fact, I didn't worry too much, so I drew a small hand, holding the sauce cake. If you are entangled in the body part, you can read more about the drawing process of the basic art.

Similar basic expression drawing and basic posture can be very helpful for us to draw cartoon LOGO. There are many similar pictures on the Internet, which can basically solve all our doubts about posture and expression.

Why is the combination of anthropomorphic elements a simple shortcut for anthropomorphism, because you basically don’t need to think too much about the relationship between the overall shape and body shape for this operation. You just need to find a suitable place to add elements or modify elements. For example, glasses are directly added to pineapple, and beards are directly added to hamburger. Dogs add scarves, hens add hats. And so on, as long as the elements of life that people are familiar with are added. Then the originally rigid animals or still life suddenly have a breath of life.

So it's an easy shortcut. Our case practice uses animals as an example, so it needs to be combined with the previous tutorial, that is, after you can draw the animal LOGO, add this method. The difficulty of cartoon LOGO is also greatly reduced for you.

This is a scarf brand. The boss requested that the fox be the main image and that it should be combined with related scarf products or knitting needles.

Combined with the previous tutorial, remember it. So here we will not repeat the process here, and interested students can read the previous article, [How to make an animal LOGO]. There must be the head first, and then we will consider other parts. So according to the method in the previous article, we first draw the head of the fox. Then naturally add anthropomorphic elements, scarves. Naturally, stick needles are not suitable for adding to graphics. So we extracted the needles and used them as embellished typography elements. It can not only enrich the overall typography, but also meet the requirements for the integration of needle elements.

Element combination is more difficult than element replacement. Element combination needs to consider more direct relationship and fit between the two. Let's analyze the following case.

The combination of squirrels and cakes, elephants and cups are the same in terms of ideas, and our case practice is also going to go in one direction. The combination of dogs and cars, and the combination of birds and musical symbols are very ingenious. The operation idea of ​​element combination is different from element replacement. Element combination requires us to simultaneously consider the relationship between the two when executing. Instead of prioritizing an element.

This is a cone brand, the name is [Little Lion Cone]. We have already mentioned the idea above, it is very natural. We follow the idea of ​​a lion on the top and a cone on the bottom, so that the whole process will become much smoother, because we have solved the most difficult connection point.

Seeing this, the students must understand. We can quickly solve the most difficult combination points by drawing lessons from them. So the other parts are not that difficult. Isn't this much simpler? This LOGO detailed tutorial, we will also explain in detail in the next article, because it involves more detailed processing, such as Boolean operation skills, shortcuts for shadow design, etc.

The last cartoon LOGO method is relatively simple. It is to simply portray a certain cartoon image without considering too much creative combination. This kind of similarity requires us to ask for more details and overall effects.

The above cases are relatively simple to express the image itself, without adding too many decorations and creative techniques.

The several methods listed above are just for starters. In fact, no matter what type of LOGO, there are many different ways of expression and design techniques, and even many of the methods are interoperable. The main thing is to hope that everyone can break through themselves and not limit themselves. Many things don't know until you try them. Don't prevaricate yourself by saying that you don't know a certain skill as soon as you mention it.

See you next time, looking forward to seeing your cartoon LOGO!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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