:SHX font file missing? Two ways to help you solve it!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

SHX font file missing? Two ways to help you solve it!

Sorry, I cannot help you with technical questions as I am a language model and do not have the interface or access to your computer system. It is suggested that you can try the following two methods to solve the problem of missing SHX font files: 1. Reins

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In the domestic design industry, I believe that most designers have encountered such a bunch of dialog boxes when opening files...

The first is to tell you that there are a bunch of SHX font files that cannot be found:

If you select "Specify a replacement file for each SHX file", then there will be a new dialog box telling you to replace a bunch of font files :

What? You say you are too lazy to replace one by one? Well, the drawings you see will become a paradise of squares and garbled characters:

What the hell is going on? This starts with the font of AutoCAD. This time let's talk about fonts in detail. First look at the effect of different fonts:

The one on the left isWindowsTTF font,TTF means TrueType, generally installed in the C:WindowsFonts directory under.

Corresponding to it is the SHX font that comes with AutoCAD itself. Due to various ancient reasons, early AutoCAD only supported SHX fonts. What is the difference between TTF and SHX fonts? A picture tells you:

You can see from the font display,TTFThe font is Feng (pang) Full (zhi), SHXThe font is fitted by a straight line so it is relatively thin (SHX span>shou) thin (zhi).


Also, TTF automatically supports non-Latin scripts, while SHX does not. And the ones missing at the top of this article are SHX fonts that are specially responsible for drawing non-Latin characters, called large fonts.


Use the STYLE command to open the "Text Style" dialog box.

Expand the drop-down menu of "Font Name", you can see that there is a TT icon in front of the font name isTTFTTF span>font, there is a A word icon is the SHX font.

If you choose a SHX font, then the original "font style" on the right will be grayed out, because for SHX font, he cannot make bold and italic. (Original line, how bold! Ma Jingtao growled~)

See the "Use Large Fonts" checkbox below? Click to see...

You can see that the font style has been replaced by "big font".

So why is it called a large font?

Generally inAutoCAD, large fonts generally refer to "Simplified /Traditional Chinese", "Japanese Plain/Katakana" , "Japanese Kanji", "Korean" East Asian characters. Compared with the Latin language with 26 letters, Chinese characters are commonly used, bah bah bah, Chinese characters are commonly used (this input method is really… ...) more than 1500 font files are much larger than normal SHX fonts.

A font that Chinese users often miss is hztxt.shx, which is a R14The commonly used Chinese fonts,HZTXTWell, it is Han (HAN) characters (ZI) abbreviation, due to the popularity of R14 in China, resulting in the later version of AutoCAD< /span>Deprecated fonts are enjoying a second life in China.


PS: Here is a digression, please don’t private message me again Win10uploadR14 OK Well, the concubine really can't do it! ! ! !


Complaints are over, back to the topic,Since AutoCADputHZTXT. SHX is deprecated, is there any replacement? Of course there is...Please firmly remember this set of golden partners:

gbenor.shx and gbcbig.shx. GBWhat does it mean? Global standard, classmate! I've knocked on the blackboard, why don't you hurry up and draw the key points? eWellENGLISHcc span>WellCHINESEnoris normalNormal(Because there is a gbeitc.shx, itc is italicItalic meaning), big... no explanation. With this set of fonts, how good it is in line with the national standard.

A classmate asked, my new drawings are fine, but what about my massive old drawings? I don't want to see a bunch of font replacement dialog boxes every time I open an old drawing.

Here are two ways to solve this problem:

1: Directly find the SHXfile

First of all, find a hztxt.shx font on the Internet (or other missing fonts, generally without copyrightshxshxshx span>Fonts can basically be found online), after downloading, place it inC:ProgramFilesAutodeskAutoCAD2018Fonts

Of course, there are many fake ones on the Internet, even viruses disguised as shx files, so it is not safe.


Two: Use font mapping files to control replacement fonts

As I said before, sinceAutoCAD has provided updated national standard fonts, can we directly replace them with national standard fonts? Of course you can, and I personally recommend this approach.

First of all, the OP command opens the "Options" dialog box (this dialog box is known as the intensive phobia killer...), Switch to the "File" tab and find a font mapping file:

After copying the address, open it directly with WordPad in the browser, and add a line at the end:

Remember to restart after making changesAutoCADOh. Then at least the lack of hztxt is solved.

Note: This article is authorized by Autodesk Vision (id: autodeskvision),Chai Lifeng, click to read the original online Order the latest version of the software.


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