font recognition:Recognize cursive characters extremely quickly, and never consider misfortunes as blessings-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Recognize cursive characters extremely quickly, and never consider misfortunes as blessings


A while ago, the People's Literature Publishing House accidentally sold the cursive character "disaster" written by Qi Gong as the character "blessing".

This problem arises mainly because contemporary people are too unfamiliar with handwriting, especially cursive script, and it is easy to make jokes if they are not careful. For example, in the poster of the movie "Legend of the Sea", the character "海" is written as the character "Man".

That's okay, but the most frightening thing is that there was a TV series called "Every Year Persimmon Red", and one version of the poster wrote the word "red" as the word "anus" for anus.

Cursive script is difficult to recognize because it is different from other fonts. There are many similar glyphs and it depends heavily on the context. Become a master of calligraphy.

First of all, let's just talk about the words "blessing" and "disaster". The distinction between the two characters we imagined does not actually exist in the writings of many calligraphers. For example, you may think that the upper right side of the word "Fu" is at least different from that of "Cao", and maybe the writing method will be different, but in fact many people write this part without distinction.

The essential distinction that can be summed up seems to be only in the lower right corner, especially the structure of the last two strokes: the last two strokes of Fu are often a cross structure, but there is no such thing as the character "Huo". It is connected with this arc and ends in a small circle. .

However, there are not many similarities between red and anus. After all, there is a big difference between the writing style next to the twisted silk and the moon (meat). place, but not next to the word moon.

However, the character "red" is actually easily confused with another common character, that is, the character "Kong" of Confucius. If these two characters are listed, what is the essential difference between the writing methods of each school? This is difficult to answer. As for the word "Kong", if you are not careful in some writing methods, it will be confused with the word "Shui". The important difference is that the starting direction of the pen is different. However, the most powerful thing is that the character "Kong" can even be written the same as the character "Death"!

Hole and Red

Therefore, the difficulty of cursive script mainly lies in its high degree of symbolization, and it is continuous into characters. Although there are rules, it also allows freedom to do whatever you want, especially wild cursive, which is bold and unrestrained. I want to see the wild vitality of the ancients. This also makes many writing methods have no philological basis. For example, Yuan Shao's "Yuan" is often written with a "seven" on the top and a "red" on the bottom.

However, a large number of symbolization and saving strokes have caused difficulties for beginners to recognize. Characters such as "Qing", "Tian", "Lie", "Sheng" and so on are all written in one stroke.

This symbol can be used to write as many as a dozen radicals, such as the words "liu", "xue", the "nest" of the bird's nest, the "karma" of homework, the "yu" of honor, the strict "strict" ", the "swearing" of cursing, the "jiu" of uncle, the "ying" of poppy, and the "zhuan" of Xiaozhuan, all of which are above this character.

The continuous formation of characters is another major reason why cursive script is difficult to recognize. As we mentioned earlier, many characters are very similar or even the same when written, which makes the recognition of cursive script heavily dependent on the context, making it difficult to pick out individual characters. Like this brand, many people regard "Shandong Museum" as "Shandong Mistress Museum", mainly because the more they look, the more they look like it.

"Reference News" is often regarded as "political news", on the one hand because of its content, and on the other hand because the word "kao" is an ancient character that is rarely written. In fact, the words that are easily recognized as "political" also include the words attack, reform, and defeat.

And those words that are written without essential distinctions are completely determined by the context, such as bland and talking, procrastinating and implementing, master's master and as for to and so on. There is also the "benefit" of interest and the "harmony" of harmony.

Therefore, the threshold for learning cursive script is very high. Beginners should learn the various copybooks of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi, Sun Guoting's "Book Book", as well as Zhang Xu, Huai Su, Huang Tingjian, etc., and check them one by one, line by line, and word by word. recognize and read.

For the convenience of learning, people in the Ming Dynasty compiled formulas such as "Cao Jue Ge", which has more than 200 sentences, such as "a little square is water, and an empty pick is speech", which means that the difference between the word water and the word word is that there is no at this point. "Long and short are divided into knowing and going, and the difference between knowing and going is that the last stroke is long or short. It is easy to confuse every and safe, so we must distinguish carefully.

This makes people wonder whether "Grass Jue Ge" has little effect except to increase the burden of memory. Of course, the "Cao Jue Ge" with cursive calligraphy is still good.

In modern times, there is "standard cursive script" advocated by Yu Youren. How can it be a standard? He believes that the dilemma of Chinese cursive script is that the radicals in the same part do not have a unified form, so it is stipulated that the main radicals must not have different forms in the same part, and the main radicals must be accurate, such as the word "mountain". Right, above, and below should be written like this, with fewer changes, so that we can quickly recognize the "mountain" above the characters "Qi" and "Duan", and will not be confused with the upper part of the character "chang".

In "Standard Cursive Script", there is a big difference between blessing and misfortune. We can see that it clearly writes the characteristics of the two characters.

If you look through "Standard Cursive Script", you will find that it does not have the common concatenated characters that are common in other cursive copybooks, that is to say, it is a cursive character that can be picked out and recognized separately. Such cursive script may seem soulless to some, but it is highly effective as an introduction to literacy and writing.

In the end, some people will say, even so, it still takes a lot of effort to recognize cursive script. What about the painless learning you promised? Well, the truth is not light, this requires the assistance of a mobile phone, open WeChat, search for the applet "Zijian Calligraphy Recognition", and then upload the characters you don't know, and it will be recognized quickly.

Of course, if you are interested in calligraphy, it is necessary to start honestly with traditional methods. If it is just literacy, I used the mobile phone software Anki to make some pictures and texts myself, and memorize these cursive scripts like memorizing words, and I feel that there are some effects.

- Bie Jie-


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