ppt file:Qualcomm's 5G conference is coming, and the full version of the PPT file is exposed! Netizens: It's amazing-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Qualcomm's 5G conference is coming, and the full version of the PPT file is exposed! Netizens: It's amazing

Two days ago, Qualcomm, the global chip giant brand, held a press conference about 5G.

Follow my Toutiao account and send a private message [Qualcomm 5G] to get the full version of Qualcomm 5G file!

Originally, I didn't pay much attention to this meeting, but because our studio helped Qualcomm design some slides, which is regarded as cooperation, so I paid special attention to the presentation of the PPT design of this conference.

It is worth mentioning that Qualcomm's PPT design style is somewhat different from most technology manufacturers. It rarely uses a large picture plus a sentence, but a very pragmatic style.

In layman's terms, the content on the page will be very detailed, a bit like the work-oriented PPT we often say.

Probably something like this:

The content of this PPT may not be understood by most people, but for most of us in the workplace, the design form of the PPT may be of more reference value.

So, in this article, let’s talk about the PPT design of this Qualcomm press conference. What can we learn from it?

The first is the consistency of the overall style

For a PPT, whether the visual style is unified or not is an important criterion to measure its aesthetics.

So, how to achieve the unity of visual style? I shared a point of view in "PPT Design Thinking Practical Edition", in fact, it is nothing more than starting from the following elements.

They are:

Any PPT with a unified visual style is nothing more than the repeated use of these 6 elements.

What do you mean? Let's talk about it in detail in conjunction with Qualcomm's PPT.

The first is the color, using three shades of blue, green and gray, and each tone contains different shades of color:

As for the font, it uses the Next series produced by itself. There is nothing to say about this:

For the layout of the same page type, it is also consistent.

For example, the layout of a page like a sentence is as follows:

As for the layout of the content page, a more classic left-right layout structure is adopted, with text description on the left and graphic display on the right:

The guest display page has the same layout:

Of course, there are also the effects of elements used on the page. In fact, we can see that shadows are added:

Finally, there are materials, mainly some small icons:

As you can see, this little icon has a unique style, right? In fact, these small icons are all officially drawn by Qualcomm.

When we cooperated before, they sent a specification for the use of icons. Frankly speaking, I was stunned at the time. Almost all common types of icons have been covered:

And these are the six constituent elements that make the visual style of PPT unified, and the specifications for use.

Of course, there are still many places that can be marked in this PPT, so I won’t introduce them to you one by one here. If you are interested in the future, I will continue to explain to you~

The full version of me is ready too! 57 pages in total!

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Follow my Toutiao account and send a private message [Qualcomm 5G] to get the full version of Qualcomm 5G file!

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