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Primary school class teacher internship report ppt model

So far, I have been working as a class teacher in XXX Elementary School. Through this period of internship, I deeply felt the importance and sense of responsibility of the class teacher, and also gained a lot of valuable experience and lessons. 1. The tea

Looking back on these two months, I am constantly learning from the senior teachers their teaching experience and the management art of class teacher work, from which I have experienced the joy and troubles of teachers, realized the joy of my future work, and have new pursuits.

From September 17th to November 9th, XX, I and 11 other students came to the attached primary school for educational practice. Internship life is hard, but also very meaningful. Under the support and guidance of the leaders, teachers and leading teachers of the attached primary school, my educational internship has achieved a relatively complete success. Looking back on these two months, I am constantly learning from the senior teachers their teaching experience and the management art of class teacher work, from which I have experienced the joy and troubles of teachers, realized the joy of my future work, and have new pursuits.

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a teaching job

Because our major is mathematics education, we were assigned to class 4 of the second year as a mathematics intern teacher and head teacher. The mathematics instructor is Ms. Huang. She is about fifty years old. She speaks frankly. She is a very experienced and excellent teacher. She has given me a lot of help in teaching and helped me analyze every aspect of the class. She strives for perfection and even every detail Will give me better advice, how to stimulate students' thinking to a greater extent, make it easier for them to discover the teacher's intentions, accept new knowledge, and so on. I started class on Friday of the first week. Teacher Huang said it was a practice class. She didn’t intend to listen to it. She just gave you a chance to get in touch with the students and feel their acceptance of knowledge. I will be a new teacher next Monday. Prepare for class.

In this way, I relaxed a lot. When I was talking about the topic, I found that many things that I thought were very simple, if I didn’t mention them to the children, they would misinterpret your meaning, such as compiling a problem, without the format If it is written out and just explained verbally, none of them know where to start, and as you say: use a ruler to draw three line segments under the topic and compile application problems on these lines. Some students will ask you: Teacher, how long is the line segment? I said casually: about 16 centimeters.

As a result, many children drew out very seriously, and they were close to each other, and they even marked 16 centimeters. They completely forgot that I wanted them to make up the problems, which made people dumbfounded. This taught me a lesson: the language of a math teacher should be very concise and demanding, otherwise it will be difficult for primary school students to understand your true intentions, let alone achieve the expected teaching effect. Although the teaching is still very young, the students are slowly accepting me as a teacher.

The lesson plan was revised repeatedly, and then brought to Mrs. Huang for review. She would immediately point out a bunch of big and small problems, such as the introduction of language here was too wordy, the requirements were not clear there, the explanation was not thorough here, and there was incoherence there. Change and change until the teacher says it's ok, then prepare to give a trial lecture and start a new class. I took the math classes in her two classes—Class 2 3 and Class 2 4. The acceptance level of the students in the two classes is roughly the same, but my teaching effect is still a little different, because after the class of one class Immediately after that, evaluate the class, point out the shortcomings for you to correct, and then go to another class. The advantage of this is that you will improve the teaching process more purposefully, so you will make rapid progress. Through teaching comparison, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you are really growing.

In class, in addition to imparting new knowledge and allowing students to learn better, it should not be a whole class. Stimulating their enthusiasm for mathematics and feeling the joy of learning are more important aspects. Therefore, the teacher in the classroom must have a kind of teaching passion and self-confidence in order to infect your students. Provide them with a relaxed and free thinking environment, so that all children who like to talk have the opportunity to share their discoveries with their classmates, so I don't just give opportunities for more students to answer questions, but give more Let the students fully discuss or ask questions and then give them a little time to tell their classmates what they did. This will make everyone move, and often there will be many wonderful discoveries! But in this way, how to control the classroom order?

This is due to some classroom discipline management passwords originally formulated by their teachers. Clap your hands loudly three times, and the students reacted immediately: sit upright with your arms upright, and say: sit up quickly! This reminds students who did not pay attention to the teacher's instructions. Or when it is found that some students are not looking at the blackboard during the lecture, the teacher will say: "Small eyes, the children will immediately say: Look at the blackboard!" Passwords like these form a consensus among the students. These teaching methods play a very important role in classroom control.

Speaking of classroom control methods, I have to mention that our second-year interns also created a reward and punishment method: drawing stars in groups. For the group with particularly good performance, one star is added each time, and the group with poor discipline erases one star they have already got each time, and a small gift reward is given to the group with the most stars. This measure is very effective. , the children are also willing to fight for star rewards for their groups.

In addition, the teacher's teaching tact will also make your classroom more attractive, and sometimes you will get unexpected good results! This is what I observed our instructors found, like another teacher Huang in the second grade. The public class of "Knowing the Circumference" originally only explored the calculation method of the perimeter of a rectangle, but the student suggested that he could also find out the calculation method of the circumference of a circle in the courseware with his own method. Teacher Huang responded to his approach He gave affirmation and praise, and further guided the students to explore and study the method of measuring the perimeter of more regular and irregular figures. The performance of the students surprised all the teachers present.

I haven't reached the level of tact in teaching, but sometimes I will "fool" students with some cunning answers to some strange questions raised in class. If I keep saying the correct "why", I'm afraid It will be even more inexplicable. Occasional episodes, the class is actually quite interesting.

The work of the second class teacher

Frankly speaking, I still don't know much about the work of the class teacher, maybe I am a little slow in this respect. The head teacher of my class is Mrs. Chen. She has dark skin and is a young teacher in her twenties. The teacher is Widow Yuen's, hehe). Looking at the fourth class, it is really neat, no matter how noisy the scene is, the class teacher raised his right hand as soon as he stepped out: line me up in three seconds, brush up, and everyone is in place. Wherever the eyes go, everyone stands silently, which is surprising.

How did you do this? After many days of observation, I found that this is a real strict teacher! Once I found those who were slightly wrong, I immediately named them and criticized them severely. I often have discipline before taking Chinese classes... Although the discipline is very good, I still can't agree with this management method, because it is more difficult for children to show a sweet smile than children in other classes. More strictness than leniency, more punishments than rewards, more cold faces than smiling faces... This kind of education method may be too harsh for children.

Can a gentle teacher ruin a class? Does the class teacher have to be "violent"? Look at the class of Teacher Yang in the same grade. What is the class of the class teacher who is about 30 years old and has a gentle temperament? The opportunity came. This day, she has something to ask for leave for an afternoon, so she wants me to watch the class. I went a little late for the lunch meeting in the afternoon. I was wondering how chaotic the situation would be without the teacher present. When I walked in, I found that all the students were doing their homework very quietly. Children, all in order!

Later, I specifically asked Teacher Yang for advice. Her secret is: to establish prestige for the class cadres and let them assist the class teacher in managing the class. Of course, these class cadres must accept the supervision of the whole class. Once someone is impeached, the situation must be accepted. and necessary punishment.

For children who perform well, they also have the opportunity to come up to be the cadres of the practice class for two days, and manage discipline with the original class cadres, etc. I found that Ms. Yang is very good at praising children, like the rehearsal of "Autumn" in our fourth class. When she came to teach, she thought the children in this class had a nice voice, but their expressions were stiff. Will praise at the right time: "This kid has such a beautiful smile! This one too, and this..." "Such a beautiful autumn requires you to show it, and you have to smile beautifully so that people can know its beauty." !” With a sunny smile and a warm voice, the students were very happy to cooperate with her rehearsal. The work of the class teacher is trivial, and there are both troubles and joys, because this is the work closest to the pure heart of children.

In the attached primary school, the head teacher’s daily work includes: watching the morning reading and afternoon meeting, and sometimes taking a nap; inter-class exercises and military training. The safety of the students is the focus of the head teacher’s work, especially the lower grade students, who are lively and easy to get injured. These things must be assisted by the head teacher during our internship. When I was a class teacher, there were three major events in the second grade: autumn outing, school sports meeting and reading competition. In the autumn outing, because of the assistance of our intern teachers, the students all returned home happily; the school sports meeting and the reading competition have achieved good results, which makes me very proud of them.

The last big program is the themed team meeting. This event is the personal responsibility of the interns. From the program design to the selection of actors to the final team meeting, I and the students of class 2 and 4 have been rehearsing hard for nearly two weeks. Without the help of the class teacher, I fumbled through it. I encountered many difficulties and was discouraged, but in the end it went smoothly. Although the expected effect was not fully achieved, I took an important first step after all. I believe that I will definitely Will be qualified for the position of class teacher, which means responsibility and trust.

The two-month internship has ended. I will continue to chew, relish, and explore the ups and downs in my future work. There have been many firsts for me in this more than a month: the first time I really stood on the podium, the first time I said a lot to the students, the first time someone called me a teacher sweetly... I think these ups and downs, these first times will be a great experience in my life. It will be a fortune after I get to work in the future. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the leading teacher, Mr. Liu Zhaohui, the instructor, Mr. Huang, the former head teacher, Mr. Chen, and all the other teachers and leaders who supported and helped me! Thank you!

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