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Primary and secondary school drowning prevention work plan ppt model

quality of education and the safety and health of students. 2. Work content and plan 1. Strengthen safety education courses a. In school safety education courses, increase the teaching of prevention knowledge of drowning accidents, including the safety re

1. Work objectives

With the goal of avoiding drowning accidents that cause casualties and property losses, further strengthen school safety education and help students establish safety awareness and master safety knowledge , Improve the ability of self-protection, and ensure the healthy and orderly development of the school's education and teaching work.

2. Activity organization

In order to ensure the implementation of the drowning prevention education activities for school students, after research, it was decided to set up a leading group for the drowning prevention education activities of the Primary School Affiliated to Pingshi Normal University.


Deputy group leader:

Team members:

3. Activity theme

"We Together Prevent Drowning"

4. Activity time

April 29 to October 31, 20xx

Five, active objects

All teachers, students and parents.

6. Strictly implement various systems and establish a long-term mechanism

1. The school sorts out the safety system, further strengthens the study and publicity of the system, strictly implements the emergency information reporting system, and formulates detailed safety precautions. Implement the safety responsibility system to provide a strong institutional guarantee for drowning prevention work. Strict student leave system, leave must be requested by parents, and perform the necessary leave procedures. Implement the roll call system on time every day, and make clear the situation of students arriving at the school in time.

2. Continue to carry out the "Student Safety, Happy Thousands of Families" teacher home visits. Through teachers' home visits, parents' guardianship awareness and ability can be improved. The school's teaching office should promptly sort out the list of non-Pinghu household registration students, and the moral education office should focus on strengthening the education and management of left-behind students, actively implement the supervision responsibility of left-behind students, and promptly supervise, guide, and summarize the home visits of teachers. Feedback of students to the Education Bureau.

7. Contents of theme activities (see attached table for details)

(1) Strengthen publicity and education and establish safety awareness

The banner "You and I work together to prevent drowning" is hung on the outer wall of the campus, and the LED scrolling slogan is used to create an active atmosphere for special education on drowning prevention. The school uses speeches under the national flag, red scarf radio stations, etc. to educate all students on the prevention of drowning, and educates students not to play near water without any protective fences, let alone jump over fences to play in water. The river, the pond, and the waters around the Shokaze campus are all areas where students are absolutely prohibited from approaching and playing, and the "six prohibitions" are strictly implemented.

Set up a warning sign. From May 1st to October 31st, publicize the window outside the school, and set up a warning sign with uniform content in the city, reminding and warning students that it is strictly forbidden to go swimming in the river without permission to prevent drowning accidents.

(2) Fully launch to ensure the effectiveness of the activity

1. Hold a special work meeting on drowning prevention in schools to convey the spirit of the safety meeting at the higher level, so that all teachers are aware of the severe situation facing safety work and attach great importance to safety Education career. Interpret the school's plan for special education activities on drowning prevention, and clarify the responsibilities of teachers.

2. The class uses various methods to strengthen the safety education of drowning prevention for students, and improve students' vigilance, self-consciousness and recognition of danger and emergency in drowning prevention. Ability to avoid and escape from danger.

(1) Hold a theme class meeting. Let students tell about the dangerous areas and waters that are prone to drowning around their schools and families, mobilize students to analyze the causes of drowning accidents, put forward suggestions to avoid drowning incidents, tell how to prevent drowning, and when drowning incidents are discovered and occur. How to deal with it, how to save ourselves and each other.

(2) Conduct a "Prevent Drowning" video campaign. Improve students' vigilance and enhance students' awareness of preventing drowning.

(3) Publish a tabloid on drowning prevention. Knowledge about drowning prevention can be publicized in the form of comics and text.

(4) Carry out a "You and I work together to prevent drowning" signature oath activity, make your own promise, and practice your promise.

(5) Use the morning meeting time to organize students to learn the relevant knowledge about drowning prevention in the "China Safety Education Network" and learn the skills to prevent drowning.

3. Send a "Letter to Parents", use the school newsletter to communicate with parents, strengthen contact with parents, and strengthen parental support. Safety awareness and guardian's sense of responsibility, inform parents of school start time, school time, holidays, school start time, and matters that students should abide by, etc. Parents are asked to do a good job of safety supervision during the summer vacation of students, so that parents can effectively take on the responsibility of guardians , and guide parents to actively participate in drowning prevention education activities.

4. Do a good job in the distribution of drowning prevention "A Letter to Parents of Primary and Secondary School Students across the Country". Closely link the school with parents, and hope that parents must enhance their awareness of safety and guardianship, earnestly assume guardianship responsibilities, and strengthen education and management of their children. On May 1st, summer vacation, National Day, and other festivals, "a letter to parents" should be issued to strengthen the management of going out with children after school, on weekends, and during holidays, and jointly do a good job in safety supervision of students when they leave school. Archive the return receipt (return receipt must be 100% recovered), and in the event of a student drowning incident, a copy of the return receipt must be uploaded to the Education Bureau.

8. Activity requirements

Safety work is the top priority of the school. I hope that all faculty and staff will take active actions and attach great importance to the safety education of students. As summer is approaching, Therefore, it is particularly important and urgent to provide students with special education on drowning prevention. Therefore, all teachers should seriously carry out the educational activity of "You and I work together to prevent drowning" from the perspective of valuing human life. On the basis of extensive publicity and education, the class teacher should actively do a good job in connecting with parents when students leave school, so as to avoid gaps in student management. On the eve of the summer vacation, when students are given safety education before leaving school, safety education on the prevention of drowning must be carried out. Through education, students can consciously stay away from danger, and at the same time, let students understand and master the common sense of self-rescue and mutual rescue when they are in distress in the water, so as to reduce the occurrence of students' drowning deaths, and work together to build our school into a safe, civilized and harmonious learning paradise !

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