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Prada's font LOGO was praised by netizens: "It's really hard work!"

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The following article comes from LOGO Research Institute, author LOGO Research Institute

LOGO Institute

[Official account that designers are concerned about]?

Backstage reply "Design Talk"

Rizhan Jun will push a design story for you

365 days, 365 classic sentences, only updated once a day

From: LOGO Institute (ID: logosjs)

Spring Festival is coming

Many international brands have begun to localize their brands in China

Speaking of Chinese branding

We have the impression that seemsfailures abound

Some brands distort Chinese culture

Seriously directly suspected of insulting China

Chopsticks of DG Promo

Versace T-shirt

Burberry New Year Ghost Film

blah blah blah

The Chinese market has great potential

But even international big names want to make money

It doesn't work without a brain


The recent Chineseization of the well-known Italian brand Prada

Designed a simple word "home"

But it has been well received by many domestic netizens

Also set the right example for the industry

Let's take a look at the word "home"

Image: @Regarez

Prada's brand logo is a serif font

There is strong room for design variation

The well-known design firm 2x4 disassembled the serif font

Reconstitute Chinese characters with Prada's unique temperament

Combination of Chinese and Western ideas is ingenious

This design technique has been successful before

Prada renovated Shanghai Rongzhai for 6 years

Rong Zhai, a century-old house located on North Shanxi Road, Shanghai, Rong Zhai

One of the most elegant garden houses in Shanghai

The LOGO of Rongzhai is created by

From the change of PradaLOGO

Break up and reassemble the letters "PRADARONGZHAI"

Vary stroke length and position

Reconstitute the Chinese font "Rong Zhai"

It can be seen that this is a very careful design

Some other brands directly use Chinese fonts

The author doesn't even pursue Chinese meaning

Take incomprehension as a fashion trend

Armani powder uses a couplet-like blessing character

Auntie must like it very much~

Dior's Year of the Dog red envelope

Do you accept it?

Although the design of Prada has no obvious Chinese elements

The color is also not using "Chinese red"

This LOGO still makes Chinese people feel

Prada brand strives for cultural integration

Received a lot of praise from netizens

What do you think of the logo?

Prada's 2019 men's clothing advertising campaign last year

Also invited Cai Xukun, the top traffic in domestic fresh meat

Acquired a very high degree of attention

Although many people commented that

Cai Xukun lowered the height of Prada

But from the data

Prada’s official Weibo video has more than 20 million views

110 million exposures on related topics

The most important thing is that sales have also increased

But Prada is not achieved overnight

The previous New Year commercials were also full of weirdness

In the dim light

Looks like there is an unknown transaction


Happy New Year and all the best

I can't feel the festive atmosphere at all

Luxury brands have repeatedly misunderstood Chinese culture

This is a lack of insight into the Chinese market

It is also caused by ignorance of Chinese culture

The localization of the Prada brand in China has made significant progress

I hope international big names can learn more about Chinese culture

Make meaningful products, creative design with foundation

I'm bloated

Actually talking about luxury accessories

Can't afford it..


Rizhan Jun private WeChat


Did you make it

Taking up a conversation with Rizhan Jun

More interesting than watching movies

Japanese design Stop for details

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