:"Pink girl body" colorful girly font丨The first self-made color font to share-Appreciation of masterpieces免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"Pink girl body" colorful girly font丨The first self-made color font to share

How to make colored fonts, but I can give you some information about colored fonts. Color font is a special font effect that can make text displayed in multiple colors. Usually, colored fonts are implemented through special font files or images. You can s

Today's update:AddAdd a non-Root Android systemSimplified TTFFile, addiOS15 systemadaptation.

The needs of the audience friends are really strange.Obviously know the characters, but also have pinyin fonts. I never knew how to read polyphonic characters when using pinyin fonts? What's more, 99% of the pinyin fonts only add pinyin to commonly used characters, but the unfamiliar characters don't have pinyin, so what should I do?

Recently, there are new requirements,I want colored fonts,I occasionally get colored fonts myself, but just Add color to a few words, for example, add color to the 4 words of "Zi You Xin Yu":
Today,I made a set of pink girl fonts to share with everyone,It’s called pink girl Let's take a look at the renderings, first of all the renderings of Android phones (screenshot from OnePlus 7 Pro):
▲Swipe left and right to see more screenshots
Look at Apple again Mobile phone renderings(from iPhone X)
▲Swipe left and right to see more screenshots
Color font is to add color to the font itself, let the font call the color of the font itself first when it is displayed,instead of calling the system or The color rendered by the app.
ButAccording to the usage and renderingsIt can be seen that: Android About 80% of the mobile phone can display color; the Apple mobile phone is different, it can only be displayed in some apps, and the system part is still the same default color as before.
This sharingAdapted to Apple + Android phones,Apple provides iOS14 For English, Android provides the Magisk font module.
Specifically where and on what App can display color is a problem with system calls and has nothing to do with fonts, so this problem is unnecessary ask.
< strong>Resource acquisition: Click to see? ThenFollow this public and reply to 53990 to get this update.
Apple phone fontsClick here for tutorials:Font replacement tutorial丨Related issues after changing fonts丨System font backup< /section>
Android phone font relatedClick here for tutorials: Magisk module import tutorialMagisk Error Rescue Machine TutorialExtract TTF TutorialColorOS, MIUI, Flyme and other systems do not take effect
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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/Pink%20girl%20body%20colorful%20girly%20fontThe%20first%20selfmade%20color%20font%20to%20share.html

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