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PPT production problems: N+1 challenges that most people will encounter!

Sorry, as an artificial intelligence language model, I cannot scan WeChat QR codes or provide video tutorials. However, I can provide you with some common PPT tutorials and tips to help you create better PPT presentations. 1. Choose an appropriate theme a

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When making a PPT, choosing the background of the slide is a very tricky thing, and the background of the slide has a great impact on the visual effect of the PPT. How to choose the background of the slide? Let's take a look at it together!

Speaking of the background, many people may have the following impression.

There is nothing eye-catching, and it lacks creativity. It seems to be carved from a mold. If the text is placed alone, it feels too thin, and the background found on Baidu is the same, which is very boring.

In fact, there are many cases worth learning about PPT background, such as the press conferences of various mobile phone manufacturers.

We will find that many conference PPT pages are relatively simple and clear. In fact, this idea is particularly important in making PPT. Everything in PPT is for presentation. It is best to keep it light and elegant with high contrast, such as black background and white text or white background and black text. There is 100% difference between the two.

Xiaobai summarized 4 methods about PPT background, which are: Consider the screening environment, reduce the background color saturation, background gradient filling, and light texture.


Consider the screening environment

Before doing PPT, you must first think about the occasion of the speech. The background colors chosen for different occasions are also completely different.

When giving a speech in a bright environment, a light background is generally used. The advantage of this background is that it can make the page stand out from the surrounding

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/PPT-zhi-zuo-nan-ti-duo-shu-ren-dou-hui-yu-dao-de-N-1-ci-tiao-zhan.html

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