:"Secrets for winning PPT: help your presentation skills improve dramatically"-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"Secrets for winning PPT: help your presentation skills improve dramatically"

Sorry, I am an artificial intelligence language model and cannot make PPT, but I can help you improve your PPT skills by providing relevant resources and suggestions. What help do you need?

Foreword: This article was created by Ah He in February this year. It was first published on the official account of Workplace Power Bank and has a reading volume of nearly 80,000 with only tens of thousands of fans. Many new followers left messages in the background and wanted to read them, so I reposted them on my personal account. The tutorial is very long, but there is no nonsense. If you read it patiently, you will definitely gain something! 1. Why is it difficult for most people to make good PPT? For example: learning mathematics and drawing are two completely different processes. When learning mathematics, 1+1=2, if you know it, you know it, if you don’t know it, you don’t know it. Both students have learned 1+1=2, and their performance in solving this problem is basically the same. But painting is different. Two students can draw the same egg, but the appearance and quality of the drawings will be very different. In this world, some knowledge has standard answers, and some things have no standard answers. The former we call "hard knowledge" and the latter we call "soft knowledge". The learning methods and focuses of hard knowledge and soft knowledge are very different. Generally speaking, hard knowledge can be quickly improved through rote memorization and extensive practice. As for soft knowledge, it pays great attention to the so-called talent and inspiration. Doing PPT well is actually equivalent to a kind of soft knowledge. Most people don't learn well because learning soft knowledge in the same way as hard knowledge will definitely lead to half the effort with half the effort. The correct approach we should take: We may not necessarily become PPT experts, but through integrated methods, we can also make professional-level PPT. 2. What are the main differences between ordinary-level PPT and professional-level PPT? The main differences between PPT made by ordinary people and professional PPT made by experts are in five aspects, as follows: 1. Logical ideas 2. Color matching and fonts 3. Graphical expression 4. Detail processing (icons, etc.) 5. Page In other words, as long as we find a way to solve these five problems, we can also make very beautiful PPT works. Below, we will explain these 5 points in detail one by one and give quick solutions. 1. The essence of logical thinking PPT is to express thoughts, opinions, and knowledge. So first of all, we must be very clear about what we want to express, and be able to organize it into a well-organized, concise and clear tree structure. If the meaning you want to express is vague, confusing, and unclear, then it will be meaningless no matter how beautifully designed the PPT is. It is like the soul of PPT, which essentially determines the height of a PPT. Sorting out the logical order of expression content is the core task in PPT production, but it is also the only task that is difficult to improve using the "integration" method. The solution to this aspect will be left to the end. 2. Color matching and fonts Many times, a PPT gives us a very low feeling, mainly because its color matching and fonts are not used well. The reason for this is that most people have a very unprofessional understanding of color. They basically stay at the "feeling" stage as to what is a good color combination and what is a bad color combination. Our country's school education, except for related majors, seems to basically not involve the education of color knowledge. So everyone stays at a very low level, and the difference is mainly in talent. What is "amateur" color matching? Let’s look at an example: We see this kind of PPT in many state-owned enterprises and public institutions. The bright and vulgar colors suddenly lowered the overall grade of the PPT. Of course, the reason why the above PPT is not good-looking is not limited to the color matching. The difference is all-round, which we will talk about later. Basically the same content, if we slightly adjust the color matching and structure, you will find that the effect is completely different: How can ordinary people improve their PPT color matching level? The fastest solution will be given below. Let’s talk about the taboos first: don’t use colors that are too pure, don’t use colors that are too contrasty and dazzling, and don’t use too many colors in one PPT! Now let’s talk about fonts. Many people like to use Song style, official script, regular script and other fonts in PPT. It is very difficult to use these fonts well, and the effects produced by most people are terrible, as shown below: This is also a ppt style that is often seen, and is common in works made by middle-aged and elderly people. There is also this: In fact, anyone with normal aesthetics will know that such a PPT is "unsightly", and it is very likely that the person who made it is also very ashamed. The problem is that I am powerless and want to do something beautiful, but I really don’t know how to use my strength. Suggestion to everyone: We need to be able to make professional PPT in a short time. If we start from scratch to learn color matching, font matching, or even font design, we may not be able to learn it well even if we take forever. What's more, color matching and fonts are only a small part of the ppt. We don’t need to be experts in color matching and font matching, through an integrated approach, just use the proven results that others have honed! Let’s talk about fonts first: the most conservative and safe choice is to use Microsoft Yahei for all. This is definitely not the best choice, but if you want to improve your ability to control fonts, half a year will pass again! Until then, please stick to fonts like Microsoft Yahei. Let’s talk about color matching. Let me teach you the two fastest methods: Method 1: Directly record the color matching combination tools: a Word document (or directly a PPT document) and a Photoshop software. Method: Find various classic PPTs and record their color combinations (use the color picking function of Photoshop to record the color code values). Let me give you a demonstration: As shown in the picture, we recorded the classic color matching of a page of PPT. For example, the title bar at the top, the bottom

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/PPT-zhi-sheng-mi-ji-zhu-li-ni-de-yan-shi-ji-neng-fei-yue-shi-ti-sheng.html

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