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PPT design improvement manual

OK, I’m happy to provide you with a PPT pretentious guide. What kind of help do you need? What about PPT design skills, content planning or presentation skills?

In the workplace, making PPT is a basic skill. Director Liu from a certain degree told us through examples that if the PPT is not done well, it may even affect the work. Although not everyone has the opportunity to give a large speech, in the workplace, everyone may encounter the opportunity to make a presentation.

Design Principles

No matter how innovative PPT design is, it should follow four basic design principles: repetition, alignment, contrast and intimacy. These principles come from American designer Robin Williams.

Repetition refers to maintaining the consistency of color, shape, font and other design elements throughout the PPT to enhance the overall sense of unity.

Alignment refers to ensuring that all elements on the page have a clear visual connection and avoid random placement to build a clear visual effect.

Contrast means that the elements on the page should not be too similar visually, so that the audience can quickly understand the logical relationship of the content and find the information that interests them.

Intimacy refers to grouping related elements together to form visual units, reducing visual clutter, providing viewers with a clear information structure, and helping them quickly filter information.

Color matching

When choosing the main color of the PPT, you should choose a soft and non-glaring color, and the color combination should have appropriate contrast for distinction and identification. The color should also match the content theme.

Color wheel theory is the basis for choosing color combinations. The three primary colors (yellow, red, and blue) cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. Tertiary colors (green, purple, orange) and tertiary colors are obtained by mixing primary and secondary colors. When using the color wheel, you can use complementary color accents, triad combinations, or split complementary triad combinations.

The choice of background color is also important. Light-colored backgrounds look clean and concise and can easily highlight key points; dark-colored backgrounds may perform better during projection. When making PPT, you also need to pay attention to the color difference problems that may be caused by the projector. When using an image as a background, it is recommended to adjust the brightness or blur it so as not to distract the viewer from the content.

Font Selection

Choosing the right font can enhance the professionalism of your PPT. Sans-serif fonts (such as Microsoft YaHei and Heiti) are light and lively, while serif fonts (such as fonts with pen strokes) are more conservative and elegant. If you use special fonts, you should embed the fonts when saving the PPT to avoid the fonts being replaced when opening it on other computers.

Content layout

PPT design should be boldly left blank, which not only makes the page look more comfortable, but also forces the designer to streamline the content. PPT is not a speech, you don’t need to put everything on the slides. When mixing images and text, you can try to use pictures as the background and place text on translucent color blocks to enhance the visual impact.

Alignment and spacing are the keys to improving the high-level feel of PPT. Using PowerPoint's arrangement features, such as center alignment and distributed arrangement, you can easily achieve alignment and even distribution of elements.

Image selection

When selecting pictures, ensure high-definition quality. Avoid using images with watermarks or logos. You can try to choose the background color based on the main color of the picture. This can be easily achieved using the color picker function of PowerPoint. For pictures of people or products, you can use the background delete function of PPT to keep only the subject part of the picture.

Detailed improvements

In chart design, you can improve the visual effect through innovative ways, such as changing histograms to irregular column shapes, or using personalized icons instead of traditional column shapes.

Finally, some common website resources are provided for reference and use.

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