Founder thick black Song simplified font download:Are you still using Microsoft Yahei and Songti for PPT design? Leaders will laugh at you! Share the font selection guide-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Are you still using Microsoft Yahei and Songti for PPT design? Leaders will laugh at you! Share the font selection guide

In the workplace, PPT has become a necessary skill for us. If you do PPT well, you will have more opportunities to perform in front of leaders, and it will be easier to get promoted and get a salary increase!

But many novices in the workplace will make a problem when they first make PPT: using Song or Kai style fonts, which will produce a very stingy effect, like this:

For the same page, if we just change the font, we will find a big difference. The high-end sense of the entire page is directly reflected!

The same page, the same elements, can be completely different because of the use of fonts! It can be seen how important fonts are for the production of a PPT!

So how do you choose the right font? We need to follow 3 factors:

01 Whether the temperament of the font matches the content theme

02 Is there any difficulty in reading the content?

03 Is the content layout beautiful?

For a detailed introduction to each aspect, you can read my article>>

PPT font selection guide

Based on the above font selection principles, I have selected several good fonts that are more suitable for workplace use and share them with you:

After forwarding + liking the article, send a private message [Advanced Font] to get the one-click font installation package!

1 Founder Song Simplified font

Founder Song Simplified font is a beautiful font that is most popular among users. The font effect is more lively and not boring, both horizontally and vertically. It is calm and is more suitable for mid-year summaries and work reports in some workplaces.

2 Founder Qing Dynasty Yue Song Simplified

This is a more textured text, generally used in Chinese style In a PPT like that. The design of the Founder Qing Dynasty Engraved Edition Yuesong is derived from the Qing Dynasty "Wuying Hall" copper movable type version of the "Four Books Chapters and Sentences", so it is very suitable for use in ancient style PPT!

Founder Lu Jiande font simplified

Founder Lu Jiande font is a simplified Chinese character used in design, with sharp strokes. It is passionate and unrestrained. It is suitable for advertising design, graphic design, title text, etc. It can be used when doing some artistic typesetting!

Founder Thick Black Song

Founder Thick Black Song Simplified Font is a product produced by Founder The Song font has clear edges and corners, and the font has a thick feel!

Of course there are some good fonts that I would also like to share with you!

Holly Black Simplified Chinese W3

Kangxi Dictionary

Han Yi Quan Tang Poetry Simplified Chinese

Founder handwriting-elegant regular script simplified

Founder Slim Black Simplified Chinese

Founder thin line simplified Chinese

Founder Super Bold Black Simplified Chinese

There are many good-looking fonts. I will briefly share some with you first. If you want to know more, you can also follow my Toutiao account and browse my homepage. There are also a lot of useful things!

Remember: In the design of PPT, fonts must be used well!

I have prepared all the fonts mentioned in the article for you! In addition to these fonts, I have also placed many advanced fonts. Using them, you can easily create a page like this:

Or this:

If you need it, share it with you directly!

How to receive:

1. Forward + like the article

2. Click on my avatar and send a private message with the keyword [Advanced Font] to obtain One-click font installation package!

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