How to set ppt switching effect:PPT skills: Create a smooth presentation, such a smooth content presentation-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

PPT skills: Create a smooth presentation, such a smooth content presentation

PPT Tips: Create a smooth presentation.

Do you know how to create such a smooth content presentation? It's very simple, follow me and learn together!

·First prepare a copy of the content slides to be displayed.

·Insert a rectangle to cover the page, set it to no outline and fill it with black.

·Format the shape and adjust the transparency to 35%.

·Send the text content to the top and change the text color.

·Select the first content module and place it at the bottom, enlarge the module to a suitable size and place it in the center of the page.

·Enlarge the text within the module and add a smooth switching method.

·Copy the first slide and adjust the order.

That's it, let's see the effect.

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