ppt material network:What material websites do PPT masters use? Pictures, fonts, templates, everything you want is available-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

What material websites do PPT masters use? Pictures, fonts, templates, everything you want is available

Pictures, icons and fonts form a PPT. Whether you are a master of design or a newbie in the workplace, when making PPT and posters, you must learn to quickly find some free, high-definition, and commercially available materials. This is definitely more important than imagination!

1. Picture materials

1. pixabay

This is a website that contains a large number of free and commercially available picture materials. You can quickly download high-quality picture materials of life, architecture, mountains, rivers, etc. without the need for scientific Internet access. It is absolutely necessary for you to make PPT. Material website!

2. Colorhub

This is also a high-definition and copyright-free picture material website, and it is free for personal and commercial use! Currently, it has collected more than 110,000 pictures, including high-rise buildings, snowflakes, fashion, parties, fresh food and other types of pictures. You can quickly search here!

3. Easyicon

Various icons are often used in PPT production, so you can use this website at this time. Whether it is mobile phone icons, icon icons and game icons, you can use them all here. Can be found!

2. Other materials

1. Office Resource Network

If work is sometimes urgent, you can also use the Office Resource Network website, where you can find PPT templates for work summary, education and training, thesis defense, holidays and holidays, etc. oh!

And there are tons of office and design tutorials, all of which are free, I couldn’t love them more!

And through the utility function, you can also realize convert PPT to video, convert PPT to long picture, and cut out portraits and objects, which is simply incredible!

2. Webmaster font

In the process of making PPT, some beautiful fonts are often used. Of course, these fonts must be free and commercially available! Avoid infringement issues! Webmaster Fonts provides a large number of Chinese and English fonts, and they can all be packaged and downloaded to the computer at once. The installation is also very convenient. I believe it can always help you!

OK, the above is an introduction to some material websites that are necessary in the PPT production process. In addition, do you know any other useful material websites? Tell us in the restore message area!

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/PPT-gao-shou-dou-zai-yong-nei-xie-su-cai-wang-zhan-tu-pian-zi-ti-mu-ban-ni-xiang-yao-de-dou-you.html

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