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PPT tutorial | Play with PPT fill effect

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Filling is a relatively common method in PPT operations. Anyone who often uses PPT knows "filling".

Because of its generality, and because filling can be used in many places, we can use filling to achieve many special effects.

Let's learn about the filling effect in PPT with everyone.

1. Text box picture filling

The combination of text boxes and pictures in PPT can easily set ordinary pictures to show unusual effects.

According to the usual practice, we put the renderings first.

Here's how to make it:

Step 1:Create a new PPT file, insert a [horizontal text box], and enter multiple dashes [-] in it.

Step 2:Click [Drawing Tools], then click [Text Effects], select [Transform], and select the shape you need in it.

Step 3:Click [Text Fill] in [Drawing Tools], then click [Picture], and select a suitable picture as the fill.

Step 4:Drag the small white dot in the picture to adjust the size of the text box, drag the yellow adjustment point in the picture to change the shape of the text box image.

Step 5:If you are not satisfied with the blank spacing, you can click [Start], click the small triangle of [Font], and then select [Character spacing] to set it.

Step 6:After adjusting the appropriate size, drag the picture to the appropriate position, and then modify it with appropriate text.

Second, background filling

Background fill means: Fill the slide background of the shape. It can be explained clearly in one sentence:Filling the shape in this way is like opening a skylight on the PPT page, no matter where you drag and drop the shape, It can always display the slide background of the current position.

Let’s take a look at some of the inserted shapes to fill in the background of the slideshow.

How does it work?

Step 1:Right-click on the blank space of the slide and select [Format Background].

The second step:Insert your favorite picture as the background of the PPT page. Select [Picture or texture fill], click [File], and then insert the picture.

Step 3:Select [Insert], click [Shape], insert [Rectangle] to cover the entire slide. The color and transparency of the color block can also be modified as needed, and it is recommended that the transparency should not be too high.

Step 4: Insert the shape, draw the shape as needed, it can be a polygon, or a combination of several shapes, remember to remove the shape border.
Step 5: Select the shape you inserted, click [Design Shape Format], select [Fill], and then click [ Slide Background Fill].
Step 6: You can adjust the size and position of the shape according to your preferences, because no matter where you drag and drop the shape on the page , which always shows the pattern the background is on.
3. Text filling
Text filling, as the name suggests, is to fill the text with pictures. Simply put, it is to put pictures on the text.
So how to do it?
Step 1: Enter text, it is best to choose a thicker font here, such as [Chinese Amber] .
Step 2:Right-click [Set Text Effect Format] in the text box area, and select [Text Options] in [Text Options] Fill and Outline].
Step 3: Click [Picture or Texture Fill], select [File], and insert a suitable picture.
Step 4:Change the appropriate position and add some modifications.
Okay, today’s study is over, what do you want to learn, tell me, let’s study together!

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